World Economic Outlook Has Turned Downward

Our stated corporate tax rates are certainly high. I wonder if anyone has done a comparison on actual taxes paid by corporations.

Some follow-up here - biggest holders of offshore cash (the amounts are millions)

'Participation' in the US is still getting big boost from plunge in the number of employed exiting the labor force each month

Monster downward revision to wages today. Who knows what you can believe whenever you read a press release now days. How on earth do you come out with a report claiming wage increases of 4.2 percent and then revise it down to -0.4 percent?

Federal data released Aug. 9 shows that Americans’ wages are dropping again, seven years after President Barack Obama declared the economy had recovered from the property-bubble — and three months before the 2016 election.

The dramatic drop was buried in an Aug. 9 report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which said that officials have radically revised their prior claim that wages grew 4.2 percent in the first quarter, from January to March.

“Real hourly compensation decreased 0.4 percent after revision, rather than the previously-published increase of 4.2 percent,” the BLS admitted. Compensation also fell another 1.4 percent in the second quarter, from April to June, the BLS admitted in the same report. That’s 2 percent drop in wages since December.
SH or NH will you please explain away the above post by JF. The implication is kinda scary to me so hoping you will refute them. Thanks.
SH or NH will you please explain away the above post by JF. The implication is kinda scary to me so hoping you will refute them. Thanks.

Neither I nor NH have attempted to explain away "every post" but rather call crazy 'crazy'. I have no idea whether that graphic is true or not nor the inclination to research it.
If you have the 2015 and 2016 GDP numbers for the Gulf States and you want to post them, then post them

No one is stopping you

Trending Economics shows a bubble that corresponds to peak oil prices in 2010/2011 for each of those countries. Looking at the 10yr average for these countries it's obvious.

Here are a few links for annual GDP growth rate:
Saudi Arabia

Now, why did your source pick 2014 as a stopping place? Look at actual GDP for those countries in 2015. They took a significant step back due to collapse of oil prices.
Saudi Arabia: 2014 GDP $754B, 2015 GDP $646B
Qatar: 2014 GDP $210B, 2015 GDP $167B

As you know, when using these numbers a change to a smaller number can have a much bigger % impact than to a larger number. In other words. it's impossible to for our economy to show that type of % increase simply because we are already so large. This is the equivalent to stock valuations that blue chips endure. As some point, you are too large to move the needle thus adding billions into their bank account has a marginal impact on their stock price. It's similar to % change of GDP for the US at this point.
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the Chinese are getting nervous about their currency.
This is USD/CNY daily -- the past 2-days rally is the fastest in 4 yrs and is now pushing 8-year highs


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