1st, I've lurked around for quite a while, and really don't contribute to those threads which obviously are from LHF sponsers. When I can pay my way, then I'll contribute ot this site and feel free to hijack, etc. -perhaps-
Loree, I believe was a sponser.
I have no more words other than those which have already been said over her death.
At that, I commend everyone who 'witness' for this person -
I'm not a dyed in the wool religious person, but witnessing is, I believe, born from basic human ethics. Everyone might agree that in this Keep up with the Jones's, Dog-eat-dog, if we can't at least 'represent' for another person, then what's it all worth? Money?, power?, ego?
So its Sun. morning, I got coffee and cruised by, and this topic got me weak kneed.