Here is an example.
My brother is a physician. He is a pathologist.
A few decades ago, he was in a sales job he hated. He decided to go to medical school. He sold his car, re-took classes he had blown when he was first at UT to improve his grades.
Studied like a maniac for the MCAT. Did very well, was invited to interview at several schools
He lived in a tiny, efficiency apartment. He didn't get a newspaper, couldn't afford TV, basically lived on PBJ and any food my parents would give him. He made straight A's in his undergrad courses, than applied to medical schools, as an older student. Back then, this was a negative.
He was accepted at Southwestern, took out loans and after studying his *** off, graduated in the top 5% of his class.
Burdened with debt, he struck out and opened a pathology lab. Over the years, he has grown it to where it is THE pathology group for 2 states, and has been recognized as a top lab, as well as my brother has been recognized as one of the top pathologists in the South.
He employs around 35 physicians alone, and countless office staff, couriers to pick up lab samples, medical transcriptionists, etc. It has grown from a small business, to a medium size business.
Yes, my brother had teachers, as we all do. But after that, it was his initiative to take the hard way, to live for years in cramped quarters, to assume debt, to study and obtain the grades he received, and then the gumption to not just go out and work for someone. He had a dream and a goal to create a top-notch facility and he did just that.
Not a penny was "given" to him, it was loaned, and he is employing many people who have a job because of his foresight and hard work.
Did he build his business? You bet your *** he did. And I don't care how this has been spun, it is a slap in the face of my brother and people like him.
I am not a big Romney fan, or a huge Obama hater, but what he said is just wrong.
Don't even get me started on the success of people like Vietnamese boat people, who in 30-ish years started from mopping floors, have learned our language, worked several jobs to put food on the table. and again, there weren't big scholarships and incentives for them
It is called a work ethic, that is the difference between smart, successful people and smart people.
I get very tired of people blaming others, and now not giving credit where credit is due, for how successful people are.