Who will be the next coach?

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Vol Horn 4 Life, Jun 24, 2024.

  1. dukesteer

    dukesteer 5,000+ Posts

    We tend to criticize the behavior we saw last week by Shloss when it’s another school. And we should. For example, what Lincoln Riley did to OU was bush league. If we’re going to judge others — and we should, our school should be held to the same standard.

    I have no problem with Shloss leaving the Cult for Texas. However, I continue to be disgusted every time I see his answer to that question in his post game presser.

    To his credit, he did apologize in the intro presser at Texas, but the damage had already been done. I also don’t like the idea of having all of these Aggie players transfer to Texas. Sure, it will be fantastic for us, but I just don’t like the optics. If we win a Natty in 2025 with former Aggie players, it will feel tainted to me.

    But that’s just me…
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  2. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

    Aggy transferring to Texas is only speculation at this point. I doubt many will come over, but I could be wrong.
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  3. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

    Also it didn’t appear aggy AD did anything proactive to keep him or justify Schloss to stay there. Big difference vs Riley. Don’t buy the aggy tears and butthurt as evidence of wrongdoing. Some folks actually deserve their misery!
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  4. STHAustin

    STHAustin 250+ Posts

    I know there are aggies in the portal, but have any committed to Texas yet? I’ve only heard of the recruit who flipped. Regarding Schloss’s response to the question, he should have been ready for it and just said “no comment” but that’s water under the bridge. I don’t think it necessarily means he has no character. Regarding any aggies transferring to Texas, that’s a decision they make for themselves. It would stink for them to lose players but they might gain some too. The age of the transfer portal
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  5. Sangre Naranjada

    Sangre Naranjada 10,000+ Posts


    Too soon?
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  6. Phil Elliott

    Phil Elliott 2,500+ Posts

    I am wondering what was the reason to announce DP firing on Monday instead of Tuesday? If they had waited till Tuesday, the question that Schloss fumbled would not have been asked.
  7. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

    He was fired one week earlier. News came out from the NIL folks who couldn’t contain themselves.
  8. Phil Elliott

    Phil Elliott 2,500+ Posts

    So sounds like the cat was out of the bag and UT needed to get in front of it.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. giveemhell

    giveemhell 1,000+ Posts

    Do we know that for sure? I’ve also heard the theory that Pierce himself leaked it to the Houston Chronicle out of spite, knowing it would cause chaos.
    • poop poop x 1
  10. mchammer

    mchammer 10,000+ Posts

    Good point(s). Whatever it is, it’s not what the delusional aggy fans think it is.
  11. SabreHorn

    SabreHorn 10,000+ Posts

    I questioned the hiring of Pierce when it was done. I've posted before that I was told he was the genius behind Rice's good teams because of his ability to recognize talent and coach them up. In spite of my personal dislike of the choice, I cannot and will NOT believe that Pierce could or would do that. The Chronicle isn't even good fish wrap, and they don't have a sports reporter that can find his butt in the dark with both hands if you give him a flashlight, tour guide, and map of how to get there. The Chronicle, however, is not above running with something like that to try to establish some sort of relevance, which they haven't had since the federal government made Houston Endowment divest itself of the paper.
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  12. Phil Elliott

    Phil Elliott 2,500+ Posts

    I'm not buying that. That is not who David Pierce is at all.
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  13. STHAustin

    STHAustin 250+ Posts

    I don't believe that Pierce would deliberately leak the information out of spite. I did hear on sports talk that Pierce shared the information with Kirk Bohls, which does seem possible. That doesn't mean that Pierce intended for it to be published or to cause such a firestorm.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. aUTfan

    aUTfan 2,500+ Posts

  15. Horn6721

    Horn6721 Hook'em

    Thank you for honest insightful post. I think you would know
    And I like knowing Pierce wouldn't do that.
  16. das3603

    das3603 250+ Posts

    So much for making a big splash hire and getting whoever they want for “the best job in college baseball”. This is a budget driven hire thanks to the continued effects of the Jumbo debacle.

    this may turn out to be a great hire in the end. Who knows. But certainly not the “big name” dumb *** aggy assumed they would get.

    still, be prepared for the aggy response thumping their chest how they stole back the real brains behind their teams success this year.
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  17. FWHORN

    FWHORN 10,000+ Posts

    We hear a lot about so and is the real brains behind success. Most of the time it has some truth but not much, about the only time I have seen a school retain as its head coach an assistant and have kept the brains behind the success was when TCU promoted Patterson after Fran left but usually it's a pale imitation of what was just lost. Aggy is desperately trying to keep players from jumping ship and this was the best option while continuing the cost-cutting to pay off Jimbo.
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  18. aUTfan

    aUTfan 2,500+ Posts


    Aggie players have voiced significant support for hiring Earley. It's extremely short sighted. Aggies are just trying to keep their players from leaving, mostly to prevent them from coming here, that pisses them off so bad, they will do anything to prevent it, even if it's a poor long term hire.

    I don't care if it works out for them or not, time will tell. He will need to hire a great pitching and defensive coach.

    Lastly, good for the kid, he just parlayed a 6 figure job, into a 7 figure job, I don't blame the kid one bit. :bow::clap:
  19. aUTfan

    aUTfan 2,500+ Posts

    Hate to see Longley leave, guess it’s too late now.

    Last edited: Jun 30, 2024 at 1:22 PM
  20. aUTfan

    aUTfan 2,500+ Posts


    Aggie logic is legendary and the take on this is so Aggie 101.
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  21. LonghornCatholic

    LonghornCatholic Deo Gratias

    • Funny Funny x 3
  22. aUTfan

    aUTfan 2,500+ Posts

    Tulo is back
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  23. aUTfan

    aUTfan 2,500+ Posts

  24. LonghornCatholic

    LonghornCatholic Deo Gratias

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  25. horninchicago

    horninchicago 10,000+ Posts

    I thought Max was Conan O'Brien's TV show drummer.

    • Funny Funny x 1
  26. aUTfan

    aUTfan 2,500+ Posts

    I think this rounds out the staff.
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  27. das3603

    das3603 250+ Posts

    For a coach that all the players hate and none of the assistants want to be around, Schloss sure does win a lot regardless of who is on his staff. Supposedly none of his staff followed him from TCU to aggy but Schloss got them turned around in a hurry. He also recruited the high schools and portal exceptionally well in spite of being a lying POS that aggy keeps spewing. I’m pretty sure we will be just fine going forward and I am really excited to see where the program is in 2-3 years.
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  28. giveemhell

    giveemhell 1,000+ Posts

    Please, no one in this business is that dumb. If Pierce shared the information with Bohls, he had to know Bohls would end up getting the story published. A leopard doesn't change its spots.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  29. 2003TexasGrad

    2003TexasGrad Son of a Motherless Goat

    Every rose has its thorn.... or whatever Brett Michael's said.
  30. X Misn Tx

    X Misn Tx 2,500+ Posts

    maybe he meant his kids, or his elderly parents. people can get divorced and love "their family" because he's thinking about those he isn't getting divorced from. We all know life is complicated.
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