When is the court date for Hillary?

we'll see.

I'll keep my ear to the ground on those persons who would represent a "clear and present danger" to the machine of the "Clintonistas."

I'll be highly disappointed in my contact if neither happen. (no, I'm not saying I hope a handful of FBI agents lose their life)
Unless there are untimely deaths in the FBI, expect indictment at the end of April, maybe mid May.

Vince Foster holla?

Nope, especially not before the election. You can bet your left nut on that.

I'd agree with that. I can't imagine the Democratic party would put HRC forward as their candidate unless they had assurances that she wouldn't be indicted. At this point, that's the ONLY way the Dems lose this election is if HRC is under indictment at the time of the vote.

Boy how things have changed. 1-2 years ago this was the Reps election to lose given 2 factors: 1) Democrat POTUS fatigue and 2) Nobody likes HRC . Now the Republicans are literally tearing their party apart and are exiting the nomination process with either a buffoon or an ideologue as their nominee. Both of the nominees somehow are liked worse than HRC (very tough to do) and are helping people forget that they didn't like Obama to the point that his approval ratings are bucking the POTUS trend and improving in his final year.
Motive finally bubbling to the surface --

"I don’t want any risk of the personal being accessible.”

I would argue that the creation and mere existence of her secret, private server state a prima facie case for intent.

so she was worried about people reading her emails on yoga classes and Chelsea's problems?

\ from NYTimes
WASHINGTON — The State Department’s inspector general sharply criticized Hillary Clinton’s exclusive use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, saying she had not sought permission to use it and would not have received it if she had.

In a report delivered to members of Congress on Wednesday, the inspector general said that Mrs. Clinton “had an obligation to discuss using her personal email account to conduct official business” with officials responsible for handling records and security but that inspectors found “no evidence” that she had."
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Motive finally bubbling to the surface --

"I don’t want any risk of the personal being accessible.”

I would argue that the creation and mere existence of her secret, private server state a prima facie case for intent.

Like you I thought it was pretty obvious that the motivation was to keep her personal communications away from the public sphere. The problem is that there was no dividing line between personal and state department communications.
This ruse of Hillary not wanting personal information made public so she thought it was ok to set up a private server and we can trust her surely can not actually be believed by her supporters??
How much personal information that might have been in emails off government servers from other Cabinet heads has been made public?
This ruse of Hillary not wanting personal information made public so she thought it was ok to set up a private server and we can trust her surely can not actually be believed by her supporters??
How much personal information that might have been in emails off government servers from other Cabinet heads has been made public?
It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard from this.

In the intelligence community you don't need permission to have/use personal email for personal communications. You can have your gmail account. The point is everyone must use classified systems to do their official classified work.

Saying you want to use your own gmail instead of the JWICS high-side because you want privacy on your personal communications is ludicrous because 1) it's impossible to use JWICS for personal communications - you can't email the spa to change your appointment on JWICS - it's an intranet, and 2) even in some bizzaro make believe world where you could do personal business over the high-side it would 100x more secure than anything you could put together yourself.

3) Hillary has a degree from Yale Law. You're an idiot if you actually buy her excuse that she was ignorant of the law and regulations.
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Thanks for explaining that. I like many did not know that you could have a personal email account to use even if you were a federal employee with need to send and receive high security and classified information.
But it makes sense that as you put it, you wouldn't need to email a spa on a DoD, DoJ DoS etc server.
It appears there are some media who still are saying she only wanted to protect her personal info and did nothing wrong
I had nearly forgotten how dishonest the Clintons could be. Of course, she could have her own personal email. The issue is whether she used her personal email account to handle sensitive government information. Must admit that I was surprised by the report finding inappropriate preservation of emails. Still doesn't mean she gets indicted but there has been some finding of fault on Hillary's part.
She didn't just have her own email. She had her own server AND she did not use the State Dept server.
Still she looks like she will get away with it :whiteflag:
The issue is whether she used her personal email account to handle sensitive government information.

That may be true on the legal side, but the political angle is bigger to me. By using a private server, she's putting herself in control over what can be made public about her work as SoS. To me that's an outage. The e-mails she sent and received while acting in the course and scope of her employment with the State Department belong to the public, not her. It isn't her place to circumvent the public's access to those e-mails or do anything to undermine their confidence that they truly have such access.
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Now I see why Hillary thinks she will get away with this.
according to this report from NYPost :
In 1999, as investigators looked into Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate and other scandals involving the then-first lady, it was discovered that more than 1 million subpoenaed e-mails were mysteriously “lost” due to a “glitch” in a West Wing computer server.

The massive hole in White House archives covered a critical two-year period — 1996 to 1998 — when Republicans and special prosecutor Ken Starr were subpoenaing White House e-mails.

Despite separate congressional investigations and a federal lawsuit over Project X, high-level e-mails dealing with several scandals were never turned over. And the full scope of Bill and Hillary Clintons’ culpability in the parade of scandals was never known."
In 1999, as investigators looked into Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate and other scandals involving the then-first lady, it was discovered that more than 1 million subpoenaed e-mails were mysteriously “lost” due to a “glitch” in a West Wing computer server.

The massive hole in White House archives covered a critical two-year period — 1996 to 1998 — when Republicans and special prosecutor Ken Starr were subpoenaing White House e-mails.

Despite separate congressional investigations and a federal lawsuit over Project X, high-level e-mails dealing with several scandals were never turned over. And the full scope of Bill and Hillary Clintons’ culpability in the parade of scandals was never known"

remember when about 3 week ago she said she would talk to anyone at anytime about her current email "investigation"? Yet she and her staff refuse to appear.
How can anyone defend her let alone vote for her?
It has come out in the Judicial Watch lawsuit discovery that Hillary appears to have disclosed the names of CIA-protected intelligence sources on her unprotected email system.

If so, this behavior invokes the Espionage Act.

Scooter Libby could not be reached for comment.
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There is a white elephant in the room and everyone in the room is looking out the window while saying I don't see an elephant.

The damn media is afraid of this woman and or the Clinton's.

There is now a ton of evidence of violations of classified information and perhaps the Espionage Act. Lives may have been lost by her actions.

A Special Prosecutor needs to be appointed to handle this and hold this ***** accountable.
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I will admit, I have never been a fan of Hillary, for many reasons.
If someone on the board is "with her", I honestly would like to hear the rationale for your support. I'm not here to call anyone names, or attack you for your beliefs...I am genuinely interested in how a Hillary supporter would respond to this data.
Everyone has an opinion, and I respect the fact that their opinion may be different from my own.

I know plenty who support HC, but they are so fervent in their support that you can't ask an honest question without the risk of having your head ripped off.
By the way, I don't like Trump either.
Thanks if anyone replies. Also, you can't use the "everyone else has done it" reason. That may be true, but from what I have read, nothing that comes close to the risk and depth of what HC is accused of doing.
Just don't see it happening WorsterMan. It is as amazing to me as is the continued blind support.

What if the polls start to trend in favor of Trump in enough of the key electoral states that it looks like she will lose?

In that case, perhaps Obama/Lynch will let the indictment go through so Biden can jump in?
I know plenty who support HC, but they are so fervent in their support that you can't ask an honest question without the risk of having your head ripped off......

It reminds me of the Marion Barry saga. I lived/worked in DC through that entire timeline.
Barry was caught smoking crack on video
Was convicted
Was then caught again on video getting serviced by a professional in the open visitation room of the prison, which was full of families, including children running around
But folks did not care. They re-elected him anyway as soon as he could run
My own secretary (who was otherwise one of the great humans on earth) voted for him and then just LOLd when I asked her why.

Hillary's core- supporters are the same, They are not just drinking the Kool-Aid, they are sloppy drunk on it (and need to go home). I think they will vote for her even if she is sitting in a federal prison.

I think your average HRC voter is going to try to avoid the details of the e-mail fiasco. They hear the "Colin Powell and Condy Rice used a private e-mail address" diversion, and that's enough to get them to dismiss it as a partisan witch hunt without any analysis or context. If you ask them what they think of the fact that she has BS'd and lied about this every step of the way, they'll shrug and say "Bush lied us into a war and got a bunch of people killed." And of course, if you can get them past that point, they'll bring up the fact that her opponent is a colossal dumpster fire, and there isn't much of a rebuttal to that.

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