What are you listening to?

Walker got me in a Beastie groove. Two videos I really like are performances on the Chapelle Show and Letterman. Rest in peace, MCA.


What a voice on this lovely lady! Terrific song and great footage of an event I wish I could have been at but that would have been impossible.

Love that song - my favorite by JA and probably at least in my top 20 all time if not higher (I may have to compile that list sometime)
Don't do it or if you do, don't try to put it in numerical order. It's hard to do and tougher than you think. Just make it a top whatever number you choose but not top to bottom. It's frustrating.
Don't do it or if you do, don't try to put it in numerical order. It's hard to do and tougher than you think. Just make it a top whatever number you choose but not top to bottom. It's frustrating.
I understand. Looking at my iTunes playlist, I presently have 374 songs rated at 5 stars :)
I was thinking about listening to this song driving home from work today - I have XM radio but I have a wide music taste and they leave me wanting much more diversity and deep dives into some artists than what I get. I keep putting off getting a player for iTunes that I can download what I want to listen to... in the mean time I am going to go old school on ya' - Derrick and Dominoes featuring a guy who played the guitar pretty OK. This is the purist version of the song, so there is no video... I would have preferred this had not been used in Goodfella's as it was.

I was thinking about listening to this song driving home from work today - I have XM radio but I have a wide music taste and they leave me wanting much more diversity and deep dives into some artists than what I get. I keep putting off getting a player for iTunes that I can download what I want to listen to... in the mean time I am going to go old school on ya' - Derrick and Dominoes featuring a guy who played the guitar pretty OK. This is the purist version of the song, so there is no video... I would have preferred this had not been used in Goodfella's as it was.

That's one of my 384 :). I also have XM in the vehicle and find I flip a lot - Classic Vinyl, Deep Tracks, Bluesville, Coffehouse, and Symphony Hall being mostly what I switch between.

This was in my mix today
This is another song I wanted to listen to today. So, you know I am not only old school 60's & 70's. Here is a group from the 80's I really liked and had some of their music back in the day.

That's one of my 384 :). I also have XM in the vehicle and find I flip a lot - Classic Vinyl, Deep Tracks, Bluesville, Coffehouse, and Symphony Hall being mostly what I switch between.

This was in my mix today

Felt like I was in the Quarter listening to that - good stuff. As I recall a little group from the late 60's sang that song;)

Yup, I skip around a LOT - Deep Tracks, Classic, Coffee House, The Bridge, Garage, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's and a little Blue Grass from time to time.
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I have XM in the house too. I listen to it more than I watch tv. Then again, I don't have cable since I watch everything online via Netflix/Amazon Prime or the network websites. Cord cutter for 4 years now. Or is it 5? I forget but I do know I have saved thousands which has made outright ownership of house closer to happening. Music to my ears.
I have XM in the house too. I listen to it more than I watch tv. Then again, I don't have cable since I watch everything online via Netflix/Amazon Prime or the network websites. Cord cutter for 4 years now. Or is it 5? I forget but I do know I have saved thousands which has made outright ownership of house closer to happening. Music to my ears.

Cord cutting is cool ! One of this household's better decisions... besides skipping the majority of 80's music.
Walker got me in a Beastie groove. Two videos I really like are performances on the Chapelle Show and Letterman. Rest in peace, MCA.


When I used to work at a Texas souvenir shop in college we would get bored and recreate beastie boys videos. Which basically just meant squatting in front of the camera and waving your hands back and forth, palms facing you.
When I used to work at a Texas souvenir shop in college we would get bored and recreate beastie boys videos. Which basically just meant squatting in front of the camera and waving your hands back and forth, palms facing you.

THAT, is pretty bad *** and I am sure it was a riot to do.
This is my favorite band of all time and has been since I was 16 when I first heard them. The rest of the top ten waivers in positioning but the top has remained solid. The rawness of the live shows way back in the beginning is haunting, especially if you know the story behind the lead singer and band.

W-Man, wow, I had no idea you were a Depeche Mode fan. Is it possible to like you more than I did yesterday?
It might be possible, if the senor comrade snek would quit calling her a man. No wonder your having problems finding a princess.

Back on topic, I offer up some Texas Red Dirt music with a cameo by Ray Wylie Hubbard and Club 21 in beautiful Uhland, Texas. I've been dancing there.

This is my favorite band of all time and has been since I was 16 when I first heard them. The rest of the top ten waivers in positioning but the top has remained solid. The rawness of the live shows way back in the beginning is haunting, especially if you know the story behind the lead singer and band.

Wow, vintage 1978... they have an 80's kind of sound fur shure. I like the beat and great guitar licks and drums. Good stuff.
This is my favorite band of all time and has been since I was 16 when I first heard them. The rest of the top ten waivers in positioning but the top has remained solid. The rawness of the live shows way back in the beginning is haunting, especially if you know the story behind the lead singer and band.

Yessssssssssssssss (sorry, I enjoy the well known stuff- don't care!)

I wholeheartedly approve and then some more and more and more. I was at City Coliseum to see New Order for their Brotherhood tour (for those that don't know, Joy Division became New Order). The dj there was playing music between and before bands. There was this blissful droning song playing. I did not know who it was so I asked the dj. He gave me lots of attitude and snarled when he said, "Uh, it's THE SMITHS". Whoa dude. I know who they are but I did not know that this was their song. I humbly walked away.

Now, all these years later, I have dj'd all over the country and overseas as well. I would like to see his dj resume now! Bastard.

What's interesting, Ms. Walking, is that Bigmouth is not on Meat is Murder yet the person who upped the video to youtube may think so. I had to look to see if there was a version of that album I need to get ahold of that I don't have!

Here's a live clip of one of my favorites! It flat out rocks.

Another live clip of another favorite (I have a lot of favorite Smiths songs, Cure Songs, Depeche Mode songs, etc...). The long bass solo is, well, it is.

This somber chugger fits Austin's weather today. Moody, plodding and mellow. Caution: It's "electronic" for those who despise it for one reason or another.

I have it and wanted to hear it one time when I was not at home so I pulled it up on youtube. If you like that I have another for you but I will send it via pm so as to not bore others more than I usually do.

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