Dumb Political Correctness

This one is a professor


"New allegations have emerged from a number of men accusing Kevin Spacey of sexual misconduct.

US filmmaker Tony Montana claims he was groped by the actor in a Los Angeles bar in 2003.

Montana says he was left with PTSD for six months after he claims Spacey "forcefully" grabbed his crotch....."

I don't doubt that Spacey grabbed Montana's dick, but if that really gave him 6 months of PTSD, then the dude is the snowflakiest of all snowflakes.
JF are you posting in here to take your mind off the game?

I did. Was nervous/anxious through all of those games
Sometimes, I just couldnt watch is at all. Sometimes I would cover one eye, with my hands in the pray position. I would also start flipping around to calm the nerves. I am very glad its over.
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Can you imagine the uproar if instead of Snoop this were someone like Toby Keith and the toe-tag read "Obama?"

If this country is ever going to get fully going in a fully inclusive positive direction then double standards, like this one, have to be rejected.

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Someone is about to get fired (the manager that sent the email). That's the only recourse the DNC has and they'll have to do this to stem any potential lawsuit.

It'll help or perhaps mitigate the damage, but it won't defeat a discrimination claim. If it did, then every company that gets sued for discrimination would just fire the hiring manager.
It'll help or perhaps mitigate the damage, but it won't defeat a discrimination claim. If it did, then every company that gets sued for discrimination would just fire the hiring manager.

I know. Companies have deep pockets and somehow need to be liable for the "idiots". This is why I have to sit through 2 hours of sexual harassment training each year (10+hrs total for compliance training) so the company can demonstrate they are trying to teach me so if I do commit an act they can tell the court "we tried, here is Seattle Husker's assessment that demonstrated he knew the rules" then inevitably they'll settle out of court.
here is Seattle Husker's assessment that demonstrated he knew the rules"

And ideally those rules are vague enough to allow room for interpretation. That way, even if we WANT to not hire a specific group, we don't have to SAY it - which this person was dumb enough to do in an email. So the company can then say "look, we want a diverse workforce, this person just took it in a bad direction." Which is why every corporate diversity statement I read feels like the literary equivalent of a pile of cotton candy.
And ideally those rules are vague enough to allow room for interpretation. That way, even if we WANT to not hire a specific group, we don't have to SAY it - which this person was dumb enough to do in an email. So the company can then say "look, we want a diverse workforce, this person just took it in a bad direction." Which is why every corporate diversity statement I read feels like the literary equivalent of a pile of cotton candy.

I work in a tech company. We have a 26% female hire rate despite $$ (millions) spent on increasing that number. To be sure, gender diversity in technology roles is lacking. Of course, when I ask the question "what is good" there is no answer. Until we get to a higher percentage we'll continue spending lots of money to recruit women to a consulting company, I guess.
work in a tech company. We have a 26% female hire rate despite $$ (millions) spent on increasing that number.

I'll go better - I was in Journalism, the most lilly-white profession outside of folk-singing (at least it was at the time and still is to some degree.) Routinely people would write about why newsrooms weren't more diverse, and the stock answer was "because there are an incredibly small number of black journalists coming out of school, and not a one of them is interested in starting their career in a mid-market when metro papers are starving for minority hires."

Now I'm in marketing, which tends to be mostly millennial white women.
I work in a tech company. We have a 26% female hire rate despite $$ (millions) spent on increasing that number. To be sure, gender diversity in technology roles is lacking. Of course, when I ask the question "what is good" there is no answer. Until we get to a higher percentage we'll continue spending lots of money to recruit women to a consulting company, I guess.
And sadly, a chunk of that 26% is very likely white males who have now donned a dress and claimed laydee-feelz. All too often, the male-to-trans claim some manner of tech field as their career field. That and/or the military...
I know. Companies have deep pockets and somehow need to be liable for the "idiots". This is why I have to sit through 2 hours of sexual harassment training each year (10+hrs total for compliance training) so the company can demonstrate they are trying to teach me so if I do commit an act they can tell the court "we tried, here is Seattle Husker's assessment that demonstrated he knew the rules" then inevitably they'll settle out of court.

The flip side of this is that the company also makes money off of you. They reap the rewards when you do things correctly, so they bear the burden when you do something wrong. It's the same reason why if a Walmart trucker crashes into on the highway and paralyzes your family, you aren't restricted to going after the assets and insurance of the actual driver.
It'll help or perhaps mitigate the damage, but it won't defeat a discrimination claim. If it did, then every company that gets sued for discrimination would just fire the hiring manager.

That would be true if the email had come to light after the positions were filled. Lucky for them, though, the email became public the day after it was sent, long before the positions are filled. Assuming the DNC fires the manager BEFORE the positions are filled, there will be little if any basis for a lawsuit. You can fully expect at least one of the positions to go to a straight white cis guy, btw, so that they can say "see, we fixed the problem".

If they don't fire the hiring manager, they will deserve to get pummeled in a lawsuit.
And sadly, a chunk of that 26% is very likely white males who have now donned a dress and claimed laydee-feelz. All too often, the male-to-trans claim some manner of tech field as their career field. That and/or the military...

We are a global consulting company so we don't have many of those for whatever reason.
I have to say that it is somewhat satisfying to see all the double standard stuff coming to light these days. For about two decades it has been Old White Republican Guys with a target on our back. Now, what we know has always been true....That all groups have some members that do bad things...is finally getting some air time.
It'll help or perhaps mitigate the damage, but it won't defeat a discrimination claim. If it did, then every company that gets sued for discrimination would just fire the hiring manager.
DNC is in debt. Suing is a waste of time.
DNC is in debt. Suing is a waste of time.

Yep, per Brazile's book, the DNC entered into an agreement with the HRC campaign in 2015 to be funded by the campaign. That was the smoking gun that Donna B mentioned that proved to her that the DNC was simply a puppet of the campaign. Not sure where they stand now but during the campaign they were broke thanks to Wasserman-Schultz.
DNC is in debt. Suing is a waste of time.

They likely have employment practices liability insurance. And even if they don't, a lawsuit could force them into bankruptcy court. Would that be such a bad thing? As a Republican, I wouldn't mind seeing that.
I worry about this generation of white people. They've been so brain washed by popular culture and their educations that they hate their own skin.

It would not be as bad if these were lonely voices crying alone in the wilderness, but this sort of rhetoric seems to be the norm on campuses now

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