Dumb Political Correctness

No, it isn't. It also would not be okay to start a NAAWP ....

Side story. I once had a trial in Sacramento. I had a younger attorney with me. We walked into our hotel to check in and there was a large sign in the lobby that read "Welcome NAACP members!" We both looked at each other and I said, "Hey, how about that?" My younger side kick (who was from Brooklyn) was excited. She leaned in and asked, "Wow, all those really tall guys?" She thought the hotel was going to be full of NCAA basketball players (and liked the idea of that). I laughed for about an hour about that.
Or in other words, it's not really OK to be white. You can self-flagellate like some white liberals do, but that only mitigates the evil of your whiteness and makes you look good when compared with other whites who don't self-flagellate. It's still not OK.

The key is to seek your own destruction. Post something about not breeding, or how all white people should be rounded up and destroyed or something. At that point, the progressive is able to "forgive" or "tolerate" you, because you see how awful you are, and your opinion (in that is their opinion) is now worthwhile. So as long as you don't think you deserve to live, you can continue living and being part of civilization. It's like a very warped version of Christian grace, with the progressive ideal of multiculturalism set up as deity.
The key is to seek your own destruction. Post something about not breeding, or how all white people should be rounded up and destroyed or something. At that point, the progressive is able to "forgive" or "tolerate" you, because you see how awful you are, and your opinion (in that is their opinion) is now worthwhile. So as long as you don't think you deserve to live, you can continue living and being part of civilization. It's like a very warped version of Christian grace, with the progressive ideal of multiculturalism set up as deity.

Ugh. However it's sliced the self-flagellating and self-loathing white person might be the most self-absorbed and sanctimoniously obnoxious figure in our political culture. If I could get rid of one political identity, that would be it.
The news cycle is now 3 hours


I almost feel sorry for how big of emasculated vags white liberals have become. It's like living a perpetual life on eggshells in fear of setting off a psychotic wife.

Before every comment leaves their mouth it's vetted vigorously as not to trigger anyone but Reps or white males. Pathetic.

Be good, be proud, and be a man. People of all colors and gender will respect it. At least that's my lifelong experience. Those few who can't hack it, f 'em.

I recall a funny interaction along these lines at my doc's office a few years ago. Was a very casual setting (rarely more than one or two patients in waiting area).

The receptionist was a feminist in look and behavior. White, short hair, tats, and a masculine "it's my world" attitude.

She always put off attitude and looked down at me as a macho male type. So one day when it was just us two I had to show her that wasn't gonna fly and dropped the "sweet cheeks" line with a daring smile.

Have to say the initial response was dicey as she looked furious and possibly near taking some sort of action. As I walked out I said "cheer up, life is fun".

Next time I came in she was over the top nice to me. To the point it was a little uncomfortable cuz she was clearly flirting. Each visit after we laughed and joked like two old friends.

Sometimes people don't get due respect until they demand it. Which is why white Libs have become the useful idiots of their side...no self-respect.
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This is the guy who published the fake UVA rape case story
Which got Rolling Stone sued several times -- with one jury verdict against it ($3M), another case settled ($1.65M) and another suit still in the mix

Is there a famous and/or rich Dem male alive who did not engage in this stuff?

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I am willing to pitch in up to $5 for your expenses to see if this would work on Rosie O'Donnell

Well the receptionist had at least some physical appeal, nice rack and decent face. Enough to at least be worthy of engaging with.

Rosie is Michael Moore in a wig. For a bet I'd still call her sweet cheeks or candy pants, then jog around for 20 secs until she passed out from chasing. :lmao:

Pretty sure DT would extend the pardon if convicted of any charges.
“We seem to be entering dark times - allegations are being printed as facts and lives are being put in jeopardy without a hearing, due process or evidence.”

Here is actress Ellen Page on Democrat Bret Ratner
He outed her on set when she was just 18,and said alot of other stuff
Bad language warning

click one time to enlarge
Here is actress Ellen Page on Democrat Bret Ratner
He outed her on set when she was just 18,and said alot of other stuff
Bad language warning

click one time to enlarge
The guy should have been a psychologist.
Isnt it weird how so many vocal Trump-haters turn out to be (alleged) perverts?

"The next thing I remember I was coming to and he had my pants down around my ankles and he was groping my crotch.."

Oh my.


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I wonder if and when the dam will break on this Dem celebrity?

Note the one little girl gives him an elbow for letting his hand accidentally brush over her chest area -- should probably put her on a stamp

If he does run for President, as sometimes rumored, all the opposition would have to do would be to make these clips into TV spots

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Coffee banning seems to be in the news now
Looking for a new coffee company?

This is a commercial for Black Rifle coffee


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