Dumb Political Correctness

Self described proud bigot makes morality judgement. God, I love the West Mall in 2019.

Did you miss that Trump assumed they weren't native born? That's not born of carelessness but is actually racist.

Would he assume the same about Ben Carson or Maxine Waters? He wouldn't. You know why? Because race isn't why he made that assumption. Something else drove that assumption. It is a stupid assumption, but it isn't racist.

You're giving him a benefit of the doubt that is undeserved at this point.

A benefit of the doubt? I'm presuming that he was stupid and careless because he almost always is. That isn't very much benefit.

So Trump has a free pass from conservatives because of personal stories? That would explain conservatives becoming apologists for blatant racism.

What scares me most is that Trump has been granted teflon by even rational conservatives like yourself.

A free pass? As you know I voted against Trump. That is the opposite of a free pass. Let me explain this to you from the conservative's standpoint and their rationale.

For starters, personal stories and observations matter here as they do in everything. For fifty years, the political Left has screamed "racism" at every turn. It didn't start with Trump. If you oppose affirmative action, you're a racist. If you don't like welfare, you're a racist. If you oppose illegal immigration, you're a racist. If you don't like crime or drugs on the streets of your community, you're a racist. If you don't want your kid in a crappy school or bused 45 minutes away from your house when there's a neighborhood school 5 minutes away, it's because you're a racist. If you support the death penalty, you're a racist. If you don't like raising the minimum wage, you're a racist. If you are skeptical of fundamentalist Islam, you're a racist. If you are proud of your heritage and history instead of self-flagellating over it (and you happen to be white), you're a racist. If you don't hate cops, you're a racist.

Furthermore, every politician you might support is a racist. Donald Trump is a racist. Paul Ryan was a racist. Mitt Romney was a racist. George W. Bush was a racist. His dad was a racist. Newt Gingrich was a racist. Ronald Reagan was a racist. Richard Nixon was a racist. Barry Goldwater was a racist.

Finally, the people self-righteously screaming "racism" routinely tolerate racism and antisemitism in their own ranks. Trump is a racist, but Ilhan Omar is not? Shall we discuss her comments about Jews? Steve King is a racist (and he is), but Louis Farrakahn is not? Their credibility and moral authority to raise the issue just isn't very strong.

It has been going on for decades, and 98 percent of the time, it was a ******** contention made in bad faith. It is the boy who cried wolf on steroids. Whether you see it or not, that is the lens through which a conservative looks at this sort of thing. In light of that, it shouldn't shock you that they aren't particularly interested in rallying around the same people who have been demonizing them falsely for 50 years even if they arguably have a point on an isolated incident.

You overlook actual racism brushing it off as "careless".

Not so. When I see actual racism (for example, the Curiel comment), I condemn it in pretty clear terms.

ure, there is always the proverbial "I wouldn't choose those words" but it's grievously downplaying the gravity of Trump's statements.

I wouldn't choose the words he did because they were stupid, but you're right. I don't see much gravity in it. He attacked 4 of the people in politics who are most deserving of being attacked. In the grand scheme of things, it's not that consequential.
Keep in mind, even before some of the caziness you mentioned you voted for a guy that boasted "grab 'em by the *****",
But that's my point. I did not vote for that guy in 2016. I thought he was an embarrassment and not a real conservative. I still think he's an ******* but thanks to the lunacy of the Democratic party, I do plan on voting for him in 2020.
Would he assume the same about Ben Carson or Maxine Waters? He wouldn't. You know why? Because race isn't why he made that assumption. Something else drove that assumption. It is a stupid assumption, but it isn't racist.

You're still missing the point. He doesn't say the same about Waters or Carson because he knows them, where there from and likely met with them prior to his POTUS run. The racist element here again is assuming they were not native born because he wasn't familiar with them. I'm always pointing at the gray in situations but this is as black and white as it comes. I'll issue the same challenge to you as I did to Garmel, when has he ever inferred, intimated or stated a caucasian person was from a different country? Show me that and I'll offer a mea culpa.

A benefit of the doubt? I'm presuming that he was stupid and careless because he almost always is. That isn't very much benefit.

Yes, benefit of the doubt because being stupid is a far more forgivable offense than racist in today's culture. In fact, "stupid" is the new teflon.

A free pass? As you know I voted against Trump. That is the opposite of a free pass. Let me explain this to you from the conservative's standpoint and their rationale

That's the fear I relayed earlier. You wouldn't have given him a pass previously but have developed a blind spot that Trump is exploiting because of this...

For starters, personal stories and observations matter here as they do in everything. For fifty years, the political Left has screamed "racism" at every turn. It didn't start with Trump. If you oppose affirmative action, you're a racist. If you don't like welfare, you're a racist. If you oppose illegal immigration, you're a racist. If you don't like crime or drugs on the streets of your community, you're a racist. If you don't want your kid in a crappy school or bused 45 minutes away from your house when there's a neighborhood school 5 minutes away, it's because you're a racist. If you support the death penalty, you're a racist. If you don't like raising the minimum wage, you're a racist. If you are skeptical of fundamentalist Islam, you're a racist. If you are proud of your heritage and history instead of self-flagellating over it (and you happen to be white), you're a racist. If you don't hate cops, you're a racist.

Furthermore, every politician you might support is a racist. Donald Trump is a racist. Paul Ryan was a racist. Mitt Romney was a racist. George W. Bush was a racist. His dad was a racist. Newt Gingrich was a racist. Ronald Reagan was a racist. Richard Nixon was a racist. Barry Goldwater was a racist.

Finally, the people self-righteously screaming "racism" routinely tolerate racism and antisemitism in their own ranks. Trump is a racist, but Ilhan Omar is not? Shall we discuss her comments about Jews? Steve King is a racist (and he is), but Louis Farrakahn is not? Their credibility and moral authority to raise the issue just isn't very strong.

Is agree that Farrakahn is racist but I'm strggling with referencing fringe players to compare them to mainstream actors. Shouldn't Farrakhan be compared to David Duke? Is Omar equivalent to Steve King? I don't know enough about her to make that judgement. Still, none of those actors are Donald J Trump, the POTUS and unchallenged leader of the Republican Party and current conservative movement thought leader.

Not so. When I see actual racism (for example, the Curiel comment), I condemn it in pretty clear terms.

Just an observation that you're developing a blind spot.

I wouldn't choose the words he did because they were stupid, but you're right. I don't see much gravity in it. He attacked 4 of the people in politics who are most deserving of being attacked. In the grand scheme of things, it's not that consequential.

You've become numb to Donald Trump's dog whistles.
:facepalm: Fringe media? The StarTribune is Minnesota's largest newspaper. It's MSM.

Just to be clear the Minnesota Stsr Tribune is NOT making the accusation she married her brother. They reported that it was a topic on "Somalian forums" and "conservative bloggers" since 2016. Their investigation was fact-based and inconclusive as Omar's 2nd husband has not been located by any media.

So yes...FRINGE MEDIA is pushing the "Omar married her brother" angle.

As an aside, see the link above? You could have tried to use it as evidence of your premise. Of course, it's actually evidence against your claim which is why your claims are are so easily refuted. That's twice now you've attempted to get specific and had the claim you cited blow up in your face.
Trump supporters are real winners. While y'all debate the definition of "country" the new chant of "send her back" erupted in relation to Ilhan Omar.

The more some spotlight left-wing craziness the more you give cover to actual racism, xenophobia, and misogyny. Go team!
Just to be clear the Minnesota Stsr Tribune is NOT making the accusation she married her brother. They reported that it was a topic on "Somalian forums" and "conservative bloggers" since 2016. Their investigation was fact-based and inconclusive as Omar's 2nd husband has not been located by any media.

So yes...FRINGE MEDIA is pushing the "Omar married her brother" angle.

As an aside, see the link above? You could have tried to use it as evidence of your premise. Of course, it's actually evidence against your claim which is why your claims are are so easily refuted. That's twice now you've attempted to get specific and had the claim you cited blow up in your face.

You need to reread the story. Why do you think Joe used it? No, they didn't say definitely she married her brother but they said there are unanswered questions. It does not vindicate her side of the story. However(and this big) the cusp of our argument was not the validity of the story but on whether the StarTribune is a fringe source for news! Once again, your reading comprehension is faulty, just like how you tried to link racism to Trump's tweets. Deez, who is an anti-Trumper himself, doesn't buy your nonsense either.
You need to reread the story. Why do you think Joe used it? No, they didn't say definitely she married her brother but they said there are unanswered questions. It does not vindicate her side of the story. However(and this big) the cusp of our argument was not the validity of the story but on whether the StarTribune is a fringe source for news! Once again, your reading comprehension is faulty, just like how you tried to link racism to Trump's tweets. Deez, who is an anti-Trumper himself, doesn't buy your nonsense either.

Wait....JoeFan is merely saying the Star Tribune acknowledged a conspiracy theory and attempted to investigate it and the results were inconclusive? That's all?

(Pssstt...Mr. Garmel....I have a bridge to sell you at a screaming good price.)

Btw- JoeFan first posted on this topic on Feb 19, 2019 before the Star-Tribune wrote their article stating the theory was being pushed by "conservative blogs since 2016".

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