UT President To Contact CU's

Oh come on -- it's not even public right now. Our president is doing their president a favor by telling her about something going on. That's all that's going on.

If they get caught again they are screwed. We're not going to get Scott from this...it's not like we're still trying. And if we were being spiteful we would release our proof to ESPN and let them run with it.

All I see here is a president telling another president about something that they should be aware of. After the recent history of that school, I'd probably be appreciative if I was the CU president.

What OU did was cause a giant stink in the media. Right now, we're not doing that. Plus, there was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO BE GAINED BY BITCHING ABOUT A BLOWN CALL. Vs....you can stop an institution you face regularly from cheating and perhaps make it harder for others to cheat as well.

Crying about a blown call is just petty and immature since nothing can be done. If you can stop a school from cheating, you have to do it.

Big difference...and if some of you can't see that then that's too bad.
Reportedly, the two Presidents are going to meet because they had an on going bet on who would win the signature of Scott. CU won so he's delivering a side of beef. Unfortunately, UT's President was really looking forward to that case of Coors.
The president of a major research institution does not need to go onto espn and ***** and complain...OR share proof of misconduct with the media. This is not happening here.

Could be that what we have is one president helping out the other by saying "Hey, look into this because you're about to get ******. Just looking out."

I'm sorry, but I don't see a problem with this at all. It would completely wrong for him to go to the media with this, or say something in public. And if this **** happens, then I'll be A)Pissed at CU for cheating, and B) pissed that we handled it that way.

Hell, these two could be friends...nobody knows.
I see Mr. Orange's point. I won't debate whether having our President get involved is the best way to handle the situation. But I will say that if it was the mid to late 1980s and we had concrete evidence that aggy was cheating, I would hope we would turn them in instead of turning the other cheek. It's easy now to turn the other cheek because the last time we played CU, we beat them 70-3. I'm not saying CU cheated, and I'm not saying our President should get involved. But if CU did cheat then they should be held accountable.

As for Reggie Bush, I don't see the analogy. To my knowledge, no one has suggested that Reggie Bush committed to USC in order to win financial favors for his family.
Midget? I belive "little people" is the preferred nomenclature.. dude... or Duder.. or.. Il Duderino, if you're not into the whole.. brevity thing, man.
I'm with Mr. Orange and Since73 on this.

The only reason the president should get involved is if our AD was cheating or doing something wrong like that. Otherwise let the AD do his job. It isn't like Deloss is new at this - he's one of the most respected ADs in the country. If CU is cheating and our department can prove it, I'm sure they can figure out how to handle it.

Also, I don't see why this would have to be leaked to the media in any event. If you want to give CU a head's up, fine. If that's your motive, why leak it to the press?

And is there any link for this? Or is this all speculation? I'm hoping this is all speculation.
No way Bohn (AD) or Hawk are involved in anything outside of the lines, especially considering the last few years. For some reason, if this rumor of a call is true, your President has gone out of his way to leak this.

Good God, what happens if CU were to upset the Horns in Boulder? Maybe get the Governor invovled?
Part of the problem with the net and talk radio. It is really easy to throw these things out there without having any proof (or even an allegation).

Hawk is on the radio here in Denver now......I may be a sucker but I just do not see that CU brass was involved with anything not on the up and up.

Hawk just called the allegations ludicrous, and stated Scott was committed to CU before the all star game. I am a believer.......for better of for worse.
There are stories of Scott recruiting for CU during the fall (getting O-Linemen to commit, telling them he wanted them blocking for him). Seems to be so much disinformation around this (especially since Scott barely spoke) that I don't know what is what.

I would take Hawks word on this (along with the folks saying DS did commit to UT.
Well, I at least want to thank TxAngel03 for the //rant// as I now have learned a far better way to post my own. //

I am supportive of all UT service organizations. One of the best facets of UT culture. Thx for the posts!
Since I started this thread I will try and paraphrase to the best of my knowledge what Chip Brown said yesterday. It was fairly short and simple....

He said something to the affect of...
"There is more to this story (the recruitment of Scott) than is being told and now we hear that the president of the University of Texas will be in contact with the president of CU."

That was pretty much it.

Chip has very good sources and I believe him.
What we don't know is if this call will be about violations or maybe something unethical. Whatever it is we will probably really never know exactly.

But as others have mentioned calling the CU president about something our staff is aware of is a favor to CU. We are not reporting them to the NCAA. It is nothing even remotely close to anything like that.
Some players' parents move to the town their son plays in during their college days. This does not necessarily mean they were provided a job as part of a deal. There are people who move to Austin or South Bend or Boulder and get jobs on their own.
Now if there is evidence of wrongdoing, I hope it surfaces and the guilty are punished and prohibited from engaging in that conduct again.
If the Dallas Morning News says something is going on under the table, I would tend to believe that. I will wait and see how it plays out.
If some idiot comes on an internet board and says, "so and so's family moved to Austin and the father got a job in Austin," I won't get too excited unless there is more to the story than the perception there must be something wrong because it happened in Austin or South Bend or wherever.
That's just baseless specualtion by biased fans.

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