What if it was not the Russians?

Hey guys. The Democrats are colluding with Russia to influence a US election.

The New York Times can't even be bothered to be 1% self aware. Just blaze forward with the propaganda their masters demand.

still want to know about the Trump tower meeting?

"Adoptions" is what they say when they're really talking about the Magintsky Act. And, I don't care if they talked about puppy adoptions in that meeting. Taking the meeting in the first place based upon the pretext presented was evidence of collusion. So obvious that I'd believe that someone wanting to place something in the Trump campaign's calendar that could be used as leverage. Also, have we ever found out if Trump was the person on the phone during the meeting? He was in Trump Tower that day even though, initially, he said he wasn't. Indicted co conspirator one.
"Adoptions" is what they say when they're really talking about the Magintsky Act. And, I don't care if they talked about puppy adoptions in that meeting. Taking the meeting in the first place based upon the pretext presented was evidence of collusion. So obvious that I'd believe that someone wanting to place something in the Trump campaign's calendar that could be used as leverage. Also, have we ever found out if Trump was the person on the phone during the meeting? He was in Trump Tower that day even though, initially, he said he wasn't. Indicted co conspirator one.
Do you know that alien ring tone on your phone? I hear that in my head every time you post on Russian collusion.
It can be both. Manafort looks to be dirty and needs jail time but your Trump Derangement Syndrome will not allow you to see that the FBI/DOJ show serious signs of corruption. There is a very good chance that this investigation was started due to politics.

Sounds like creative hedging. That's understandable.

Since LongestHorn likes to dredge up the past I brought up this little gem. This aged well.
Where is SH? I thought he said there was no spying on Trump campaign and the Papadopoulos indictment wasn’t a set up.

So, three years ago, Trump says that Obama’s people illegally spied in him to set up a phony claim that Trump’s campaign colluded with the Russians, but that there was no such collusion.

I still remember how the media mocked Trump for that. I remember Jeff Ward (not the media, but I just remember this) saying that Trump shouldn’t tweet so late at night when he was drunk.

So, basically after everything, Trump was 100% right.
Oh, too, I had people who otherwise seem intelligent who believed that Russia had actually hacked the vote counts to make it look like Trump won when he hadn’t. Seriously. “Intelligent” liberal friends—they mashed up what the media was saying, Russian interference in our election, hacking, FBI looking at Trump, Hillary’s surprising loss—and they seriously believed that what had happened was that Russia had caused a vote miscount.
“Intelligent” liberal friends—they mashed up what the media was saying, Russian interference in our election, hacking, FBI looking at Trump, Hillary’s surprising loss—and they seriously believed that what had happened was that Russia had caused a vote miscount.
Perhaps intelligent, but completely incurious. And so, willing to swallow whatever heap of crap the media felt like feeding them.
Intelligence today is defined by believing whatever is said on CNN or late night TV hosts without applying critical thinking. Otherwise, that type of person is called a brain washed sheep.
FBI knew dossier was Russian disinformation but used it anyway against Trump. In summary, FBI spied on Trump and tried to undermine his presidency on a lie. Then, they started the Mueller investigation based on a lie. It was never legal, only political.

The source went on to press Papadopoulos, saying: “I feel like there’s some heavy Trump supporters out there that kind of want to rig this f—king election in Trump’s favor and then at the same time, I don’t know.”

Papadopoulos quipped: “Dude, you, you..there is no rigging in his favor.”


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