What are you listening to?

I am putting my video back up that was eliminated by copyright claims. I like this version of "Tennessee Whiskey," I believe George Jones would have liked his song done this way too. He worked with many artists of all genres.

Like the Timerlake song "Drink You Away" also. Happy for Chris Stapleton, who has been in the music business for a long time, finally getting his time to shine. He was named male singer of the year and won a couple of other awards at the CMA's.

Never heard that song from Alanis. Nice. Very talented gal. I still find her "hits" good even today when I hear them on the radio (satellite). Do you get into any of the more obscure Liz Phair stuff? Some of it is pretty good, I think.
Beenawhile since I've listened to any Alanis Morrisette

Some of you who were around here in '07 may remember this. I ran across it again today. Beck still fantastic and Tal Wilkenfeld is a fantastic bassist - she was 21 or 22 at the time.
Ah yes. The memories of skipping high school, heading to Austin for a couple of days and skating the Drag and all around Austin. The futile attempts of trying to hit on college girls, hitting up epic shows around town and general teen punker debauchery. Back when the Drag was anything but a drag. It was fun, epic fun. You could get Acid all up and down the Drag for cheap (so I, uh, heard, um, yeah it was a rumor and uh, stuff) and people were, well, they were nice. It was Austin. Not Austinifornia York.

A track oft heard from the boombox we'd lug around for a session.

Another jaunt back to the H.S. days. To some Cyndi Lauper was the 80's. To others, like me, this was moreso.

Another jaunt back to the H.S. days. To some Cyndi Lauper was the 80's. To others, like me, this was moreso.

sneks just want to have fun!

That's all they reallllly waaant!

Did you know Captain Lou Albano?

How did you feel about "Boy George" (not constanza) and Culture Club?

I know you enjoyed a good "Wham" song and George (again not constanza) Michael.

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Don't know why but for some reason Liz Phair is in my noggin tonight. Hmmm.

Average Everyday Sane Psycho...Super-goddess!!! She was 36 when this was made.

NB, this was more my speed from Culture Club. (as a side note, my Mom was the Kindergarten teacher to the guitar/keyboard players kid)

As for Wham!, dis the jam.

George Michael was not so bad (Costanza, the worst). He had redeeming qualities and tastes...some.

Let's continue the snek hit parade.

You know you had some Thompson Twins and bought one of those long billed hats.

I'm also sure you had a Bananarama poster, over your bed.
You listened to this song reapeatedly, never knowing about the real version by "Shocking Blue."

You had another poster of the Go Go's too, coveting Belinda Carlisle.

snek had the beat!

Make that Thompson Twins song the closer for Sixteen Candles and we have a deal.

Yup, I cannot argue with Banarama selection. I celebrate their sexy selves.

Our Lip's Are Sealed would be my call for the Go-Go's. In fact, the brother of a friend of mine is married to one of those gals. I think they may even live in Austin now.


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