World Economic Outlook Has Turned Downward

Is that the next evolution of the micro apartment movement?

These are apartments that range between 250-375sqft. That sounds like living in college dorm room.

Personally, I'm a bit of a minimalist when it comes to space. When I was single, I lived in a 500 square foot apartment and did so by choice. It was a reasonably nice place in a beautiful area in the Austin hills and only about a 5 - 10 minute drive from my office. I could have afforded a bigger place but chose not to get one. I got enough space for the stuff I owned (which was nice stuff but intentionally not very much), and that was about it. I had a couch, a king-sized bed (of course), a desk, a small nightstand, a dresser, a small table, a TV with some basic electronics, and that was it. Everything had a purpose, and there was no clutter. That was Deezestan on a residential level. I'd have no problem adapting to one of those small places.
Tiny houses are all the rage right now. 150 sq ft to 300 sq ft or so. Many are built on trailer frames.

Matt Bonner of the Spurs (6' 10") had one built for his family (him, wife and three kids). I could live in one by myself, but not with 3 kids and a wife.
Just to clarify in case I left the wrong impression, as much as I liked having the little place, I wouldn't want the single life again. If I did, I wouldn't have the best wife a guy could hope for, and I wouldn't have this guy in my house.
I think you have a new profile photo...

NJ, he's a cute kid (inherited Mrs. Deez's looks much more than mine), but we got especially lucky with that shot. We put some lederhosen on him, let him run around some local castle ruins, and just started shooting photos.
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How social security works

The inaccuracy in the analogy is that, in the video, at least the pool of money is still there when it is given to the other adults. In this country there are some dollars that are dropped along the way (overhead). Even worse, politicians borrow from that SS pool and believe it is all part of federal income to solve whatever dollars are needed elsewhere.
Gulf States GDP growth between 2005-14 --

Qatar: 377%
Oman: 156%
Saudi: 129%
UAE: 122%
Kuwait: 115%
Iran: 80%

It would almost be a good thing if the Dems win the WH this time. The next president is going to inherit a complete mess.
Not a good look


That picture doesn't tell the whole story, if the interpretation of that chart is the US companies are doing poorly. Actually, it's just the opposite. US companies are doing better than anywhere else in the world. It's the currency rates everywhere else in the world that are doing poorly against a strong dollar which is inhibiting profits.
It would almost be a good thing if the Dems win the WH this time. The next president is going to inherit a complete mess.

The SCOTUS makes it a trap.

HRC gets the next 4 or 3 or 2 or possibly even 1 seat there, and the American Experiment is over. It might not be obvious to the slow-witted, for another 30-40 years, but this will be the day it died. Maybe Don McLean's grandson will write a song about it (if they still allow music by then)?
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That picture doesn't tell the whole story, if the interpretation of that chart is the US companies are doing poorly. Actually, it's just the opposite. US companies are doing better than anywhere else in the world. It's the currency rates everywhere else in the world that are doing poorly against a strong dollar which is inhibiting profits.

Plunging corporate profits usually lead to a recession. There have been a couple exceptions to this rule (late '80s expansion and late '90s expansion) but even those exceptions lead to bubbles, which later burst. This is partially the reason the Fed just backed off the idea it would begin to raise rates. A weak dollar will helps boost corporate profits.

This has been building, despite all the QE. You have to go back to 2008 to find it worst than now. For example, for 2015 as a whole, pretax earnings fell 3.1%, again the biggest slide since '08. And, of course, stock prices will be affected.

This Atlantic Article is a month old but it still gets to the point
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The above is probably what led to this -- think the O is nervous about a recession attaching to his legacy?

The U.S. Federal Reserve will conduct a closed meeting this morning "under expedited procedures" during which the Board of Governors will review and determine advance and discount rates charged by the Fed banks.

* * *

President Obama is also scheduled to meet with Fed Chair Janet Yellen this afternoon to discuss the economy and Wall Street reform.
The above is probably what led to this -- think the O is nervous about a recession attaching to his legacy?

The U.S. Federal Reserve will conduct a closed meeting this morning "under expedited procedures" during which the Board of Governors will review and determine advance and discount rates charged by the Fed banks.

* * *

President Obama is also scheduled to meet with Fed Chair Janet Yellen this afternoon to discuss the economy and Wall Street reform.
I think there's no question we now have a centrally managed economy. The "free market" died in 2008. We are now in many ways, the new USSR.
"The thing is that the 25-year-old doesn't want to pour all of his money into high-priced San Francisco rent—and so he's living in a plywood box parked in his friend's living room for $400 a month.

Of course, the control freaks in SF (where I used to live) shut this down --

Wow, scary stuff Mus and nothing about it have I heard on the media. At least not that I have heard not saying it hadn't been on. I really feel for the coal miners. How Obama and Hillary can both deliberately say they (the miners) are going down the tubes and not be called on it floors me.

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