You Didn't Build That

I'm not sure it does when you assign a number to it. How do you quantify something like that? It's probably a safe assumption, but you're much better served simply putting that as a footnote and leaving the numbers as they are, because clearly not every employer is going to handle that the same way.
Been following this a little bit and yesterday heard BO's clarification of his words (has there ever been a pres that had to come and explain his remarks more than BO?).

BO is now saying that his "you didnt build it" comment was in reference to the roads and bridges. he says he was saying that business owners didnt build the roads, not their businesses. I do not believe him for a second but I suppose it is possible.

However, the comments he made right before the "you didnt build that" are actually much worse and more indicative of BO's approach to the election. He opnely mocks successful business owners that tell him they got ahead by being smarter or working harder than other people. He lampoons this thought with his typical snicker and sarcastic tone. His mesage was that there were plenty of smart and hard working people in the audience that werent as successful as others because the others got some help along the way. Well, in most cases, he is right but the help that these people got was available to everyone. What he ignores is that some poeple took advantage of their opportunities and some didnt. But he will never say that. It is always someone else's fault if they are more successful than you. It is such a ******** message.

Take Romney's quote from the Olympics and compare it to BO's comments. How would those Olympians feel if Romney basically laughed at them for thinking they became elite athletes through smarts or hard work. There is nothing wrong with recognizing the people that helped someone achieve but BO just has to tweak the actual achiever in the process.
In Obama's world success is to be punished, and failure is to be rewarded.

Actually, in his recent changes to welfare laws we now know that not even trying is also a trait to be rewarded.

Obama's world kind of sucks.
Bronco is correct . Too bad in his rush to play to his audience BO didn't mention this from bronco
" Well, in most cases, he is right but the help that these people got was available to everyone"

Before you supporters go all wacko the point is there is help of some sort available to everyone> What you do with that help determines how successful you are in life.
Read a story on Vince Young's early life.
Prodigal, the employer is required to pay the employers share. The numbers come from tax returns of individual taxpayers, and it is assumed that the employers paid their portion, because that is what happens, it was just not independantly crossmatched between employer and employee. There might be a very few lawbreakers out there, but the assumption is made because non- compliance is miniscule. The amount paid by the employers is indeed easy to quantify. It is equal to the amount paid by the employee. ( a littel different when tips are involved Shiner is reaching, really reaching for an issue here.
Love that crab walking!
Look, it really matters not at all what I think of the President. The key point is that a lot of business leaders don't trust him, and they don't trust our overall economic situation. As such, the job numbers are not good. So, the question is, what is the President doing to turn that around. His speech is a good microcosm of his attitude toward private business. He's clueless and he should not stray too far from the teleprompter. It's dangerous out there in the 57 states.
"You didn't build that"

Whatever you think, that is the line, and it will be used all the way to November. The almighty intelligent and great oracle spoke and we listened!!!!
I could easily write the retraction that would allow him to put the issue to rest permanently. However, I think his arrogance would not allow him to read it.
Ok Dh
Once again you succinctly explain something I never really did understand.
It makes perfect sense.

let me ask a stupid Q
Does creationism include the ark and the 2x2 animal story?
So if we can get Perham to pry himself away from his typical Christian contempt, let's get back to the subject.David Cohen makes the point better than I have, specifically that whatever "you didn't build that" refers to is irrelevant, because that discussion conveniently ignores the context that I and several others have been pointing out, with no one willing to address it.
Obama's contempt for small business

In reply to:

Well said, Prod. And good point about Perham (whom I do agree with on some things). I didn't think it was possible to turn this thread into a creationism v. evolution issue, but apparently it is. I've never seen someone so sensitive on that issue.

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