Dumb Political Correctness

Coffee banning seems to be in the news now
Looking for a new coffee company?

This is a commercial for Black Rifle coffee

LOL! Yes, JoeFan is a member of r/the_donald a prominent alt-right site. This company is being pushed by that site since Keurig announced they were not running any ads during Hannity's show.

In response, Hannity urged his fans on Sunday to "smash" their Kuerig machines. Note to advertisers, don't start advertising on Hannity's show or simply stopping could result in damage to your brand. Honestly, if I were an advertiser I'd stay away from all political shows.
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This company is being pushed by that site since Keurig announced they were not running any ads during Hannity's show.

Just to be clear, they did it because Media Matters posted a note to them saying that Hannity was condoning child abuse on his show, and they decided to pull the ad with (as far as I know) no attempt to vet a clearly biased claim.
Just to be clear, they did it because Media Matters posted a note to them saying that Hannity was condoning child abuse on his show, and they decided to pull the ad with (as far as I know) no attempt to vet a clearly biased claim.

That assumes Keurig was unaware of Hannity's defense of Moore which was making news on Thursday. Do you think they went only off of Media Matters tweet? Keurig was clearly virtue signaling but in a #MeToo environment can you blame them? With the tally up to 5 teenage girls that Moore is alleged to have had inappropriate relations with Keurig may have done the wise thing. Recognizing Hannity fans will never believe he could ever be in the wrong, he clearly is on this issue.
That assumes Keurig was unaware of Hannity's defense of Moore which was making news on Thursday. Do you think they went only off of Media Matters tweet? Keurig was clearly virtue signaling but in a #MeToo environment can you blame them? With the tally up to 5 teenage girls that Moore is alleged to have had inappropriate relations with Keurig may have done the wise thing. Recognizing Hannity fans will never believe he could ever be in the wrong, he clearly is on this issue.

what exactly is it that you think Hannity was wrong about? Giving an interview? Not calling the guy a liar when he denied the charges? I'll confess I haven't heard the entire interview but I've heard the part that's being distorted and I bet you have too.

Are you really going to argue that this company made the right decision to put it out there on twitter that they were pulling sponsorship with no attempt to talk to the company in question? From what I've read it's pretty clear that the Media Matters tweet was absolutely what sparked this. And you're going to blame the people who actually listened to the interview for not seeing it the way you (who I'm guessing did not) think they should?
And I feel pretty comfortable that if Breitbart had tweeted something about an MSNBC show, your first thought would have been that no one should be acting just because Breitbart tweeted that they're mad about something. And your skepticism would be right. but hey, Media Matters is as pure as the driven snow, right? They're a bunch of white knights over there...
This Moore scandal looks to be another attempt by the liberal media to influence an election. This seems eerily similar to how Dan Rather came up with fake documents two months before the 2004 presidential election. Don't give me this "Russia, Russia, Russia" ******** when we have major news organizations that are behaving as if they are an arm of the democrat party. This is dangerous and no one seems to care.
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I don't like Hannity or Roy Moore, but I did hear the comments in question. Hannity didn't defend child molestation as Media Matters suggested. It was a blatant distortion if what he said.

Having said that, Keurig sucks. I got one as a gift several years ago, and it's now in a German recycling center. Their product is overpriced and just isn't very good. Just make your own coffee.
Tl:dr version: They intended to pull back their advertising from Hannity to protect their brand but some rogue social media person screwed up by announcing their strategy on Twitter. That person most assuredly is no longer employed.

And now they're in a really bad position, because that response does nothing to help them with either side. They didn't back off their plan and didn't acknowledge that the tweet in question was malicious and dishonest, so the Hannity crowd is still angry. But they also didn't stand up and say "this guy is scum, and Hannity is scum, and we don't care what anyone thinks," which is what the progressives wanted to hear. So now THEY'RE mad.

Working in marketing, I can say that this is textbook for how not to manage your social media channel.
And btw, this is why in my view, the question of whether he actually committed rape or sexual assault doesn't need to be proven. He is disgusting and creepy, and showed horrible judgment during those years - and appears to not only regret it, but to somehow have magically blocked it out of his mind. I really feel like if you're the guy who hangs around high schools picking up cheerleaders in your 30s, you're also the guy who remembers it pretty well, and probably takes some pride in it. The commentators who are trying to soft-coat that aspect of it are not being consistent or honest in the way they're dealing with this.

Now they want the Simpson's to disappear

Anyone who disagrees with the notion of Apu being a 'stereotype' has clearly not been in a convenience store in most major cities. About the only time I routinely see non-Apu-esque clerks has been if I stop in some very rural area, and even then, it is better than 50-50 that the clerk won't be 'local.'
About the only time I routinely see non-Apu-esque clerks has been if I stop in some very rural area, and even then, it is better than 50-50 that the clerk won't be 'local.'

Living in the northeast, I can assure you it's wayyyyyy more than 50-50. I guess you could argue that it's unfair to paint them as always being Indian when there are also a large number of Pakistani, Turkish, and Morrocan people who are also clerks.
The Simpsons also stereotypes attorneys, Christians, rednecks, alcoholics, politicians, unions, mobsters, educators, doctors, bullies, and people who like disco. I think it is the longest running show in history too.
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I've quit going to a gas station because its' Apu-esque clerk would say things to me like; "is that all for you today, boss man?". He irritated the !@#$ out of me for some reason. I thought about responding; "yeah, that's all Hadji", but never did.
And btw, this is why in my view, the question of whether he actually committed rape or sexual assault doesn't need to be proven. He is disgusting and creepy, and showed horrible judgment during those years - and appears to not only regret it, but to somehow have magically blocked it out of his mind. I really feel like if you're the guy who hangs around high schools picking up cheerleaders in your 30s, you're also the guy who remembers it pretty well, and probably takes some pride in it. The commentators who are trying to soft-coat that aspect of it are not being consistent or honest in the way they're dealing with this.


At this point the best thing Moore could do is promise that if elected, he will immediately resign upon taking office and allow a replacement to be appointed until the term expires.
I thought that was SouthPark (also an equal opportunist when it comes to skewering all demographics).

Manbearpig is everywhere
Wont be long before they come after South Park too -- rmbr 'Snuke in the Snizz?' -- I dont know how they survived that -- I guess if they sniff this sort of trouble coming, they will go back to making fun of Trump to hold them off
...Having said that, Keurig sucks. I got one as a gift several years ago, and it's now in a German recycling center. Their product is overpriced and just isn't very good. Just make your own coffee.

Ive noticed Europeans are almost offended by Keurig
The person I know closely who rails about them (Italian), it takes him 5m to make his cup of coffee -- we had him make a video and time it. He initially tried to cheat by not showing his prep work (the milk and whatever else). But we made him reshoot it to include all steps. Conclusion - he gets his coffee exactly the way he wants it. Good for him. But most Americans dont have the time for all that when they are trying to leave for work.
Now they have support pigs

yes ... It is getting out of hand. Noted is the 2014 story, but it certainly hasn't stopped. People are bringing emotional support animals which are so big they require another seat to be taken by the "ESAN" ...

The outfit is a passenger carrier ... not a livestock hauler. With all due respect, if you need an ESAN, you probably don't need to be on a commercial airline, you should be chartering your own flight.
I've quit going to a gas station because its' Apu-esque clerk would say things to me like; "is that all for you today, boss man?"....

I had a waiter at Cadillac bar the other day who had apparently been trained to called everyone "guys." A lot. And force a smile as he said it. He almost made it a two syllable word. Almost. At first it was somewhat amusing/charming given half the table was female. But after the 10th or 15th time it became a bit of a nuisance. He was sort of young and eager so no one in the group wanted to be the one to crush his will. So, I feel you bossman.
yes ... It is getting out of hand. Noted is the 2014 story, but it certainly hasn't stopped. People are bringing emotional support animals which are so big they require another seat to be taken by the "ESAN" ....

Where will it end? Support tarantulas, support scorpions, support rattlesnakes (on a plane)? Thing is, if you are the one to speak up and criticize any of this stuff, then you risk being immediately attacked as intolerant and so forth. The risk of that kind of reaction inhibits normal objection from normal people in situations like these. Which allows this stuff to continue. Ruining it for those folks who have a legitimate need for a support dog.
There was a Congresswoman out yesterday saying the House has paid out $15M in sexual harassment claim settlements in the proceeding decade and a half ("235 awards and settlements for Capitol Hill workplace violations between 1997 and 2014").
Taxpayer funds
Names not released

The Speaker responded
You can probably guess what he came up with
I heard something on the radio this morning about Congressional Women and female staff are advised not to get in Congressional elevators alone with a man. They were also advised to avoid the offices of Congress Men whose offices are their sleeping quarters.

Pretty sure Maxine Waters would be safe anywhere, including the Congressional Men's Locker Room.
Ive noticed Europeans are almost offended by Keurig
The person I know closely who rails about them (Italian), it takes him 5m to make his cup of coffee -- we had him make a video and time it. He initially tried to cheat by not showing his prep work (the milk and whatever else). But we made him reshoot it to include all steps. Conclusion - he gets his coffee exactly the way he wants it. Good for him. But most Americans dont have the time for all that when they are trying to leave for work.

There are actually two separate issues here. It's true that many Europeans prefer to make their own coffee. I like cappuccino and use this espresso maker. It's nothing special (cost about €90), but it works. I can make a cup in about 7 minutes, which includes hand-grinding my beans. And yes, it puts any kind of instant coffee to shame. I'm not a coffee snob. I buy my espresso beans from the local German grocery store. I don't go to a specialty shop or spend a ton of money on them.


However, Keurig blows even for instant coffee. It leaves the coffee watered down and stale-tasting. I have a Nestlé Dolce Gusto, which I keep in our guest area for self-service. (We have guests right now, so it's a little dirty.). Unlike the Keurig, it lets the user decide how strong to make the coffee. Furthermore, the machine is much cheaper. The Keurig cost about $115. The Dolce Gusto cost about €40. I prefer the Dolce Gusto flavors, but I don't hold that against the Keurig. It's just a matter of personal preference.


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