What are you listening to?

OK kids, I am changing gears here... I have most of Pat Metheny's music and have been to 5-6 concerts over the years. Not sure how to classify his music - modern or progressive jazz?

This song is one of my favorites of his and one that takes my mind off the world with all the daily ******** and to another place.

Turn it up, close your eyes, relax and let your mind wander. It starts off slow, builds and ends in an incredible way.

See if you like it.

Man, I always thought that roller skate song was Janis Joplin. Another day another lesson. And liked the Pat Methany, Went to see Willie Nelson at Ryman last night so been listening to him today. Hard to believe that bis an 83 year old man hitting those guitar licks.
Not going to figure out how to do a 'link in' right now but thanks to granddaughter turning me on to them my top listen right now is Avett Bros, Fantastic live shows, even for an oldie like me.
This thread or perhaps another mentioned Creedence Clearwater Revival.

I am going old school and more serious, but here are two of my favorites that I just listened to. Susie Q always reminds me of Vietnam and the guys that went over there (I know women went too but I didn't know any back then). Fortunate Son reminds me of the guys that did not go over. If the war had lasted 6 more months, I would have been drafted... but that is another story.

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What a voice on this lovely lady! Terrific song and great footage of an event I wish I could have been at but that would have been impossible.

While most boys back in this era had crushes on Farrah Fawcett (who was hot, no doubt) I had crushes on gals like the Wilson sisters of Heart and this sexy shixa, Debbie Harry. I guess I went for edgy more than glamour before I even knew that was my thing.

Rarely paying undue attention to most new radio plays... It struck me that this is (wha the hell !?) lennon singing with something out of Deep Purple. ya gotta listen thru the 'bridge' to hear the DP association.

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That is a fantastic song from a fantastic band, toki! A very good song all the way through. Great commentary on your part. Never thought of it along terms like those. Refreshing to hear them on the radio the few times I listen to it. I am a satellite snob.
Snek, my wifes name is Debbie Harry.... just sayin'.

Here is my favorite Blondie song and video.

I agree Blondie Debbie Harry was HOT!

What a voice on this lovely lady! Terrific song and great footage of an event I wish I could have been at but that would have been impossible.

Grace Slick was very attractive back in the day. As I recall, she came from a very prominent family and was a debutante - a society chick. But something changed, she left all that behind and became the poster child / queen of counter-culture rock around 1966 with Jefferson Airplane. The rest is history.
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Rarely paying undue attention to most new radio plays... It struck me that this is (wha the hell !?) lennon singing with something out of Deep Purple. ya gotta listen thru the 'bridge' to hear the DP association.

I like that song a lot. Meant to listen to the rest of their stuff to see if I liked it, but never got around to it.

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