Washington Huskies Series

Grubbs is getting it done thus far. 1 run in 4 innings.

The 5th inning will be key, as Grubbs will face the top of the Dogs lineup.
Big Galvan at the plate.

I would not be opposed to a solo Homerun here. Just saying.

Well, he was swinging for the fences. Didn’t connect this time.

On to the 5th

4-1 us

This is the crucial inning for Grubbs and the D.
Grubbs needs to get us through the Sixth here, and maybe the 7th. Grubbs has thrown 80 pitches, so he may just be good for one more?

Fielders choice. JT out at second. Too bad he didn’t try to steal. He’s really fast you know.

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