Dumb Political Correctness

As was stated earlier, liberals just throw the race card when out of arguments. Please show me where I said anything like that is acceptable?

I’m sure you will wake up to CNN feeding you race bait. Every once in a while, change your news source.

I didn't say you stated anything racist. Im going off those items being left out of your celebration. If you can't hold one of your own accountable than at least admit racism doesn't bother you. We all have our value systems, mine involve my fellow man, yours apparently focus on yourself.

Take JoeFan for example..."public inappropriateness is fun". (That's a description of racist chants at Trump rallies.)
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Meanwhile, Omar won't condemn Al-Qaeda, a racist and terrorist organization, which is way worse than those chants. It's like libs have blinds on or something.

It is always interesting to see what they get excited about and what they dont.
The same people outraged by conservatives taunting a liberal with a chant had nothing to say about liberals physically assaulting a conservative journalist.



I even made a recording of all their collective concern about this actual assault. This is all of it
It is always interesting to see what they get excited about and what they dont.
The same people outraged by conservatives taunting a liberal with a chant had nothing to say about liberals physically assaulting a conservative journalist.



I even made a recording of all their collective concern about this actual assault. This is all of it

It's as if they respond to things according to what the media tells them to think instead of using their own brains.
It's as if they respond to things according to what the media tells them to think instead of using their own brains.

It's like the guy here now. Obviously a highly emotional person, not given much to logic, reason or rational thought. This is the perfect person to be exploited. Just wind them up emotionally, and let them do your work for you. It's an old trick. But it still works, apparently.
It's like the guy here now. Obviously a highly emotional person, not given much to logic, reason or rational thought. This is the perfect person to be exploited. Just wind them up emotionally, and let them do your work for you. It's an old trick. But it still works, apparently.

Irony...projection...all of the above.
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While the 'send her back' chant might be somewhat inappropriate, it is also amusing and liberating. It is fun for regular folk to be able to be publicly inappropriate again. The American people are sick and tired of emotional overreactions by pompous windbags (like you, or the tweeter below) to every little daily fart. The left's tearful reaction to this chant is what makes it so great. This is always the one sure way to tell when something hit its intended target.

Somewhat inappropriate racism by racists is funny to racists. I totally get that. And yeah, it does trigger many things, like being called what it is. It’s not ok. You, Joe, carry water for guys like Alex Jones. No one is shocked by what you’re doing here today. Carry on.
If all the reports turn out to be true, that she is not of the Omar family , that she married her brother to defraud our country not to mention all the years of tax fraud
Illhan might decide that:" send her back" is better than "send her to prison".
This is how racism becomes acceptable.
When I was growing up, if someone said something racist, people would say, “that’s racist”. They wouldn’t start a virtue signaling parade or attempt to squash people’s first amendment rights. They would protest for sure. I really don’t understand why the left has gone ultra sensitive over this issue which requires thought control. In fact, they require racist hoaxes to keep up their virtue signaling.
It is always interesting to see what they get excited about and what they dont.
The same people outraged by conservatives taunting a liberal with a chant had nothing to say about liberals physically assaulting a conservative journalist.

We need to pay attention to the attack on Andy Ngo (Opinion) - CNN

Conservative journalist alleges assault at Antifa protests - CNN

CNN's Brian Stelter Condemns Antifa Assault of Andy Ngo

Not sure why I can't get this video to imbed, but I added a space between www. and cnn so that you can delete the space then use the link:
https://www. cnn.com/videos/us/2019/07/02/antifa-conservative-journalist-andy-ngo-bts-newday-vpx.cnn
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When I was growing up, if someone said something racist, people would say, “that’s racist”. They wouldn’t start a virtue signaling parade or attempt to squash people’s first amendment rights. They would protest for sure. I really don’t understand why the left has gone ultra sensitive over this issue which requires thought control. In fact, they require racist hoaxes to keep up their virtue signaling.
Well, well, just as I predicted:

Trump disavows 'send her back' chant from his rally
Somewhat inappropriate racism by racists is funny to racists. I totally get that. And yeah, it does trigger many things, like being called what it is. It’s not ok. You, Joe, carry water for guys like Alex Jones. No one is shocked by what you’re doing here today. Carry on.

You guys think everything is racist. White people having babies is racist.
The left's tearful reaction to this chant is what makes it so great.

It's only great if you think of things as being a My Side vs Their Side where My Side is always right and Their Side is always wrong and you relish rejoicing in "liberal tears".

Meanwhile, Omar won't condemn Al-Qaeda, a racist and terrorist organization, which is way worse than those chants.

Yes, I agree, she's wrong about many things. So why not just say that, rather than chant (or defend the chanting) for her to be summarily thrown out of the country? If she's so bad (which I think she is), then why would you choose to put people in a position of defending her?

The same people outraged by conservatives taunting a liberal with a chant had nothing to say about liberals physically assaulting a conservative journalist

Yes, I agree, they are largely hypocrites. That shouldn't affect one's judgement of a pathetic chant that reveals a pathetic attitude.

You guys think everything is racist. White people having babies is racist.

Yes, I agree, the left claims as "racist" a lot of stuff that isn't. That by itself isn't grounds for arguing that this specific stuff isn't.
People who peddle in identity politics are surprised when white folk push back. Spare me a dime, bra!
You're still missing the point. He doesn't say the same about Waters or Carson because he knows them, where there from and likely met with them prior to his POTUS run. The racist element here again is assuming they were not native born because he wasn't familiar with them.

Did he assume Waters and Carson were foreign born before he met them? Does he look at black folks on the street and assume they're from Nigeria? I'll bet he doesn't.

I'll issue the same challenge to you as I did to Garmel, when has he ever inferred, intimated or stated a caucasian person was from a different country? Show me that and I'll offer a mea culpa.

I haven't seen him presented with such an opportunity, so all we can look at is hypotheticals. Would he assume a white guy on the street was foreign born? Probably not. Would he assume a white guy on the street whose name had an umlaut in it and spoke with a thick accent was foreign born, or do you think he'd assume he was from Wyoming because he was white?

Yes, benefit of the doubt because being stupid is a far more forgivable offense than racist in today's culture.

True, but it's still not much of a benefit.

That's the fear I relayed earlier. You wouldn't have given him a pass previously but have developed a blind spot that Trump is exploiting because of this...

Just an observation that you're developing a blind spot.

You've become numb to Donald Trump's dog whistles.

You think I've changed my standards. I haven't. Whether you see it or not, there's a difference between the Curiel comment (which I condemned as racist) and this one (which I've condemned as stupid). The Curiel comment actually invoked judge's ethnicity as a reason to attack him. He didn't do anything like that with the rip on AOC and her clan. All the racial animus that's being brought up is politically convenient inferences drawn from Trump's political enemies.

Is agree that Farrakahn is racist but I'm strggling with referencing fringe players to compare them to mainstream actors. Shouldn't Farrakhan be compared to David Duke? Is Omar equivalent to Steve King? I don't know enough about her to make that judgement. Still, none of those actors are Donald J Trump, the POTUS and unchallenged leader of the Republican Party and current conservative movement thought leader.

You mostly dodged the point. It doesn't matter if you think Omar is as bad as Steve King or how prominent Trump is. The point is that you shouldn't expect a bunch of conservatives to rally around people who have been trashing them and calling them racists falsely for 50 years. It's a ridiculous expectation. That kind of crap has its consequences.

And to aggravate the matter further, we're not talking about rallying around Chuck Schumer. He's a political opponent, but he's generally an honorable guy with whom we have disagreements. We're talking about some of the most toxic and shrill figures in politics. They don't deserve the backing or sympathy of anyone remotely associated with the Right or even Center.

How hard is this to understand? These women want to change the US to socialism, which is not a protected right under the constitution (unlike equal protection under the law). The lie here is to conflate the two. If you don’t like capitalism, yes leave if you don’t like it.
Somewhat inappropriate racism by racists is funny to racists.

I'll ask you again because you dodged my last question like this. What does race or racism have to do with send her back?

Immigrants and illegal immigrants come here from all races. If we are talking because someone is Muslim, last time I checked that is religion not race. There are muslims from lots of different races. If YOU single out the race associated with that particular persons nationality and religion then that's on you and your racist beliefs. Anyone who only thinks of things in the form of race and judges other on race is racist and that's exactly what you do.
I am shocked Mr. Deez is less of a profile in courage than Richard Spencer, but ok.

Yeah, I disagreed with you. I feel like a real puss. Dude, you haven't been here long enough. I opposed Trump in 2016 (not always for the goofy reasons Democrats hate him but for other more policy-oriented reasons) and got smeared to no end for it. I've got balls of steel. Lol.
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Of course Farrakhan is a racist.

Congrats. You're ahead of your party. Of course that's like admitting that Joseph Goebbels was an antisemite, but I will commend progress.

Why do you suppose Richard Spencer called Trump a racist in that video? Is he a librul?

I don't give two squirts of piss what Richard Spencer says or thinks. Again, his politics are closer to yours than to mine.
A few factoids the NYT neglected to mention, probably because they were all verklempt in their xenophobia

It is true that the Soviets + post-Soviet Russia combined, since 1963, have had 4 females astronauts
OK, NYT, so far so good
But have you ever noticed how the Times loves to lie through omission?
What did they omit here?

Over that same period, the US has had almost 50 female astronauts
Including but not limited to --
-- the first mother
-- the first Chinese-born woman
-- the first female payload specialist
-- the first married couple
-- the first black woman
-- the first hispanic woman
-- the first female shuttle pilot and commander
-- the first female ISS commander
-- the first female teacher
and the oldest female

This whole argument hinges on one thing: Good faith.

THERE IS NONE. The entire situation is built upon exploiting anything and everything to regain or maintain power. I am constantly shocked by how people take these politicians seriously.

As Mr Deez said: Trump is a jack-***. But if you think that Omar is not here to make radical changes in the vision of her past and religious/cultural upbringing then I think you're incredibly naive. She deserves to be called out; not asked to leave but instead challenged in front of everyone as to her vision, her hatred of Jews and her attacks on America in general.
Richard Spencer probably has ulterior motives for calling Trump a racist.

This has to be true because, Richard Spencer is an avowed racist and white supremacist. He has also been displeased in the way Trump has governed. He by and large hasn't governed as a racist but as a moderate Democrat from the 1990s.

I think what Spencer is doing is trying to encourage Trump to be more racist. It is like saying, "hey Trump you know you are a racist so just give up start acting like it" i.e. do the things Spencer wants.

Spencer is definitely not criticizing him.
now, after filing the BDS resolution Omar ( or whatever her name might be) announced she want to go to Israel to " educate" herself.
MAYBE she should have gone to Israel first?

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