What if it was not the Russians?

"ANALYSIS: When the Justice Department released heavily redacted FBI wiretap applications to spy on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page in July 2018, the media generally panned President Trump’s response.

It turns out that, based on the subsequent release of government documents, Mr. Trump was right on a number of his assertions ....
* * *
In a nutshell, the released applications showed that the FBI relied on a dossier financed by the Democratic Party and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as evidence of “probable cause” for judges to approve four, three-month surveillances of Mr. Page....."

Documents show Trump right about FBI, FISA warrants
Her is a detailed article on why Obama went after Flynn so hard. The argument here is that it was about Iran

-- Flynn was determined to undo the "Iran Deal" (which was 0's crowning legacy)

Flynn knew how Iran had murdered Americans. He saw how Iran threatened US interests. And worst of all from Obama's perspective, Flynn had broadcast his determination to find the documentary evidence detailing Obama's secret deals with Iran. And to publicize them.

I am reading "Unfreedom of the Press" by Mark Levine. He details how many Presidents have used the FBI and DOJ as their personal political informants and enforcers. It sounds like it started with FDR. Every Democrat President did it except for Carter. Eisenhower and Nixon were the only Republican Presidents Levin mentioned. But it was illuminating to see how the news media treated Nixon vs FDR, JFK, and LBJ. They covered for the Democrat Presidents and we all know what happened with Watergate. Nixon was an amatuer compared to LBJ.
I still can’t believe Comey didn’t turn on his pals in front of Trump. He could have been a kingmaker. Not only is Comey corrupt, he is also stupid. Bad combo!
The White House chief of staff also said that he expects other damning documents will soon be made public.

“You’re going to see a couple of other documents come out in the coming days that will suggest that not only was the campaign spied on, but the FBI did not act appropriately as they were investigating,” Meadows continued. “It’s all starting to unravel, and I tell you, it’s time that people go to jail and people are indicted.

Trump Chief Of Staff: Indictments Expected From Durham Probe
The White House chief of staff also said that he expects other damning documents will soon be made public.

“You’re going to see a couple of other documents come out in the coming days that will suggest that not only was the campaign spied on, but the FBI did not act appropriately as they were investigating,” Meadows continued. “It’s all starting to unravel, and I tell you, it’s time that people go to jail and people are indicted.

Trump Chief Of Staff: Indictments Expected From Durham Probe
I hope so, but for now it is the usual Republican people should go to jail and so and so ought to be investigated talk. We'll see. Hope I am proven wrong this time.
I hope so, but for now it is the usual Republican people should go to jail and so and so ought to be investigated talk. We'll see. Hope I am proven wrong this time.

I think Durham's a good man and I think there will be indictments. However, convicting these ******** in Washington will be close to impossible with these Obama/Clinton judges everywhere.

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