What if it was not the Russians?

What’s that you say? It did happen, but no big deal?
You do realize that multiple countries including ours have meddled in many elections for many years. Obama knew about it. Remember when he told Putin to “cut it out.” That makes me laugh every time I think about that. I’m sure that made the ex KGB leader shaking in his boots. So you are concerned about other countries, but not our own citizens that attempt to commit voter fraud every election?
Can you imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth if the Russians had helped get Hillary elected?

I know right? Hillary only got help from the all the law enforcement agencies, 95% of the media, both establishments. All the social media FB, google, leak after leak from inside jobs of Obama people, and on and on.
Can you imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth if the Russians had helped get Hillary elected?
Bubba, I hope your team gets burned this weekend as bad as you got roasted.


Sorry, my young kids say that.
Can you imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth if the Russians had helped get Hillary elected?

Hahahahaha, you mean like the wailing and gnashing of teeth we’re going through now by the Dems?

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