Dumb Political Correctness

Trump had no interest in preserving the freedoms of the Central Park 5, still doesn't despite DNA evidence and a confession from the person who matched the DNA. So, "preserving the freedoms of the constitution" needs to be removed from the Trump party platform, just as accountability was removed.
I didn’t vote for Trump in the primary when it counted.
Let’s not forget this was triggered by AOC making an inference that Pelosi was racist. Pelosi also called Trump a straight up racist as well. Should Trump responded better? Won’t dispute it.

Trump is always a victim, never responsible for his own actions. He was "triggered" like a "snowflake".

Trump is POTUS and you're comparing him to a FR US Congresswoman. See how far he's pulled down the office?

AOC was being reprimanded by left leadership then Trump felt he needed to show them his hand size.
But you're NOT from this country per your transformation of Trump's tweet
I enjoy the privilege of living in a country that affords me rights, the same rights afforded to these 4 morons. People who talk identity groups, racial grievances, and propose radical changes to the constitution doesn’t sound very American to me. J Edgar Hoover got his start deporting anarchists about 100 years ago. Look it up.
Trump is always a victim, never responsible for his own actions. He was "triggered" like a "snowflake".

Trump is POTUS and you're comparing him to a FR US Congresswoman. See how far he's pulled down the office?

AOC was being reprimanded by left leadership then Trump felt he needed to show them his hand size.
I think you take his tweets too seriously.
Let’s not forget this was triggered by AOC making an inference that Pelosi was racist. Pelosi also called Trump a straight up racist as well. Should Trump responded better? Won’t dispute it.

They got Steny Hoyer to preside and announce that Pelosi was out of order.
I would have bet against it.
Were the tweets xenophobic?

Not objectively. That's something people are reading into his comment. I think his point is that if you don't bad mouth the United States, you should leave. It's not inherently xenophobic to say that. It definitely isn't courteous and probably isn't how I'd put it, but it's not objectively xenophobic or racist.
From the Hornfans Posting Guidelines:
Please be respectful of your fellow members, as well as the coaches and players. Personal attacks, name-calling and aggressive messages are not acceptable.

Not objectively. That's something people are reading into his comment. I think his point is that if you don't bad mouth the United States, you should leave. It's not inherently xenophobic to say that. It definitely isn't courteous and probably isn't how I'd put it, but it's not objectively xenophobic or racist.

So you subscribe to mchammer's theory that "countries" can mean virtually anything you want it to, a wild card if you will. Telling an American to "go back" to said awful country is a metaphor...for what? Why say "countries" and describe them as "corrupt"?
So you subscribe to mchammer's theory that "countries" can mean virtually anything you want it to, a wild card if you will. Telling an American to "go back" to said awful country is a metaphor...for what? Why say "countries" and describe them as "corrupt"?

No. To me, "countries" means countries. Did he tell Americans to "go back," because he wanted to engage in some deep, white nationalist signaling, or did he tell them that because he's too stupid and careless to actually look and see where they were born? If we were talking about any other President, I'd assume the former. Because it's Trump and he doesn't think before he speaks or Tweets, I assume the latter.

Again, I wouldn't have said what he said. I subscribe to the idea that if your opposition is being stupid and self-defeating (as AOC and her clan has been), you close your mouth and let them do it. And if I was going to make a remark, it would have been centered on their beliefs, not on where they're from (or where their parents were from).

Not sure why conservatives are so eager to adopt all the warts of Trump as their own.

I think you understand the point. One of the reasons why the cries of racism and freakouts about Trump don't stick very well is is that pretty much every conservative has been called a racist at one time or another whether it was true or not. It has become so predictable and so shallow that it has lost almost all of its meaning.

Does that mean Trump has never said anything racist? If you ask mchammer and Garmel, they'd pretty much say he hasn't. I think he has (Judge Curiel comment), but that doesn't mean this particular comment was. And when every time the guy farts people are calling him a racist, it undermines those people's claims of racism when it might actually have some merit.
You said you were a bigot. I wholeheartedly agree. What’s your problem? Feeling ashamed? Why?
Quite the opposite. I am proud to be bigoted toward you because you are the epitome of what is wrong with our politics, and the cause of the failure of a huge portion of a certain minority in the U.S.

Libs like you cry racism at every statistical disparity, anytime someone disagrees with your failed logic, or points out your lack of historical knowledge and inability to observe and respect empirical evidence contrary to your belief.

I am disgusted that Libs continue to slow the advancement of the black population by allowing University admittance to blacks by using reduced academic standards, and seeing the negative effects on blacks and others of Liberals reducing disciplinary measures in public schools. It is a sad sight to see Lib politicians offering $100billion to help black people obtain housing. There are many examples of liberal policies that have the exact opposite of the effect intended. I'm also bigoted toward those with really stupid ideas such as socialism and communism because those systems have repeatedly failed and killed millions.

I'm sure many people are intolerant (bigoted) toward the Liberal policies and ideas because those policies cause suffering.

Are you ashamed? If not, you certainly should be because crying racism, racism, racism is just a crutch for your failures.
It's like you're addicted to the word. You just cannot not say it. It's ingrained in your brain so much that you have no other answer or argument to offer.
It's like you're addicted to the word. You just cannot not say it. It's ingrained in your brain so much that you have no other answer or argument to offer.

Remember how neither LH or Husker condemned Omar's real racism? If my memory serves me correctly Husker even defended her and LH snarked at me for mentioning it at the time. That alone makes it hard for me to take either one of them seriously.
So you subscribe to mchammer's theory that "countries" can mean virtually anything you want it to, a wild card if you will. Telling an American to "go back" to said awful country is a metaphor...for what? Why say "countries" and describe them as "corrupt"?
Hey, I never said it made total sense. I understood what it meant. I’m not saying that it made sense to everyone. You are trying to claim it made no sense at all, which I disputed. I also said it wasn’t racist.
Amusing headline - but was it intentional?

Anyway, it looks like they forced her out, in part, over proposed language she came up with that did not include all 79 different pronouns they want everyone to use (or else!)


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