You Didn't Build That

This guy is so funny, is someone playing a joke on us?

There can be nobody on this earth that is so ignorant of facts and guys are too funny!!!!

Is that Spider Ag?
I have no problem with what the president said. We all need help. We achieve things by working together. It is hubris to think otherwise.

The spin being put on what is clearly a simple truth is mildly surprising. But only mildly.

Of course, he hates entrepreneurs and is a socialist.
Here is an example.

My brother is a physician. He is a pathologist.
A few decades ago, he was in a sales job he hated. He decided to go to medical school. He sold his car, re-took classes he had blown when he was first at UT to improve his grades.

Studied like a maniac for the MCAT. Did very well, was invited to interview at several schools

He lived in a tiny, efficiency apartment. He didn't get a newspaper, couldn't afford TV, basically lived on PBJ and any food my parents would give him. He made straight A's in his undergrad courses, than applied to medical schools, as an older student. Back then, this was a negative.

He was accepted at Southwestern, took out loans and after studying his *** off, graduated in the top 5% of his class.

Burdened with debt, he struck out and opened a pathology lab. Over the years, he has grown it to where it is THE pathology group for 2 states, and has been recognized as a top lab, as well as my brother has been recognized as one of the top pathologists in the South.

He employs around 35 physicians alone, and countless office staff, couriers to pick up lab samples, medical transcriptionists, etc. It has grown from a small business, to a medium size business.

Yes, my brother had teachers, as we all do. But after that, it was his initiative to take the hard way, to live for years in cramped quarters, to assume debt, to study and obtain the grades he received, and then the gumption to not just go out and work for someone. He had a dream and a goal to create a top-notch facility and he did just that.

Not a penny was "given" to him, it was loaned, and he is employing many people who have a job because of his foresight and hard work.

Did he build his business? You bet your *** he did. And I don't care how this has been spun, it is a slap in the face of my brother and people like him.

I am not a big Romney fan, or a huge Obama hater, but what he said is just wrong.

Don't even get me started on the success of people like Vietnamese boat people, who in 30-ish years started from mopping floors, have learned our language, worked several jobs to put food on the table. and again, there weren't big scholarships and incentives for them

It is called a work ethic, that is the difference between smart, successful people and smart people.

I get very tired of people blaming others, and now not giving credit where credit is due, for how successful people are.
It was a dumb thing to say for political reasons but in the full context, it was not a dumb thing to say. If he had said, "you didn't build that alone" -- which the context implies him to have meant -- then this should not be an issue. I still maintain that no one is successful on his or her own merit. We are, jf nothing else, dependent on the society which recognizes and rewards our success. However, there can be a debate on what the government role in that is, if a progressive income tax is reasonable and how progressive that tax should be. That's not the discussion we're having here. Instead, we're talking about Obama's sociliasm and arguing over the obvious necessity of others for one to be successful.

To the post above about your brother's success in building a pathology company. Who funded or backed the loans to med school? At least today, the federal government is instrumental in providing those types of loans to grad sudents. We all have help and often times it involves the government some how. And if not direcltly form the government, the society we live in is facilitated by the government. If you received any help, even just the opportunities given by a free-market and stable economy, the government helped you.

So, again, considering the above and taking the President's remarks in full context -- that is that hard work and smarts do matter but you still need help -- why is he wrong?
I love how people are talking about using this comment in context, and then they refuse to acknowledge the context.

Let me ask you guys: what exactly is his point? Why is he saying this? What policy is he trying to support, or what deficiency is he trying to point out? Or do you honestly think he's just trying to spin a tale of togetherness to foster national unity somehow?

Every word of this is in context of an election. An election in which the president claims (falsly) that the GOP is pushing for additional tax cuts for the rich only.

And then you guys take the one sentence and refuse to look at everything else he said in that statement. You know, the part about people wanting to climb to the top and keep everyone else down? Does anyone care to address this at all? This is why I'm getting so sick of this place. You guys want to laugh and point at all those red-meat-eating conservatives and you simply apply that template to everything, just assume it's ridiculous and never actually engage on any real points that are brought up.

And what makes it worse is that you continually insist on translating Obama's comments through your own lens. "I believe this, so therefore, I'm sure that Obama meant that as well." It's brilliant. He gets all of you guys to invent him in your own image because he never "says" ANYTHING! He just makes a bunch of class rhetoric comments that when taken in his overall context are very clearly meant to generate class envy and resentment.

I'm not going to rehash my reasons for interpreting his comments, since no one except BOS has tried to even address it, and thanks to him for that.

In reply to:

Some get help, some start all on their own. Or, at least they used to. No more though. We have a wonderful new world where Dear Leader decides who will start business and who won't.
The President simply does not get it. He needs to encourage business owners and respect the sacrifice, financial and personal, that they have given to get where they are. It is not always about being smart or having someone give you anything.

As well, the democrats consistent efforts to tax estates where these same entrepreneurs are trying to provide for their family's future is appalling. They are already taxed to death, no need to keep taxing when they die.

Also, his constant promotion of policy that creates uncertainty for businesses is the largest drain on the economy. Companies will remain in cut back mode, not hiring and conserving cash, as long as he continues to operate in this manner.

Four more years of this will be disastrous....
It is so frustrating that a person so clueless could be in such a position of power.

Now we have the national media debating whether Mitt Romney was in charge of a business that failed in 2001. Who the hell cares? Businesses succeed and businesses fail. Do we have to elect someone with zero accomplishments just to be sure he's never been involved with any failures? That's insane.
Prod is exactly right on this speech. You can take certain quotes out of context all day, but what is the theme of the speech? What was he trying to tell his group?

It is obvious that he is saying that those in America that have been successful are no different from the ones that arent as successful. His own words are that there are just as many smart hardworking people that didnt achieve success as there are smart hardworking people that did. Were the rules of the game different for one group of smart hardworking people? That is what is so infuriating in his speeches. he is simply pandering to the biggest base he can find.

Its like he is saying that every golfer on some muni course could have been Tiger or Phil if they had better teachers or something.

of course there are a tiny fraction of people out there that inherited their wealth. Tiny.

The bulk of successful people simply worked harder or were smarter or took chances or made better decisions in life and profited from it. BO wants everyone to believe they dont have what they want in life because someone else got the "help" that the unfulfilled guy didint.

Not once does he mention that the help that was there for the successful guy was aslo right there for the taking for the unsuccessful guy. Everyone makes choices. For the vast, vast majority of people the playing field was level. Human nature says that some will thrive and some wont.

The bottom line is that telling people it is not there own fault for their lot in life does those people a huge disservice. It might make them feel better for a while and will almost certainly garner votes. But it does no good to the people.

The big question is- Why did BO have to bring the successful folks into the speech at all? Why couldnt he simply tell hos base that America is great and that all kinds of help is available to them and that they can change their lives (if they want to) by acting. Why demonize those that actually did this in the process? It is why he is a horrible leader. he absolutely can not and has not ever presented a positive message to the masses. Ever. I cant find one single speech that didnt include some sort of blame for someone or an excuse for someone.
The successful guy didn't sleep through HS or find the easy way out, they looked at the situation, formulated a plan and then worked their plan based on their surroundings. Unlike the losers in this world that complain and ***** and moan about the success of others.
You looking for a new Real Estate Broker? Or Mortgage Broker? If so, PM me, we would love to have your business, I can give you all the details you need, but you can also communicate to me. You're right, it is impossible for me to be blessed with all that I have without this guy and a laundry list of other helpers er....socialist....
I've HELPED a number of people on this board, so if you are interested in doing business, and mods please forgive me and remove this post if this is not the appropriate forum. Find me here

You can also check out my Refi thread in Horn Depot.

Thanks to the business generated on here, I've increased my donation to Hornfans because they have helped me out abundantly. Bob, Katy, are yall secretly socialists.....?

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