What if it was not the Russians?

Recall Papadopoulos was indicted for misremembering his discussion with Mifsud, who we now know was a western asset. DOJ and FBI misled the court.

LOL! I was wondering where Jon Solomon landed after being cast out of TheHill.com for his previous unscrupulous "reporting".
This article has people on record and lifting quotes from actual memos unlike all the other articles from the WP and NYT on Trump.
This article has people on record and lifting quotes from actual memos unlike all the other articles from the WP and NYT on Trump.

He's always had quotes and memos. It was later that we found out that he was working directly with Guiliani and team as their propaganda mouthpiece. He was pushed out of TheHill.com because he didn't let anyone know that he was their publication mechanism and the source of the documents were untraceable.

Should we ignore all his prior integrity challenges and take this new article as factual? There is a reason that disgraced journalists get canned, whether they be from WaPo, NYT, FoxNews or any media entity. Jon Solomon is clearly in that category which is why JustTheNews, Jon Solomon's new venture should be taken with a tanker full of salt. I know why you want to believe him because he's been singing the narrative you espouse since Day 1. To me, integrity matters not narrative. I'd say the same for any biased site, right or left.
LOL! I was wondering where Jon Solomon landed after being cast out of TheHill.com for his previous unscrupulous "reporting".
Golly, I guess the sorry sacks of shite in the Democrat Party, FBI, and Perkins Coie aren't really sacks of shite after all.
He's always had quotes and memos. It was later that we found out that he was working directly with Guiliani and team as their propaganda mouthpiece. He was pushed out of TheHill.com because he didn't let anyone know that he was their publication mechanism and the source of the documents were untraceable.

Should we ignore all his prior integrity challenges and take this new article as factual? There is a reason that disgraced journalists get canned, whether they be from WaPo, NYT, FoxNews or any media entity. Jon Solomon is clearly in that category which is why JustTheNews, Jon Solomon's new venture should be taken with a tanker full of salt. I know why you want to believe him because he's been singing the narrative you espouse since Day 1. To me, integrity matters not narrative. I'd say the same for any biased site, right or left.
I think the narrative of the FBI spying on the Trump campaign was settled awhile back. They should hang Comey, Strzok, Lisa Page, DNC employees, and lawyers from Perkins Coie.
Patel did not suggest that a game-changing smoking gun is being kept from the public. Core intelligence failures have been exposed – especially regarding the FBI’s reliance on Christopher Steele’s now debunked dossier to secure FISA warrants used to surveil Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. But he said the withheld material would reveal more misconduct as well as major problems with the CIA’s assessment that Russia, on Vladimir Putin's orders, ordered a sweeping and systematic interference 2016 campaign to elect Trump. Patel was cautious about going into detail on any sensitive information that has not yet been declassified.

In Final Days, Trump Gave Up On Forcing Release Of Russiagate Files, Nunes Investigator Says | ZeroHedge
I said this 2 years ago:

Former FBI Special Agent Michael Biasello, a 25-year veteran of the FBI who spent 10 years in counterintelligence working closely with intelligence analysts, said Auten should be “held accountable” for his role in what he described as FBI headquarters' blatant disregard for the diligent process FISA warrants demand.

“A FISA warrant must be fully corroborated. Every statement, phrase, paragraph, must be verified in order for the affiant to attest before a judge that the contents are true and correct,” he said. “I remember agents and analysts scouring warrants and affidavits obsessively to make certain the document was meticulous and accurate."

“To think the Crossfire team signed off on those FISA affidavits knowing the contents were uncorroborated is unconscionable, immoral and also illegal,” Biasello added. "All of them must be prosecuted for perjury, fraud and other federal crimes.”
I said it wasn’t disproven, not that it was verified. It was initially paid for by gop folks. Actually a good intel op by the Russians to pass this on to inquiring minds.
You just wanted a chance to see the golden shower tape.
I'd say that checks out. Oddly, that's one of the off the wall things that I could see being kind of true. I could see the Russians walking Trump into that during Ms. Universe without him even being involved.
Actually none of that is true. The entirely of "Da Russians stole my election" was a lie the Shirlly Clinton campaign cooked up right after her election loss, to both cover her (and their) putrid performance, and smear President Trump in the eyes of simple minded folks who slavish watch CNN and believe their lies.

It's a joke of a left wing conspiracy story, started with garbage opposition research, and laundered through a compliant FBI who becomes more and more of America's KGB every day.

Even they needed to lie on FISA warrants to keep the fraud going - thankfully for them using the awesome power of the federal government against elected Republicans is not a crime, in the mind of the ruling class, and their prosecutors, judges, and DC juries.
Actually none of that is true. The entirely of "Da Russians stole my election" was a lie the Shirlly Clinton campaign cooked up right after her election loss, to both cover her (and their) putrid performance, and smear President Trump in the eyes of simple minded folks who slavish watch CNN and believe their lies.

It's a joke of a left wing conspiracy story, started with garbage opposition research, and laundered through a compliant FBI who becomes more and more of America's KGB every day.

Even they needed to lie on FISA warrants to keep the fraud going - thankfully for them using the awesome power of the federal government against elected Republicans is not a crime, in the mind of the ruling class, and their prosecutors, judges, and DC juries.
Wrong. They still are facilitating our bickering over masks, confederate flags, and Cruz v. Warren. We are not focusing on Russia’s aggressive actions.
I'd say that checks out. Oddly, that's one of the off the wall things that I could see being kind of true. I could see the Russians walking Trump into that during Ms. Universe without him even being involved.

I could see them walking him into something, but I was always skeptical of the pee tape. I knew a dude who was a golden showerer. He wasn't very "Trumpy." Nice guy and a bit passive. I so wish I could claim that he went to OU. But he was an Aggie, which is the next best thing.
I could see them walking him into something, but I was always skeptical of the pee tape. I knew a dude who was a golden showerer. He wasn't very "Trumpy." Nice guy and a bit passive. I so wish I could claim that he went to OU. But he was an Aggie, which is the next best thing.
How does this sort of thing come up in conversation? “Gonna watch the Aggie baseball game tonight?” “No, my girlfriend is coming over. Golden Shower, baby!!”
Donald J. Trump 45th President

Well....on his new 45office.com website Trump is pictured in Military gear with a Z on the sticker right behind him. Last letter in the alphabet. Dan Bongino tweeted a military jet circling back, insinuating Trump is circling back. What does this all mean? I don't know, but Trump aint done yet! The Durham report is not done, the 5 swing states are now forcing voter ID laws at the state level, and auditing the dominion voting machines (Arizona, Michigan announced this). I agree with many of you that Biden won't very likely finish his first term. But will Harris replace him? I don't know.

This guy is taking over for Rush Limbaugh starting May 24th I believe. Here is his show:
The Dan Bongino Show
I am glad Dan Bongino was chosen to replace Rush. What a Patriot!
Good news about Dan Bongiino, he'll do a good job in that role. So glad that President Trump honored Rush at last year's State of the Union with the Medal of Freedom. No way either Bush, Mittens Romney, or McShit-stain would have done that.
I could see them walking him into something, but I was always skeptical of the pee tape. I knew a dude who was a golden showerer. He wasn't very "Trumpy." Nice guy and a bit passive. I so wish I could claim that he went to OU. But he was an Aggie, which is the next best thing.
Aggie's...what are you gonna do...

And I don't mean to imply that 45 had any desire to see any urine based sexual content. He seems like he has typical taste in the ladies and he's a germaphobe. I'm just saying that if he was in the camera while it was happening at a party it could be used to embarrass him, ruin him, or blackmail him. A guy who spent a decade or so working for the State Department in Moscow said they were told to go through their daily lives knowing that anything that they did in any area could reasonably be assumed to be on video so they should act accordingly.
[clay davis] shhhhiiitt, the scenario above is more likely than "circling back" theory. [/clay davis]
Oh, and, I think you are revealing insecurity because your panhandle is a bit on the small side. Texas! Where the panhandle is meaty!

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