Dumb Political Correctness

I have thought a bit about how I would characterize Trump's statement telling the Squad to go back to where they came from.

I will say that it was racially insensitive. Each of the 4 politicians are obviously POC (people of color), so that alone injects race into the public conversation, at least in today's political climate. Then he talks about them "going back", callously ignoring the fact that 3/4 were born here and the other has been a US citizen for some time. That is racially tinged.

However, I have trouble calling Trump's statement racist. I'm almost there but not quite. He wasn't criticizing these women for their race or color. He was criticizing their politics. He wasn't saying they should be forced out of the country. The mob at his rally was calling him to do that though and Trump took a while to disavow the chant. But again the mob wasn't calling for that because of race but because of politics. Still saying things like "send her back", "let them leave" does have elements of race. Remember even Lincoln thought the best thing for freed slaves was to send them back to Africa since he didn't see how white and black could live in harmony. These statements harken back to that attitude which was racist.

Now don't get me wrong. Trump's words could be motivated by racism. If you already believe him to be the biggest racist in history then this is just one more bit of proof of that. But the statement itself can be interpreted differently if you don't assume to know what was going on in his mind.

It is hard for me to call Trump a racist, though definitely racially insensitive and offensive, because he has done things like signing prison reform law and seems lax on the d
now, after filing the BDS resolution Omar ( or whatever her name might be) announced she want to go to Israel to " educate" herself.
MAYBE she should have gone to Israel first?

I would tell her this: To expect the Jews to live life without considering their past history would be like telling black Americans to live life without considering theirs. It's the same thing. That is who they are. If you don't like how the Jews protect themselves then maybe you're acting towards them the same way a white person acts who is tired of blacks referring back to another time. Which one is valid? Only the black experience?
I didn't say you stated anything racist. Im going off those items being left out of your celebration. If you can't hold one of your own accountable than at least admit racism doesn't bother you. We all have our value systems, mine involve my fellow man, yours apparently focus on yourself.

Take JoeFan for example..."public inappropriateness is fun". (That's a description of racist chants at Trump rallies.)
What specifically in his tweet was racist?
There was absolutely nothing tweeted regarding race. It is manufactured by CNN and democrats. Again, racism is simply thrown at every turn by liberals. Feel free to point it out below. This is the actual tweet copied for you..

So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly...and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how....
There was absolutely nothing tweeted regarding race. It is manufactured by CNN and democrats. Again, racism is simply thrown at every turn by liberals. Feel free to point it out below. This is the actual tweet copied for you..

So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly...and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how....

If that's what he tweeted then the Democrats should be embarrassed about bringing race into it. But those who play this game are shameless. They know their constituents are incapable of overcoming their emotions.
If that's what he tweeted then the Democrats should be embarrassed about bringing race into it. But those who play this game are shameless. They know their constituents are incapable of overcoming their emotions.
Pelosi says the MAGA hat is racist, so I see no reason for them to be embarrassed to ever falsely bring racism into anything.
No decent human being is in favor of racism. I fear the Democrats incorrect and overuse of the word will cause real incidents of racism to go unnoticed. Its the boy who cried wolf.

And even worse, their belief that racism against white men is okay, only causes further division. Note my previous post where nobody disputed that saying Joe Biden cannot be president because he is an old white man.
And even worse, their belief that racism against white men is okay, only causes further division. Note my previous post where nobody disputed that saying Joe Biden cannot be president because he is an old white man.

People who say this and generally appeal to ethnic and or religious identity politics misunderstand (or do understand any have bad intentions) why most white people dropped identity politics and racial unity, which made the elimination of slavery and segregation and the passage of civil rights legislation possible in the first place. They dropped it because they chose to pursue a higher ethic of race-neutrality - that race shouldn't matter. However, that can't be done selectively. You can't argue that race discrimination against one group is bad but that discrimination against another group is ok. You can't tell white people that they are wrong to believe in racial unity while telling other groups that it is to be celebrated. That game won't work long term. White people will eventually see the double standard and become receptive to identity politics again. It is starting to happen, and it's a bad thing.
It is interesting how so many Republicans who did not care for or vote for Trump are now rallying around him.

I would guess that this has much to do with people who identify as Republican being able to respect the office even if they didn't vote for the office-holder AND they view the efforts to bring down the office-holder as an attempt to bring down the Country (which, at its most basic level, IS what the AOC's of the world are attempting to do).
hey view the efforts to bring down the office-holder as an attempt to bring down the Country(which, at its most basic level, IS what the AOC's of the world are attempting to do).

Do you have any source for such an outrageous statement? I am not an AOC supporter and do not share many of her policies. I do know that she is very intelligent as she has exhibited in committee hearings. However, That is a bridge to far. For transparency, and please do not take this in the wrong way, I think that Don Trump is a disgusting piece of crap and I have zero respect for the man. Does that, in your mind, make me a hater of my country?
Trump supporters are real winners. While y'all debate the definition of "country" the new chant of "send her back" erupted in relation to Ilhan Omar.

The more some spotlight left-wing craziness the more you give cover to actual racism, xenophobia, and misogyny. Go team!
Considering that Omar IS, demonstrably, from another country AND has failed to refute the allegations of immigration fraud (and constantly refused opportunities from a LIBERAL media outlet IN Minneapolis to do so), and in light of the fact that she hates America, she can go.
The reports that outline her seeming deceits are very detailed and researched and documented.
What is necessary for an official investigation? Who would initiate it?

The fraud of coming here under another name happened when she was 9 so she is not responsible but her father is. Why has this not been investigated?

Some things, like filing joint tax returns with one man while legally married to another seem obvious for an investigation.
That she married her brother in a Christian ceremony here in USA is amazingly brazen.

If she had never been elected to Congress none of this would have come to light. But it does expose the complete crap vetting on these people.

Of course any investigation now will be Trump's fault.
I hope the Minn Star Tribune does not let this die out.
That David Steinberg report contains tons of information linking Ilhan to the 3 family members who got into the UK including several pics of her with them.

The "brother" she married here in a Christian ceremony has the same name and birthday of the brother who went to the UK. She is pictured with the other sister who she never mentions and the sister ( also in the UK} has the same name as the brother and father. Many of the pics and posts have disappeared but Steinberg archived them.
The fact that her father frauded us to get here is not her fault. But Her marrying her brother to fraudulently get him here is her fault as is her filling fraudulent tax returns.

BTW I think Israel is smart to allow the 2 Harpies to visit.
The fact that the four in the squad are getting so much publicity and that President Bonespur is jumping at the bait is symptomatic of the degenerate nature of our politics and the horrendous effect of the 24/7 cable news cycle. It has reached the point that it is impossible to ignore any more.

I would like to tell him to just stfu and for the four to go to Somalia even if three were born here. They are socialists so maybe they should consider the workers' paradises of China or Venezuela or Cuba. Maybe one for each of those four hellholes.

For you Trumpistas, please consider that if you had elected a sane Republican we would still have the two supreme court additions and the tax cut. His flame throwing is fun to watch and the fact that he is driving the left nuts is rewarding to watch but this fevered pitch is not healthy in the long run and may result in a disaster next November. Our only hope is that he gets bored and somebody sane steps up because none of the democrats seems to have any idea about constitutional government any more.
There was absolutely nothing tweeted regarding race. It is manufactured by CNN and democrats. Again, racism is simply thrown at every turn by liberals. Feel free to point it out below. This is the actual tweet copied for you..

Tweets aren't posted but I posted them a few pages back. Nothing posted here disputes my responses to Mr. Deez thus don't warrant any additional response.

The rest of your post is just a political soapbox, a blatant attempt to change the topic of conversation.
Considering that Omar IS, demonstrably, from another country AND has failed to refute the allegations of immigration fraud (and constantly refused opportunities from a LIBERAL media outlet IN Minneapolis to do so), and in light of the fact that she hates America, she can go.

Please send me your birth certificate and all other documentation that proves you are not here illegally. If you refuse to do so then I think you should go because you clearly committed fraud. /s

Seriously? Wow...can you please PM me your law firm so I can ensure to avoid it in the event I need legal guidance?
Let's talk about "decent human being"...

If you continually defend...even support naked racism please understand that the clarity of your stance on racism is more cloudy. For Trump that cloudiness is unambiguous.
Once again, point to any fact, post or anything that says I support racism of any kind. You are so full of s, I bet your burps smell like farts.

I’ll be waiting on evidence or you will just have proved my point above. And absolutely nothing in his tweet qualified as racism. Of course except for liberals like you who think all white people are racist.
Once again, point to any fact, post or anything that says I support racism of any kind. You are so full of s, I bet your burps smell like farts.

I’ll be waiting on evidence or you will just have proved my point above. And absolutely nothing in his tweet qualified as racism. Of course except for liberals like you who think all white people are racist.

I'm sure there are quality online reading comprehension classes you might find valuable.

First, I've never once said you were racist but merely support one, enable if you will. So, when you stand NEXT to a racist it becomes harder to tell the difference between you and the racist.

Second, my argument was captured in a discussion 2 days ago with Mr. Deez. I've no interest in regurgitating it here again.

Both of these items I've written previously.
Plenty of white conservative Republicans, including white nationalists, and Neo-Nazis, have called his remarks racist.

But you just keep choking that chicken.
By your analogies, you guys are all misogynistic since I’m sure you all supported Bill Clinton. Oh, and you are racist if you don’t denounce Creepy Joe. And anti semetic since you have not denounced Omar. You guys are terrible people!

See how that works? How about treating everyone based on their individual merits, rather than their gender, race or political affiliation?

Actually keep it up. You leftists are guaranteeing Trump wins.
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I'm sure there are quality online reading comprehension classes you might find valuable.

First, I've never once said you were racist but merely support one, enable if you will. So, when you stand NEXT to a racist it becomes harder to tell the difference between you and the racist.

Second, my argument was captured in a discussion 2 days ago with Mr. Deez. I've no interest in regurgitating it here again.

Both of these items I've written previously.
Oh, I get it now. So if Hillary stood next to Bill, enabled him and supported him as a sexual predator/molester, it would be hard to differentiate the two. And if you supported Hillary using the excuse “political expediency” you’re in the same boat. Is that about right because that’s not what you stated recently.
By your analogies, you guys are all misogynistic since I’m sure you all supported Bill Clinton. Oh, and you are racist if you don’t denounce Creepy Joe. And anti semetic since you have not denounced Omar. You guys are terrible people!

See how that works? How about treating everyone based on their individual merits, rather their gender, race or political affiliation?

Actually keep it up. You leftists are guaranteeing Trump wins.

So simple but libs can't seem to figure this out.
He wasn't criticizing these women for their race or color. He was criticizing their politics.

This is why I can't get there. I still care about context, and I care about what people actually say and what they likely mean. If it was about race, he'd say it about others with the same race or ethnicity but different politics. He doesn't.

Each of the 4 politicians are obviously POC (people of color), so that alone injects race into the public conversation, at least in today's political climate.

And I reject this entire framework. It's illogical, anti-intellectual, and it's horse ****. Criticizing a "POC" is not racist at all. It doesn't inject race. The injection of race is almost always by the target of the criticism and the allies of that target as a diversion from the underlying point. Well, that isn't the fault of the critic. It is the fault of the target who doesn't want to address the underlying point on the merits.

Does that make the Tweets good? No. They were stupid, and they were politically foolish. However, I'm not going to diminish my own intelligence, logic, and rhetoric by calling them racist just to rally around some terrible people.
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By your analogies, you guys are all misogynistic since I’m sure you all supported Bill Clinton. Oh, and you are racist if you don’t denounce Creepy Joe. And anti semetic since you have not denounced Omar. You guys are terrible people!
Game set match.

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