Dumb Political Correctness

I concede I dont know much about Russian Facebook bots.
But what I do know is that, assuming for the present purpose that these bots do actually exist, they had no bearing whatsoever on the opposition of NFL fans to kneeling players disrespecting the US flag.
Believing otherwise is to be devoid of any reality.
The point is that their goal is to sow discontent. It turns out they purchased targeted ads inflaming both sides of the BLM/Ferguson thing.

As Shepherd Smith points out this is not about the flag and to say it is is to be complicit.
I mean how the actual F did we elect this clown? No one disputes that he is/was John Miller.
You get the Trumps of the world in office when parties insist on running losers like #Shillary that want to continue the failed policies of the person vacating an office...this is NOT a difficult concept to grasp.

Go blame the DWS's of the party for tilting the primaries in the manner that she did. Your party might actually have had a chance with someone viable instead of HRC.
I promise you, I nor any of the people that I'm referring to, needed Russia to sow discontent. I was livid the moment I heard about , as were my friends and colleagues.
....As Shepherd Smith points out this is not about the flag and to say it is is to be complicit.

Smith has become something of a DNC bot himself. No one on my side gives a crap what he thinks. It's funny but you may be the only one here who actually watches him.

But to the point, intent has little relevance here. If my wife has a baby and I happily shoot a gun in the air to celebrate the birth but the bullet comes down, goes through your wife's brain and kills her, would my intent matter to you? (for this question, we assume you like your wife).
What if I am driving drunk and run over your dog, does me telling you it was not my intent to flatten your best dog matter to you?
What if I was President and I wanted to make sure all the poor people had health insurance, but in trying to do that I instead destroyed the best healthcare system in the world, causing premiums to skyrocket and over half the people to lose their doctors? Would folks just forgive me because my intent was good?

In this matter, the players picked this time and opportunity to do what they did. They had plenty of options to make their point in different ways at different times. This makes what they did intentional. It was a mistake. They screwed up. Some of them have already begun to try and crabwalk it back. The owners screwed up too by allowing it, which they did not have to do (as I pointed out in a previous post, the 1st Amendment has no application here).

But there is one more part you seem unwilling to acknowledge. Fans have options too. They are the customers of this product after all. Which means they get to take this 'protest' however they want. And, as all the polling on this shows, they are taking it as disrespect for the flag and anthem. They dont like it. For example, I was watching the Texans @ Pats Game on Sunday. While the Texans all stood for the flag, some of the Pats' players (~12 of them) kneeled. They got booed. Lustily. By their own fans. And this is a fan base (justifiably) in love with its home team. But Pats fans wanted no part of anyone disrespecting the US flag like that.

As I have pointed out in the past, your analysis of issues is simplistic and lazy. You look at who did or said something, decide whether that person is someone you like or dont like, then agree or disagree with them on this basis alone. No matter what it was they did or said. This is unprincipled. Which is the root of all of your issues as a social/political commentator.
The anti-kneeling sentiment could possibly be slightly amplified by Russian trolls, who knows. But make no mistake about it. This disgust is real and it is wide spread. .....

The comments by ouB are somewhat to be expected. However, the analysis and comments by that US Senator were both ridiculous and scary. How can someone in a position like this be so dumb?
.....B. Cord cutting is having a much bigger impact that you snowflakes.
C. My only friends that I know who give a crap only watch the NFL in February and get their NFL news from Fauxnews.

Well done NFL owners

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.....Who knew that it was the left trying to disrupt the NFL?

Uh, alot of us knew that. The far left does want to get rid of football. Too masculine. Too violent. Too male. Too much patriarchy. Too many physically strong males. Too much toughness. Too much CTE. Too much rugged individualism.

Plus the games have winners and losers. You keep score. There is a meritocracy. You only get to play or coach if you are good at it. That even goes for the cheer squad too with the added insult to liberals that the girls must be pretty.

On top of all that, games are a spectacle full of American symbolism. It's apple pie, fireworks and patriotism. Nationalism ekes out of it at almost every turn. Liberals hate all of this stuff.

Plus, the US military loves it, and it loves the military. Police, fire and first-responders are often the subject of tributes inside the stadiums. Before this latest kneeling tempest, their big complaint was giant US flags and military flyovers. Remember that? It was just a few weeks ago. Again, the left hates all of this.

And perhaps most telling -- who actually likes football the most? Is it effeminate Obama pajama boys living on the coast? Hell no it's not, it is Middle America. Real Americans love them some football. Where are these people found? Generally, in the most dependable red states. So you had better believe there is a political element to this attack on football.

Examples here for you --




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Uh, alot of us knew that. The far left does want to get rid of football. Too masculine. Too violent. Too male. Too much patriarchy. Too many physically strong males. Too much toughness. Too much CTE. Too much rugged individualism.

There are winners and losers. You keep score. There is a meritocracy. You only get to play or coach if you are good at it. That even goes for the cheer squad too with the added insult to liberals that the girls must be pretty.

On top of all that, games are a spectacle full of American symbolism. It's apple pie, fireworks and patriotism. Nationalism ekes out of it at almost every turn. Liberals hate all of this stuff.

Plus, the US military loves it, and it loves the military. Police, fire and first-responders are often the subject of tributes inside the stadiums. Before this latest kneeling tempest, their big complaint was giant US flags and military flyovers. Remember that? It was just a few weeks ago. Again, the left hates all of this.

And perhaps most telling -- who actually likes football the most? Is it effeminate Obama pajama boys living on the coast? Hell no it's not, it is Middle America. Real Americans love them some football. Where are these people found? Generally, in the most dependable red states. So you had better believe there is a political element to this attack on football.

Examples here for you --





And if you don't agree with everything written above then you too are a namby-pamby liberal that hates America and all that we stand for.

One thing the Alt-Right doesn't have a monopoly on...rationality. They take the most extreme versions of tree huggers and peanut butter that stereotype across ALL liberal leaning individuals. That removes any ability to have a rational discussion. The post above is a prime example of that. Tin foil hats indeed.
And if you don't agree with everything written above then you too are a namby-pamby liberal that hates America and all that we stand for.

One thing the Alt-Right doesn't have a monopoly on...rationality. They take the most extreme versions of tree huggers and peanut butter that stereotype across ALL liberal leaning individuals. That removes any ability to have a rational discussion. The post above is a prime example of that. Tin foil hats indeed.

JoeFan is not in any way close to being Alt-Right so I have no idea where that's coming from.
JoeFan is not in any way close to being Alt-Right so I have no idea where that's coming from.

You must not be reading what I'm reading or understand that all of his material comes from the Reddit board reddit/t_d which is most assuredly the bastion of the alt-right.

If it walks like a duck, acts like a duck and repeatedly posts Pepe the Frog memes...it's an alt-right member.
You must not be reading what I'm reading or understand that all of his material comes from the Reddit board reddit/t_d which is most assuredly the bastion of the alt-right.

If it walks like a duck, acts like a duck and repeatedly posts Pepe the Frog memes...it's an alt-right member.
Naw, I see the same stuff on twitter that is not alt right.
Naw, I see the same stuff on twitter that is not alt right.

What definition of alt-right are you using? BTW- much of the stuff on twitter is being stolen from 2 places: the_donald and 4Chan. If JoeFan isn't alt-right, he's stealing all their material and viewpoints to relay them here.
What definition of alt-right are you using? BTW- much of the stuff on twitter is being stolen from 2 places: the_donald and 4Chan. If JoeFan isn't alt-right, he's stealing all their material and viewpoints to relay them here.

Traditional conservatives and alt-right share many of the same viewpoints, especially when it comes to the economy and liberals.

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