When is the court date for Hillary?

I see what Croc and Husker are doing. They are just posting the Den talking points and deflections they know Dems will use to try to protect Hillary.
Nicely played.
Let's see more.
So the Democrats admit she lied about the video's culpability and excoriate her for using a private email server? I can't speak for Husker, but I arrived at my conclusions after reading various media. As far as Hillary and the Gulf War, she believed the Colin Powell and Cheney, she didn't help them concoct the stories nor lean on Valerie Palme and others who had contrary views/evidence.
We already KNOW the Obama Admin had an incorrect spin and took a week to change their talking points

We knew the spin was incorrect, but we didn't know that it was intentionally incorrect. There's a very big difference.

We are spending $20M to get to a conclusion that was already known. Wasting money in other areas doesn't justify this waste.

But it wasn't known. The Administration and HRC denied all wrongdoing beyond just being misinformed. HRC BS'd pretty much every facet of her emails as well as what she knew and when about the raid on the embassy. Had the Committee not done its work, some partisans would suspect she was lying (because they always do), but fair minded people wouldn't know.

Do I have a problem with administrations lying? Yes, all of them, R or D. Do I think it's worth $20M to rub their nose in their excrement when it won't change the behavor? No.

It won't change behavior, because there likely won't be any consequences for what she did. However, that's our problem. Congress should still do its job, which includes oversight investigations longer this one.
I see what Croc and Husker are doing. They are just posting the Den talking points and deflections they know Dems will use to try to protect Hillary.
Nicely played.
Let's see more.

Like Crock, NPR would the be most "liberal" site or news I listen to. I've already stated that I have no intention of voting for HRC. If there are "Den" talking points that follow my stated views here it is by pure coincidence.
We knew the spin was incorrect, but we didn't know that it was intentionally incorrect. There's a very big difference.

Really? What was the repercussion or outcome that makes it a big difference? BTW, from what I can tell from the timeline they knee-jerked reaction to the "video" the day of the affair then kept it going for ~10 days. The first statements we have that they knew it wasn't "video" related were a day after the first response. Was it a lie from the getgo or were they slow to change the narrative when they had already jumped in with the "video" reason? Given the fact that there were mass demonstrations in Egypt (next door to Libya) and the admins demonstrated weakness of jumping to conclusion before having all facts (Trayvon Martin, the Middle School "clockmaker") is that far fetched?

It won't change behavior, because there likely won't be any consequences for what she did. However, that's our problem. Congress should still do its job, which includes oversight investigations longer this one.

Do you think Congress is doing it's job here? How does Mike McCarthy's statement support that? Trey Gowdy's personal redaction of HRC's email? Rather than 8 different committees legislate in a special prosecutor. Clearly, this committee's primary intention is politically motivated, R's against HRC and D's for her. Again, 90+% of what this committee uncovered is in the ARB report.
Most intelligent people are laughing at the Dems faux outrage over spending 5 mil on this investigation . Check out how much BO spent (a ton over 4.5 years ) a study ( and are still spending) on why lesbians are fat and gay men are fit.

Do intelligent Dems really think Hillary is the best the Dems have to offer? Do intelligent Dems give her a pass on how she handled this?
Do intelligent Dems really think Hillary is the best the Dems have to offer? Do intelligent Dems give her a pass on how she handled this?

Well, "no" to the first question and "most likely" to the second.

But a better question surrounding this whole ordeal would be "what's it to you?"

The only thing that the House committee has to gain in this thing is negative approval for Hillary. There's no criminal charges being lobbied by anyone (or anyone rational who doesn't write for Breitbart or the Heritage Foundation). You can't fire her. You can't impeach her. There's no cash reward for getting her to slip up. The GOP's genuine quest for "truth" is going to come up short for the 8th time. Because the truth that was gleaned from the other 7 times, however incomplete it might be, is the best you're going to do. So you're taking the basketball from the pickup game, going home, and blaming it on the cheater.

Is she the best Democrats have to offer? Probably not. Maybe. Does she get a pass? Yeah, probably. Unless something comes out that she actually revealed classified info in personal emails, or that her correspondence in Egypt and with Chelsea actually altered the Obama administration rhetoric, then I doubt she falls out of favor with people who'd vote for her anyhow. Anything else that the House panel pokes with a stick like "Chris Stevens is a good friend" or "I've lost more sleep than any of you" just makes them look stupid.

On top of all that, the GOP isn't exactly thrilled with the way their 2016 primary situation is unfolding, so of course 72 percent of people think the House committee is politically motivated.
Really? What was the repercussion or outcome that makes it a big difference?

Well, Obama was reelected at least in part on his alleged record of defeating Al Qaeda in the wake of. Bin Laden being killed. That's a big consequence. Also, some people like to know when their public officials lie to them. I know they lie anyway, but when we don't hold them accountable even when they get caught, then we're a pretty irresponsible citizenry.

BTW, from what I can tell from the timeline they knee-jerked reaction to the "video" the day of the affair then kept it going for ~10 days. The first statements we have that they knew it wasn't "video" related were a day after the first response. Was it a lie from the getgo or were they slow to change the narrative when they had already jumped in with the "video" reason?

Based on HRC's notes from her discussion with the Libyan president and her email to Chelsea Clinton on the night of the incident, she knew the attack was orchestrated by Ansar Al Sharia. The video story was a lie from the get-go.

Do you think Congress is doing it's job here? How does Mike McCarthy's statement support that? Trey Gowdy's personal redaction of HRC's email? Rather than 8 different committees legislate in a special prosecutor. Clearly, this committee's primary intention is politically motivated, R's against HRC and D's for her. Again, 90+% of what this committee uncovered is in the ARB report.

Yes, they did do their job. They didn't do it well, but they did do their job. Like previous congressional investigations, it was politically motivated and adversarial, but they were supposed to do what they did. Again, the big thing they find that the other committees and the ARB didn't find was the lie. They may have found the lie, but HRC didn't turn over everything to them.
Either Carson or Fiorina will be superb nominees and opponents to Hillary. The arguments against these two are specious. He's not PC or not classicaly experienced in the Beltway's definiton of management, HP stock went down, etc. Really??? Unless you're a dyed in the wool democrat, you're not going to care nor believe those are important to being President in 2016. And you shouldn't.

Bottom line is, they're both brilliant, they're trustworthy, their character and backgrounds are impressive and appealing to a wide range of demographics. Like Tyson said, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. That's why I vote on a candidate's character, leadership, principles, and intellect versus what kind of promises they make for a notional budget or tax code becauses those plans are always contested in Congress.
Either Carson or Fiorina will be superb nominees and opponents to Hillary.

I agree on Fiorina, but the more I hear from Carson, the less impressed I am with him. The guy is so weak on policy that it's painful to watch him. He's almost like Sarah Palin but isn't hot like she was. In a debate against HRC, he would get curb stomped.

What I've heard some of his fans say (albeit more diplomatically) is that voters are dumb and that his feel-good story is enough for him to win. I agree with them. Most voters are very shallow. However, most people who vote on personal stories and other superficialities are going to vote for the media candidate, which will always be the Democrat. The GOP candidate needs people who think in order to win.
If it it proven that her email was hacked, how can she not be prosecuted and be found guilty?

If her job is to work between bank locations and carry money and info around and she chose to drive a Yugo instead of an armored carrier (as the law calls for) and she was robbed, then she is guilty of enabling and allowing the theft.
If it it proven that her email was hacked, how can she not be prosecuted and be found guilty?

If her job is to work between bank locations and carry money and info around and she chose to drive a Yugo instead of an armored carrier (as the law calls for) and she was robbed, then she is guilty of enabling and allowing the theft.
What if the Democrat Justice Department decides not to prosecute like they punted with the IRS? What can we do to combat selective prosecution?
Hill's latest emails dumped on a Friday of course
This one clearly classified

Some of these latest HRC emails are pretty amusing
But then you stop and remember Benghazi, and it's not so funny anymore

Combining the two, it seems the best way to have gotten her attention on Benghazi would have been to --
1. Enlist Sid Blumenthal
2. Enlist Ben Affleck
3. Set up phishing scam
Who decides the punishment for these things? FBI? Or does the FBI refer it to a court? Or is it the Executive Branch legal dept that handles the oversight for the Executive Branch employees?
"Two years before the public learned of Hillary Clinton’s private server, the State Department gave an “inaccurate and incomplete” response about her email use when it told an outside group that it had no documents about Clinton’s email accounts beyond her government address, according to a report from the State Department’s inspector general to be released Thursday.

The State Department made its statement in response to a 2012 records request from the independent watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW). The response came even though Clinton’s chief of staff, who knew about the secretary’s private account, was aware of the inquiry, the report says. In addition, the IG review found that agency staffers had not searched Clinton’s office for emails...."

If Hillary's numbers are enough in the tank in, let's say March or April, I could see Obama ordering the FBI to indict her. That way, Uncle Joe can then get back in to "save the day" and HRC will be thrown under the bus. Only if it looks like she cannot win the general election, tho.
Oh looky, a federal crime ....

From pretending not to know what "wiping a hard drive" meant to noticing email headers ....

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If Hillary's numbers are enough in the tank in, let's say March or April, I could see Obama ordering the FBI to indict her. That way, Uncle Joe can then get back in to "save the day" and HRC will be thrown under the bus. Only if it looks like she cannot win the general election, tho.

Reminds me of the 2002 New Jersey Senate Campaign when Torricelli was indicted and then magically replaced with Lautenberg at the last second. Somehow done free of state law restrictions

Even now another NJ Dem Sen (Menendez) is under indictment.
What is it with NJ Democrats anyway?
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Here is an interesting twist to the Hillary Illegal Email Saga
It appears that some of the stuff her bud and non-governmental player, Sid Blumenthal, sent her was actually NSA intel. Which raises the issue of how he got it and why was he sending it to Clinton via unsecured email --

"..... No surprise, NSA is aflutter this weekend over this strange matter. One Agency official expressed to me “at least 90 percent confidence” that Blumenthal’s June 8 report was derived from NSA reports, and the Agency ought to be investigating the matter right now.

There are many questions here. How did Sid Blumenthal, who had no position in the U.S. Government in 2011, and hasn’t since Bill Clinton left the White House fifteen years ago, possibly get his hands on such highly classified NSA reporting? Why did he place it an open, non-secure email to Hillary, who after all had plenty of legitimate access, as Secretary of State, to intelligence assessments from all our spy agencies? Moreover, how did the State Department think this was Unclassified and why did it release it to the public?

It’s possible this Blumenthal report did not come from NSA, but perhaps from another, non-American intelligence agency – but whose? If Sid was really able to get top-level intelligence like this for Hillary, using just his shoestring operation, and get it into her hands a day later, with precise information about the high-level conspiracy that was just discussed over in Sudan, the Intelligence Community needs to get him on our payroll stat. He’s a pro at the spy business."

Why or how could the MSM who ,continues to protect Hillary, how could they sincerely think she would make a good Pres?

I don't think they do. I think they stand by her because she is ideologically closer to them than any GOP candidate.
Yes Mr D I think you are right.But MSM has an uphill battle to get her elected.
I don't think they can keep all the crap coming out daily from the voters like they used to be able to do.

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