He's actually dropping per the most recent polls. Meanwhile, Cruz gained 6-7 points, Carson gained a few, and inexplicably Trump gained a point. Either the polling services are purposely skewed to the **** flingers OR the fringe right is growing and they don't care about politicians with successful track records. That one thing is clear is that deal makers are not allowed. There is no interest in any positions other than what they hold. This is one reason that Cruz is also moving up. He and Trump both seem to think they can govern by fiat and bravado.
I don't think the polling services are skewed to the **** flingers. I think the **** flingers are getting more and more numerous in the GOP primary electorate, which is how a guy like Kasich gets framed as a moderate, which is what's hurting him in the polls. A true moderate Republican during his tenure would have been someone like Olympia Snowe. Kasich is a conservative and was part of the conservative wing of the GOP. Hell, he was Newt Gingrich's Budget Committee Chairman. Moderates didn't get appointed to that type of leadership position under Gingrich. However, he's not a **** flinger. He's a problem-solver, which is what the country really needs.
To put Kasich's record into context, he chaired the Budget Committee from January 1995 - January 2001 (didn't seek reelection in 2000), which means he had control over the budgets from 1996 - 2001 (in bold). Here are the budget deficits before, during, and after his tenure.
1990 - $221B deficit
1991 - $269B deficit
1992 - $290B deficit
1993 - $255B deficit
1994 - $203B deficit
1995 - $164B deficit
1996 - $107B deficit
1997 - $22B deficit
1998 - $69B surplus
1999 - $126B surplus
2000 - $236B surplus
2001 - $128B surplus
2002 - $158B deficit
2003 - $378B deficit
2004 - $413B deficit
2005 - $318B deficit
As Chairman, Kasich was the architect of those budgets and one of the chief negotiators with the Senate and with White House, and even before he was chairman, he offered alternative budgets that were far better than what became law. Furthermore, Kasich did this while the Pentagon was mostly having its budget increased (reversing the cuts enacted by the first two years of the Clinton Administration) and while taxes were being reduced. His fiscal management was truly a work of mastery, and I really don't see how anyone could
not be impressed. However, the current GOP just doesn't give a damn about real accomplishments. It's all about who can fling more **** and who can fling it further and harder. Kasich just doesn't do a whole lot of that. All he does is balance budgets when no one thinks it's possible.
One other thing, there is a time for passionate and even combative debate. However, if you do that all the time, nobody takes you seriously, because it's obviously just a rap. If Ted Cruz gets into a frenzy about something, everybody knows that it's just Ted Cruz being Ted Cruz. Back in the early to mid '90s when I was C-SPAN junkie, I remember seeing Kasich debating the budget. He was a fierce debater and got very passionate at times. However, because he directed his passion to the policies at issue rather than people and because he didn't do it every time he opened his mouth, people took it seriously when he did.