An embarrassinin day to be a fan, and the sunshine pumping on this thread is hilarious!! Has a Texas WCBB team EVER lost a game by more than 50 points before? Our rumored poor half court play in offense is not rumored but factual: UConn scored more points in a half than we scored in forty minutes. Given the predictability of the passing lanes, it is a miracle that there were only 18 turnovers.
Aston has been setting records at Texas for a while now - longest losing streak, longest conference losing streak, but now she is also setting NCAA records. UConn's margin of victory today was the largest in the HISTORY of the NCAA tournament for the round of 16 and up! In over 30 years of tournament play, NO team in the round of 16 has lost as badly as Texas lost today!!!
I partially agree with Rattfan that TX has the talent to be a final four team next year, but we don't have the player development or the coaching. TX was picked to finish first in the big 12. We finished 6th in the weakest Big 12 in living memory! And before we talk final 4, closer to home, how about beating Baylor first?? 11 losses in a row???
No coach in the country does less with more than Karen Aston. Shameful, but congrats to UConn who showed us how the game of basketball can and should be played: great shooting, terrific spacing, sustained movement without the ball, superb passing, intelligent screening and double screening - when necessary, and the best team defense I have ever seen, easy, crisp rotations: effort, intensity, intelligence: overall a joy to watch. Wish it were happening here.
I have watched nearly every game this season. I can count one on hand, the number of backdoor cuts, baseline drives, pick and rolls on offense all season. I have yet to see a single double screen to get a guard an open look. All we do in the half court offense is try to force feed the post, and when that doesn't work, some poor guard is forced to jack up a bad shot. This team plays offense like the 1990s Jody Conradt teams. It works against the weak sisters of the poor, but the game has moved on.
We were outmanned today, but Dr D was right: for TX to have had a chance the game needed to be slowed down. Stanford early on showed how to beat UConn, but we cannot execute in the half court. Teams reflect the philosophies of their coaches. This team makes such poor decisions with the ball, because Aston has a very low basketball IQ, which was utterly exposed today. There is almost never a game plan or in game adjustments. The video of the practice for the UConn game is laughable. Watch it: too little too late.
Just the facts ...