Dumb Political Correctness

No. To me, "countries" means countries. Did he tell Americans to "go back," because he wanted to engage in some deep, white nationalist signaling, or did he tell them that because he's too stupid and careless to actually look and see where they were born? If we were talking about any other President, I'd assume the former. Because it's Trump and he doesn't think before he speaks or Tweets, I assume the latter.

Again, I wouldn't have said what he said. I subscribe to the idea that if your opposition is being stupid and self-defeating (as AOC and her clan has been), you close your mouth and let them do it. And if I was going to make a remark, it would have been centered on their beliefs, not on where they're from (or where their parents were from).

I think you understand the point. One of the reasons why the cries of racism and freakouts about Trump don't stick very well is is that pretty much every conservative has been called a racist at one time or another whether it was true or not. It has become so predictable and so shallow that it has lost almost all of its meaning.

Does that mean Trump has never said anything racist? If you ask mchammer and Garmel, they'd pretty much say he hasn't. I think he has (Judge Curiel comment), but that doesn't mean this particular comment was. And when every time the guy farts people are calling him a racist, it undermines those people's claims of racism when it might actually have some merit.
Regarding Curial, Mexico isn’t a race. Second, even judges have bias. The jury certainly does. Why else do attorneys select juries?
It's like you're addicted to the word. You just cannot not say it. It's ingrained in your brain so much that you have no other answer or argument to offer.
Which word has you triggered?

Racism is bad, mkay. Proud bigots may disagree. It’s very simple. Where’s the disconnect?
Check out the latest t-shirt that triggers lefties


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No. To me, "countries" means countries. Did he tell Americans to "go back," because he wanted to engage in some deep, white nationalist signaling, or did he tell them that because he's too stupid and careless to actually look and see where they were born? If we were talking about any other President, I'd assume the former. Because it's Trump and he doesn't think before he speaks or Tweets, I assume the latter.

Did you miss that Trump assumed they weren't native born? That's not born of carelessness but is actually racist. You're giving him a benefit of the doubt that is undeserved at this point.

I think you understand the point. One of the reasons why the cries of racism and freakouts about Trump don't stick very well is is that pretty much every conservative has been called a racist at one time or another whether it was true or not. It has become so predictable and so shallow that it has lost almost all of its meaning.

So Trump has a free pass from conservatives because of personal stories? That would explain conservatives becoming apologists for blatant racism.

What scares me most is that Trump has been granted teflon by even rational conservatives like yourself. You overlook actual racism brushing it off as "careless". Sure, there is always the proverbial "I wouldn't choose those words" but it's grievously downplaying the gravity of Trump's statements. The reason nobody would use those words is because they are racist, no matter if they are said by a conservative or liberal, you or me. For some unknown reason conservatives hold Trump to a LOWER standard than they hold themselves.
Regarding Curial, Mexico isn’t a race.

I know that, but we don't have a common term for bigotry and contempt for an ethnic group, so it often becomes synonymous with race. It is sloppy language. You are correct.

Second, even judges have bias.

They do have biases (though Curiel has actually been remarkably fair to Trump). Where Trump stepped over the line was suggesting that Curiel was biased because, "he's a Mexican."

The jury certainly does. Why else do attorneys select juries?

Yes, jurors have biases. However, attorneys don't select juries. The term "jury selection" is a misnomer. They strike jurors they believe to be biased against their case. Who gets on the jury is based on who's left over after people are stricken.
Racism, racism, racism. Let's assume everyone the SJW thinks is a racist actually IS a racist.

All these hateful people see an error in their ways, thanks to the genius of the SJWs, and decide that they no longer feel superior because of their physical characteristics.

Ta Da! Racism is gone!! The snowflakes have won the day. Everyone has a big, monochromatic party to celebrate their new wokeness and it is wonderful and sweet, and just, ooooooh, so exhilarating we can't hardly contain ourselves. LH actually pees himself with excitement he's so tingly.

The next day, we awake with our wokeness and have to go to work. Then what happens?

That's right. Competition happens and people get separated based on their abilities and initiative and talents and the cultural norms that affect their personal behavior.

How long do you think it will be before the first slovenly as-shole calls someone a racist again and attempts to have a third party (i.e. politician) tilt the scales toward them with a biased regulation or law? I'd give it about six-weeks.
Not sure why conservatives are so eager to adopt all the warts of Trump as their own.
It is interesting how so many Republicans who did not care for or vote for Trump are now rallying around him. I think the Dems have really failed to capitalize on an opportunity when Trump was elected. Had they moderated and acted like adults then I think the totality of Trumps "assholeness" would have really hurt him. But instead the Dems have doubled down on stupidity, identity politics, demonizing their political opponents, fake scandals, open borders, and lunacy.

I believe the inflection point for many anti-Trump conservatives was the Kavanaugh confirmation. I have never witnessed such despicable behavior from a political party. It was just reprehensible. And the lack of push-back from any Democrats was deafening. The Democratic party is simply a party that lacks any and all integrity. They will do anything, say anything to gain power. And that has led to the rally around Trump which perplexes Dems but ironically they have caused.
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How long before they move to ban the US flag altogether?

Kneeling, squatting, burning, rear-wiping, back-turning, destroying, urinating on will only satisfy them for so long. Eventually they will want it just gone completely, as they are currently doing with statues that trigger them. But there are only so many statues. They are going to run out. What do they go after then? it is not like they will just stop there. They cant. They are incapable of stopping. These people live in a constant state of triggerism. They are probably already planning what to destroy next.

I say it Old Glory. After that, it will be all the history books that mention the flag (or Betsy Ross or Thomas Jefferson and so on). It's pretty easy envisioning these people burning books in the near future.

How long before they move to ban the US flag altogether?
Kneeling, squatting, burning, rear-wiping, back-turning, destroying, urinating on will only satisfy them for so long. Eventually they will want it just gone completely, as they are currently doing with statues that trigger them. But there are only so many statues. They are going to run out. What do they go after then? it is not like they will just stop there. They cant. They are incapable of stopping. These people live in a constant state of triggerism. They are probably already planning what to destroy next.
I say it Old Glory. After that, it will be all the history books that mention the flag (or Betsy Ross or Thomas Jefferson and so on). It's pretty easy envisioning these people burning books in the near future.

Silly, spiteful feminist sets out to show the world she is complete narcissist, and succeeds. Her "women’s chair" literally makes women spread their legs just like what she’s complaining that men do.

Put her in the catapult and fire her across the pond. Let her make Europe a worse place instead of this one


I guess it^ might be seen as a good chair for liberal men?
I think they sit to pee now anyway (in Germany, they even have a name for them - "Sitzpinklers")
Silly, spiteful feminist sets out to show the world she is complete narcissist, and succeeds. Her "women’s chair" literally makes women spread their legs just like what she’s complaining that men do.

Put her in the catapult and fire her across the pond. Let her make Europe a worse place instead of this one


The dude(?) in the picture looks like he'd sit that way anyhow. Put her in a miniskirt and I'd sit across from her while she's in that chair.
The latest YouGov poll shows a majority of Hispanics approve of the Trump's tweet about the progressive squad
Go figure

And nearly 9-of-10 Republican voters (~88%) say they support President Trump’s comments regarding those Democrats who could “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”

In addition, another poll shows this matter has caused Trump's support to rise overall

“The national survey, conducted on Monday and Tuesday after Trump told the lawmakers they should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” showed his net approval among members of his Republican Party rose by 5 percentage points to 72%, compared with a similar poll that ran last week,”
* * *
This time, while Democrats and some independents may see clear signs of racial intolerance woven throughout Trump’s tweets, Republicans are hearing a different message, said Vincent Hutchings, a political science and African-American studies professor at the University of Michigan.

“To Republicans, Trump is simply saying: ‘Hey, if you don’t like America, you can leave,” Hutchings said. “That is not at all controversial. If you already support Trump, then it’s very easy to interpret his comments that way.”

By criticizing liberal members of the House, Trump is “doing exactly what Republicans want him to do,” Hutchings said. “He’s taking on groups that they oppose.”
Republican support for Trump rises after racially charged tweets: Reuters/Ipsos poll - Reuters
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Charlie Sykes --

"[The president] is “framing the election as a clash of civilizations.”

Of the four lawmakers who are now calling themselves “The Squad,” Trump is saying, “They’re coming for you. They hate you. They despise America. They are not you.”

“And if you look at the Electoral College map, the places that will play are the places Donald Trump will need to win the election.”

Trump Sets the 2020 Tone: Like 2016, Only This Time ‘the Squad’ Is Here
It is interesting how so many Republicans who did not care for or vote for Trump are now rallying around him. I think the Dems have really failed to capitalize on an opportunity when Trump was elected. Had they moderated and acted like adults then I think the totality of Trumps "assholeness" would have really hurt him. But instead the Dems have doubled down on stupidity, identity politics, demonizing their political opponents, fake scandals, open borders, and lunacy.

I believe the inflection point for many anti-Trump conservatives was the Kavanaugh confirmation. I have never witness such despicable behavior from a political party. It was just reprehensible. And the lack of push-back from any Democrats was deafening. The Democratic party is simply a party that lacks any and all integrity. They will do anything, say anything to gain power. And that has led to the rally around Trump which perplexes Dems but ironically they have caused.

I'd urge you to reread this post to examine areas where you may be projecting. In any case, I appreciate the response.

Keep in mind, even before some of the caziness you mentioned you voted for a guy that boasted "grab 'em by the *****", walking backstage at Miss America pageants to see the girls naked and denigrated Carly Fiorina and Meghan Kelly...all on tape. Clearly treatment of women is not high on your value list. These items put into context the Kavanaugh hearings. Progressives went and continue to go over-the-top with #MeToo. Conservatives see this as a partisan problem that only afflicts liberals. I can only imagine their daughter's traumas.
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Clearly treatment of women is not high on your value list.

Hillary helped her husband destroy his mistresses. Clearly treatment of women is not high on your value list. See how stupid that sounds? After the last couple of days I have to say you're venturing into areas that you don't need to be going.
Hillary helped her husband destroy his mistresses. Clearly treatment of women is not high on your value list. See how stupid that sounds? After the last couple of days I have to say you're venturing into areas that you don't need to be going.

Hillary defending her husband for political expediency is the moral equivalent of sexual assault? Is that really the hill you want to die on?
Agreed. Supporting those that commit sexual assault is slightly different than committing sexual assault, but the difference in morality is negligible.

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