Dumb Political Correctness

The thing about this one is that an Admiral gave a speech to codets after this purported hate incident
He was all over TV -- lecturing everyone from his high horse
It was a hoax!
One of the issues for our country now is that there are no repercussions for these hypocrites and moralizing blowhards. Zero. Zip. Nada. He will not suffer whatsoever for his false accusations

Not hard to believe that one. Sheen was dating Mia Isabella for a while. The most famous pre-op Transexual in the porn world.

So apparently he likes the 'd' but the little boy angle is a whole other level.
The thing about this one is that an Admiral gave a speech to codets after this purported hate incident
He was all over TV -- lecturing everyone from his high horse
It was a hoax!
One of the issues for our country now is that there are no repercussions for these hypocrites and moralizing blowhards. Zero. Zip. Nada. He will not suffer whatsoever for his false accusations

The cadet did suffer. He/she was expelled from what I've seen. The General in the picture (AF has Generals, Navy has Admirals) did the right thing IMO, although I'm not sure it took a 5PM press conference type of event to do it. However, in his defense, had it been a real incident, not coming out with both barrels blasting would have been all over the news anyway. I think he had to have a decisive speech. I don't know that he had to have it with pre-planned press coverage, but he's trying to protect the reputation of one of our premier institutions. I think the staging can be forgiven.
I'm a little concerned that you know this.

I knew that was coming. :facepalm: It was mentioned in an article when news broke about him having Aids. His ex, actress Denise Richards, was talking smack about him having unprotected sex with the TS porn star he dated.

Sure I looked up the name and pics to see what he was banging. Being comfortable with sexual preference allows it.

She doesn't look anymore masculine in the face than some fitness chics I know. Of course there's the fact she was born a guy and has a hog down low. :lmao:
...The General in the picture (AF has Generals, Navy has Admirals) did the right thing IMO, although I'm not sure it took a 5PM press conference type of event to do it. However, in his defense, had it been a real incident, not coming out with both barrels blasting would have been all over the news anyway.....

There is a better way to handle that than kneejerk assumptions with no facts to go on. His behavior was irresponsible.
His ex, actress Denise Richards, was talking smack about him having unprotected sex with the TS porn star he dated.

It won't be long before comments like that will be taboo and someone like her would be expected to apologize for them. Honestly, I still don't understand how that works. Of course the crazies say this isn't gay sex. If it's not, then what exactly was Sheen doing?

Of course there's the fact she was born a guy and has a hog down low. :lmao:

Oh yeah, she's hot if you're willing to overlook one little thing . . .
The thing about this one is that an Admiral gave a speech to codets after this purported hate incident
He was all over TV -- lecturing everyone from his high horse
It was a hoax!

This race situation has America so hyper right now that any suggestion that a racist incident has happened sends the higher ups into full Zombie Apocalypse mode.

A fake racial incident at Mich. State U. drew a similar reaction from the College Pres.; letter/lecture to the student body, etc. etc. etc. Once cooler heads prevail, the offending official never seems to apologize. I guess they assume their people are all racists and needed the lectures anyway.
...A fake racial incident at Mich. State U. drew a similar reaction from the College Pres.; letter/lecture to the student body, etc. etc. etc. Once cooler heads prevail, the offending official never seems to apologize. I guess they assume their people are all racists and needed the lectures anyway.

The Tulane President freaked out in the same fashion last weekend when someone left a sticker out that said "It's OK to be white." The Pres quickly jumped to condemn that, saying that view is not acceptable on the Tulane Campus. So, I guess it's not OK to be white?
The Tulane President freaked out in the same fashion last weekend when someone left a sticker out that said "It's OK to be white." The Pres quickly jumped to condemn that, saying that view is not acceptable on the Tulane Campus. So, I guess it's not OK to be white?
No, it isn't. It also would not be okay to start a NAAWP because we white people all have every benefit handed to us with our white privilege.
It's OK to BE white, just not OK to be HAPPY about being white. But it's also not OK to appropriate other cultures to acknowledge your own inferior culture, so you must wallow in your whiteness, and only participate in things that are from Western European culture, which has all been appropriated from somewhere else anyway, so really there's just not a lot that you're adding to this whole situation so it's best to just keep a low profile.
you must wallow in your whiteness,

But if you do this, then you're not being sensitive to other cultures and not broadening your own mind to appreciate other cultures.

Or in other words, it's not really OK to be white. You can self-flagellate like some white liberals do, but that only mitigates the evil of your whiteness and makes you look good when compared with other whites who don't self-flagellate. It's still not OK.

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