Dumb Political Correctness

This is why I can't get there. I still care about context, and I care about what people actually say and what they likely mean. If it was about race, he'd say it about others with the same race or ethnicity but different politics. He doesn't.

Context is that he assumed these Congresswoman weren't native born citizens. To you it's political to think someone who has a different political view is from a different ccountry. I often listen or read people's political speeches and assume they are from a different country. ;)

That's nonsensical and a rationalization. He's obviously seen video clips of these women speaking and made the leap. It was racist.

Each of the conservatives on West Mall will ultimately vote for Trump in 2020. You'll convince yourself that "liberals" are evil and pushed you into voting for him because they claim "everything is racist". Just know tat you are voting for an actual racist. No he's not David Duke but may be worse in that he's a racist with actual influence.
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I definitely treasure my Jewish friends and sympathize with Israel's plight if not 100 percent of its policies. But this board is no longer a place for information sharing and nuanced discussion.
I have limited time and energy and I find hostile exchanges put me in the wrong frame of mind. Curiousity, good humor, kindness and mutual respect chacterize places where I should spend time and energy.
That's nonsensical and a rationalization. He's obviously seen video clips of these women speaking and made the leap. It was racist.

I'll ask for the third time because neither of you have answered my questions. How are comments about nationality racist? Send her/them back is about where they are from not about the color of their skin. You jump to racism because you only see color.
I'll ask for the third time because neither of you have answered my questions. How are comments about nationality racist? Send her/them back is about where they are from not about the color of their skin. You jump to racism because you only see color.

So, you agree that the statement was xenophobic? Look at synonyms for xenophobia.

Again, I do not agree with her policy views, The "squad" is a small number (4) of the D caucus. The T caucus has its own, much larger radical faction led by Meadows, Jordan, Gatz and West Mississippi's own Louie, the Dunce, Gohmert.

I do think she is intelligent and is the youngest member of congress. That is quite an accomplishment. You do not agree. What were your accomplishments at age 26, or even currently middle aged, that provide you the insight to judge her intelligence? I saw her tear apart Wilbur Ross in a committee hearing. Are you saying Wilbur Ross is not exactly a mental giant also?
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Again, I do not agree with her policy views, The "squad" is a small number (4) of the D caucus. The T caucus has its own, much larger radical faction led by Meadows, Jordan, Gatz and West Mississippi's own Louie, the Dunce, Gohmert.

I do think she is intelligent and is the youngest member of congress. That is quite an accomplishment. You do not agree. What were your accomplishments at age 26 that provide you the insight to judge her intelligence? I saw her tear apart Wilbur Ross in a committee hearing. Are you saying Wilbur Ross is not exactly a mental giant also?
I saw her run off Amazon from locating in New York under the stupid assumption that tax credits were money in the bank ready to be spent on another socialist giveaway instead of on Amazon. Exactly how smart is she?
Again, I do not agree with her policy views, The "squad" is a small number (4) of the D caucus. The T caucus has its own, much larger radical faction led by Meadows, Jordan, Gatz and West Mississippi's own Louie, the Dunce, Gohmert.

I do think she is intelligent and is the youngest member of congress. That is quite an accomplishment. You do not agree. What were your accomplishments at age 26 that provide you the insight to judge her intelligence? I saw her tear apart Wilbur Ross in a committee hearing. Are you saying Wilbur Ross is not exactly a mental giant also?
You saw her "tear apart" Wilbur Ross. OK. I'm happy you have the time to watch your little heroine bartenderette sit in a committee meeting.

Yet I wonder, giving you the benefit of the doubt that she truly did "tear apart" some guy named Wilbur, to what end did she do this? Did any policies change because of her masterful questioning and cross examination? Did anything at all change? No? Hmmm. Forgive me for remaining unimpressed with a little millennial twit who I wouldn't trust to build a cocktail more complex than a rum and coke, let alone build anything having to do with national policy.
Again, I do not agree with her policy views, The "squad" is a small number (4) of the D caucus. The T caucus has its own, much larger radical faction led by Meadows, Jordan, Gatz and West Mississippi's own Louie, the Dunce, Gohmert.

I do think she is intelligent and is the youngest member of congress. That is quite an accomplishment. You do not agree. What were your accomplishments at age 26, or even currently middle aged, that provide you the insight to judge her intelligence? I saw her tear apart Wilbur Ross in a committee hearing. Are you saying Wilbur Ross is not exactly a mental giant also?

I think to say she tore him apart is to believe either in her arrogance or her preparation and agenda.

1) She opened with a political speech intended to make some stipulations about race and intent.
2) You have to believe she was not extensively prepped about the 1950 and 1974 laws she cited in the process of adding the proposed census language.
3) You have to believe the Democrats are NOT fighting this language because they know they can't repeal the electoral college so the game has now become one of gaining MORE electoral college votes. The way to do this is wave the illegal aliens over from south of the border by virtue of offering benefits and local voting rights along with sanctuary cities. By attracting them, the census count for California would increase so as to gain more electoral college votes. As I said, you have to believe that none of this is behind the fight but instead it's only because they are big hearted people caring only about race issues.

I believe the Trump Administration is fighting the flood of illegal immigrants and the clear abuse of our asylum laws. He also knows the ruthlessness of the Left in terms of regaining power. That is the context of all of this.
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Is Trump racist? Ask a black man who knows him better than some online lib. Ben Carson defends Trump amid feud with House Dems: 'He's not a racist'

Great. I appreciate Ben Carson's perspective but also recognize he is not in a position to say anything alternative. He's one of the only (may be only one) African Americans political appointees in the Trump Admin. If he came out and said, I agree that what Trump said was racist how long would he continue to be Sec. of HUD? We've typically found out the real opinions only after these individuals leave the administration (see: Paul Ryan, Rex Tillerson, etc.)

What does Omarosa think? Afterall, we are getting the viewpoints of the few African Americans who have had close contact with Trump. I'm sure she may have some interesting things to say. ;)
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I think to say she tore him apart is to believe either in her arrogance or her preparation and agenda.

1) She opened with a political speech intended to make some stipulations about race and intent.
2) You have to believe she was not extensively prepped about the 1950 and 1974 laws she cited in the process of adding the proposed census language.
3) You have to believe the Democrats are NOT fighting this language because they know they can't repeal the electoral college so the game has now become one of gaining MORE electoral college votes. The way to do this is wave the illegal aliens over from south of the border by virtue of offering benefits and local voting rights along with sanctuary cities. By attracting them, the census count for California would increase so as to gain more electoral college votes. As I said, you have to believe that none of this is behind the fight but instead it's only because they are big hearted people caring only about race issues.

You just said you "have to believe" assumptions then countered them with your own assumptions, pretty large ones. This "Democrats want illegals for votes" assumes MASSIVE voter fraud which in every case study, including the collapsed Presidential commission, uncovered ZERO evidence of widescale fraud. Those who keep pushing that narrative are either ignorant are blatantly partisan, of which I've never thought you were either.
Great. I appreciate Ben Carson's perspective but also recognize he is not in a position to say anything alternative. He's one of the only (may be only one) African Americans political appointees in the Trump Admin. If he came out and said, I agree that what Trump said was racist how long would he continue to be Sec. of HUD? We've typically found out the real opinions only after these individuals leave the administration (see: Paul Ryan, Rex Tillerson, etc.)

What does Omarosa think? Afterall, we are getting the viewpoints of the few African Americans who have had close contact with Trump. I'm sure she may have some interesting things to say. ;)

Omarosa? Really? Did your read what Carson said? Why would a racist put an end to long non-violent prison sentences and help with affordable housing? both of which heavily affect minorities. Sorry, but the racist label doesn't hold up well.
Omarosa? Really? Did your read what Carson said? Why would a racist put an end to long non-violent prison sentences and help with affordable housing? both of which heavily affect minorities. Sorry, but the racist label doesn't hold up well.

Please tell me you're educated enough to understand the criminal justice reform has been a bi-partisan effort that started in 2014. Would Trump need to veto it to convince you he's racist?

He established a "council" via executive order?

If you really want to know where Trump stands here an article detailing the White House budget submission for HUD. The White house has asked for an $8.8B budget cut to HUD. Tell me how much he cares about affordable housing again? The propaganda is undercut for their actions.

I'll tell you what. Put up or shut up. Educate me on the specifics on how Trump has improved affordable housing since you are msking the claim.
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So, you agree that the statement was xenophobic? Look at synonyms for xenophobia.


"According to UNESCO, the terms xenophobia and racismoften overlap, but differ in how the latter encompasses prejudice based on physical characteristics while the former is generally centered on behavior based on the notion of a specified people being adverse to the culture or nation.[5]"

Just because racism is referred to as a synonym of xenophobia, this clearly demonstrates there is a difference and that they aren't the same. Why did you leave that out? Try again.
Please tell me you're educated enough to understand the criminal justice reform has been a bi-partisan effort that started in 2014. Would Trump need to veto it to convince you he's racist?

He established a "council" via executive order?

If you really want to know where Trump stands here an article detailing the White House budget submission for HUD. The White house has asked for an $8.8B budget cut to HUD. Tell me how much he cares about affordable housing again? The propaganda is undercut for their actions.

I'll tell you what. Put up or shut up. Educate me on the specifics on how Trump has improved affordable housing since you are msking the claim.

Yes, it was bipartisan effort but who signed it? Trump did. Trump and his team did put a hell of a lot of work on it (especially Kushner) so this is a big win for Trump. Do the right thing and thank Trump for it.

Housing? Trump will cut the red tape involved. Yes, it is a council but it's getting bipartsian support. I know you think throwing money at a problem is a solution but there are other ways to fix a problem.

Trump signs executive order to tackle lack of affordable housing | 2019-06-25 | HousingWire
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We are all smart enough. Do we deeper understanding or do we seek validation?
I agree to some extent. Pretty much everyone who frequents the West Mall already has strong political views. Trying to change anyone's world view on here is a complete waste of time. I much prefer the discussions of political strategy and which side is being more effective (or what they should be doing). Politics is the art of influence, no one on here is going to be influenced to any significant degree.

So arguing whether Trump is a racist is a complete waste of time. Would be a more useful discussion to focus on whether his strategy will get him re-elected or not. I do not think his tweets were useful to that end, but I am positive that he has been blessed with the best political enemies that he could have ever hoped for.
You just said you "have to believe" assumptions then countered them with your own assumptions, pretty large ones. This "Democrats want illegals for votes" assumes MASSIVE voter fraud which in every case study, including the collapsed Presidential commission, uncovered ZERO evidence of widescale fraud. Those who keep pushing that narrative are either ignorant are blatantly partisan, of which I've never thought you were either.

I'm not implying voter fraud. I'm talking about the census count. If illegals are counted then the higher the population the more electoral college votes. I have ZERO belief in California Liberal politicians. I think they are corrupt to the core. I believe all their actions concerning immigration (de facto open borders, sanctuary cities, benefits, voting rights, abolish ICE etc) are ALL intended to gain political power.

Immigrants from south of the border (for the most part) are not progressives (feminist, atheist/secular, educated, green, etc.). NOT. EVEN. CLOSE. So what's with the love affair?

I believe it's the exploitation of racial/cultural ties for gain.
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I agree to some extent. Pretty much everyone who frequents the West Mall already has strong political views. Trying to change anyone's world view on here is a complete waste of time. I much prefer the discussions of political strategy and which side is being more effective (or what they should be doing). Politics is the art of influence, no one on here is going to be influenced to any significant degree.

So arguing whether Trump is a racist is a complete waste of time. Would be a more useful discussion to focus on whether his strategy will get him re-elected or not. I do not think his tweets were useful to that end, but I am positive that he has been blessed with the best political enemies that he could have ever hoped for.
Offering historical perspectives regarding the origin of policies helps a great deal in all discussions. Empirical evidence is crucial to exposing false assumptions and exposing pure B. S. solely employed to grab power.
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Trump is a "winner". And I use that term in the most pejorative sense possible. He has, throughout his life, gone to any measure and any extreme to win for Donald J Trump. He thinks this wins for him. I think it can win for him, but it is a very explosive tool. He was winning the battle before the "go back" tweet. He (along with a fair amount of aid from Fox) had successfully elevated the "squad" to the most visible part of the democratic party and made them the face of the next election. That was a tactic that would win, but when it is capable of being spun as racism, then its a loser. If he's going to use the "squad" he has to be much more clever about it.

My biggest fear is that DJT's effort to win for DJT is going to lose for the rest of the party for many years to come. He is placing huge bets for the GOP and if he loses, he will have made us short-stack at the table and we will have a very hard time recovering....for a long time.

I want illegal immigration stopped, but he has made it too easy for the dems to claim "racism". If he is not successful at stopping illegal immigration, then he will have put the stench of "losing" on the issue and given substantial ammo for the dems to paint the GOP (as an extension of DJT) as racists.

While the democratic party has coalesced to the left to be more "anti-Trump", that tends to have a lasting effect on the platform of the party as well. There is 35% of this country that identify as Democrat and will adopt any platform policy that the democratic party puts out, so he is not only getting the current crop of politicians to coalesce around the squad, he's getting more citizen-dem's to coalesce around their ideas. While that may win politically in the next election, it may be a very bad thing for our country in the long run.

I do worry that we are trading one win in 2020 for a number of losses after that.

What we need is a Haley-Gowdy ticket. Unfortunately, we're stuck with this guy.
I'm not implying voter fraud. I'm talking about the census count. If illegals are counted then the higher the population the more electoral college votes. I have ZERO belief in California Liberal politicians. I think they are corrupt to the core. I believe all their actions concerning immigration (de facto open borders, sanctuary cities, benefits, voting rights, abolish ICE etc) are ALL intended to gain political power.

Immigrants from south of the border (for the most part) are not progressives (feminist, atheist/secular, educated, green, etc.). NOT. EVEN. CLOSE. So what's with the love affair?

I believe it's the exploitation of racial/cultural ties for gain.

On top of that those illegals will have children and they will be legal to vote once they reach 18.

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