What if it was not the Russians?

Bipartisan Senate report backs intel assessment of 2016 Russian interference

Yet Obama mocked Mitt Romney for engaging in "Cold War thinking" when Mitt identified Russia as our number one geopolitical threat. Obama said it was the JV.

How is Obama allowed to get away with this world class error of a sound-bite? It's the same with the infamous, "I'll have more flexibility after the election." An obvious collusion with who? THE RUSSIANS!
Recall SH was on his high horse about the FBI indicting Flynn and Papadopoulos, etc. and I said it was a set up and fishy from the start (not to mention the whole BS Mueller investigation).

Flynn’s attorney says corrupt FBI agents conspired against Flynn. It’s obvious to me that good agents at the FBI outed the bad ones.


If you don’t know the back story, one of the FBI spies (Stefan Harper I think) gave him $10k cash overseas for an analysis paper. Papadopoulos was smart enough to deposit it in a Greek bank before heading home.
By the way, Van Grack has history of abusing the law before the Mueller investigation.

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