What if it was not the Russians?

What does the family statement mean to the overall picture
Nothing, but I was assured by a certain poster that this was all conspiracy theory circulating on fringe sites. It’s now coming from the family (besides every other media outlet).
Trump should go on a huge firing spree if he is reelected. Truly drain the swamp. The Marxists will squeal like bloody murder, but that could be part of the fun.
Trump should go on a huge firing spree if he is reelected. Truly drain the swamp. The Marxists will squeal like bloody murder, but that could be part of the fun.
As I read Trump, "draining the swamp" is removing everyone who would stand up to him and act with integrity in the interest of the American people. Trump is one of the all time greats at firing people. Germans swore personal allegiance to Hitler. I guess some people want a government where everyone is loyal to the top guy. It's to our credit that that is not the tradition here.
As I read Trump, "draining the swamp" is removing everyone who would stand up to him and act with integrity in the interest of the American people. Trump is one of the all time greats at firing people. Germans swore personal allegiance to Hitler. I guess some people want a government where everyone is loyal to the top guy. It's to our credit that that is not the tradition here.
I love that he was such a pu$$y that he fired people like tillerson on the twitter.
As I read Trump, "draining the swamp" is removing everyone who would stand up to him and act with integrity in the interest of the American people.
Integrity? They are all self-interested tools. How many of these bozos represent the working men and women of this country? DC has replaced Wall St as the most corrupt and ethically challenged grifters in the nation. Trump could fire 100 DC workers indiscriminately and at most 1-3 of them would be done unfairly.
As I read Trump, "draining the swamp" is removing everyone who would stand up to him and act with integrity in the interest of the American people. Trump is one of the all time greats at firing people. Germans swore personal allegiance to Hitler. I guess some people want a government where everyone is loyal to the top guy. It's to our credit that that is not the tradition here.
Yeah, the swampers need firing:


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