What are you listening to?

I smashed a lot of pumpkins as a kid, it was a natural progression. A 12 guage Remington 1100, blows them up real good.

I know much serpent.

I am no cretin, I know of Bob Geldof, I watched Live Aid kick off live, from Wembley Stadium, in 1985, on MTV. Sixteen hours of music began with "Status Quo," doing an old Fogerty classic.

I liked it, I liked it, I liked it, I liiiiiiiiked it.

One for snek and now one for Dion, by an Austin band of that time period.

I gotta wear shades. :smokin:

What's next, the Butthole Surfers and Uranium Savages?
Austin filling the house, um, in Austin. Used to skip lots of H.S. and skate around Austin getting people in East Austin to buy us alcohol and catch lots of shows. Would try and fail miserably to pick up college chicks but damn, we never lost faith. We'd buy records, party, skate, go to shows and in general celebrate like there was no tomorrow. I recall one of the best places to get girls was Hall's. Yes, it was known to be a gay bar but the Fruit Fly's were very lovely and into our kind of music, alternative.

This is a band that I cherish the memories of seeing. Some weeks we could see them AND The Big Boys a couple of times in a matter of 3 days. A big thanks to the people who let degenerates like our crew crash out on their floors, couches, patios and backyards in the 80's. Damn.

This guy is a madman and a genius of the genre at the same time. His style varies and he has a few different aliases to reflect each one. As a producer he is simply amazing. The production level of a track like this is jaw dropping. A lot of people find this and other genres like it not to be music or real but where and who do musicians turn to when they want an album cut and released and to sound great? Producers and studios with rare exception and usually for a one off. This guy has so many things going at one time, turns on a dime and then zings with the unexpected. Luke Vibert, Plug, Wagon Christ, Amen Andrews, etc...

Charlie came into the Broken Spoke one night and got up and played, that was really neat. That used to happen a lot, back when I was still in Austin. Big time artists in town would come and get up and play, with whoever was on stage.

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