UT President To Contact CU's

buffsontherise - I don't see a lot of people putting much stock in the job rumor. The job rumor is mentioned on DMN and NYT, too, but described as just a rumor.

What does have people's attention is the NYT article about Sonsini saying that something happened, and the DMN reference about presidents being in contact.

All of this is currently based on rumors. Nothing has been or may be proven.

But what if the rumor of the taped conversation with Scott's mom is true? What if it is on tape that she is asking for something illegal?

Are the Buff fans then going to STFU?

As I stated on another post, there is no way in hell she will get a job now with all of the publicity. But that does not mean that she was never offered a job if her son went to CU.
wow...i can't believe i read all of this.

perhaps i'm naive, but here's how i see it:

if the UT president DID call the CU president, he did so because he KNEW something, not simply thought or heard some rumor from a Rivals.com message board.

..and if he didn't know anything, the call never happened and we've all wasted a lot of time reading and commenting on this.
No kidding. If anybody has his panties in a wad around here, it's a CU fan who is acting extremely defensive on another team's message board.

Would you like to know how you can prove that you do NOT have your panties in a wad about this?

Leave, and don't post on this subject again. That will prove to us all that you are calm and collected, and that the Texas fans are the ones who are overreacting and dramatizing the whole event.

But If you insist on posting on this subject again, on a Texas message board, we will all know whose panties refuse to unbunch.
Lets see here, Sonsini gets cutout of the loop and is surprised by the switch from CSTV for the announcment. During that time he hadn't had any real contact with Scott or his family for about a week. Hagan is reported as saying, by several sources, as having told Scott that he would enjoy playing at Texas. Then Sonsini says something nebulous, that could mean just about anything (the idiot tool here is Sonsini, not CU, not the Scotts). The kid has a reporter in the room while he talks to MA of his own volition and CU is going get hammered for this. I guess the next kid shouldn't be allowed to have any say on who HE picks to hang out with him.

What I do know is that Hank Brown has not been contacted and I would be highly surprised if he were. Wizards first rule applies here - people believe something to be true because they want it to be, or they believe the opposite to be true because they are afraid it might not be.
Hey DBuff, your post is well-written and respectful, which is appropriate given that you're on a Texas board. That is much appreciated.

The bottom line is that, unless you are Mr. Scott or his mother, you don't know anything more than we do right now. You are coming at it from the angle that you know your guys are on the up-and-up. I can assure you, so are Texas fans. One side is going to be wrong here. We're prepared if it is ours, but I would suggest that you prepare yourself that it could be yours.

Anyway, best of luck to Mr. Scott and to your team this Fall-- except of course when you're playing against Texas.
There are a bunch of rumors, nothing else. A lot of vague statements, nothing else.

I would hope CU would let DS go if there is anyhting to this, but there is no there, there right now.
In response to texasangel03:

I believe Coach Brown made changes not because of inappropriate behavior of the group, but rather because of perception. Perception is reality and since the organization in Colorado was...not formed with the best of intentions...it could be assumed (and was, according to a few of the posts here) that all groups were the same. They were not, are not, and those that ARE there for the right reasons have to deal with the stigma.

congratulations to you, angel, for participating in something you found to be meaningful to you. as a buff fan, i am going to point out an assumption gone seriously awry in your post. what happened at colorado had NOTHING to do with an organized group. i would guess that quite a few details about what did or did not happen could stun a number of posters here, judging from the comments of a few.

i am not here to sling mud. instead i am taking a spectators seat and watching the trainwreck that the scott threads have become. for all of the noise bantered here, what we have come to find is thus:

* no one has contacted the big 12
* perhaps your president misplaced hank brown's number, because he did not get to answer the promised phone call.
* your radio show was a bust
* scott's mom called a meeting with his high school recruiting coordinator and other persons, and appears set to call out a very boneheaded comment.

for what it is worth, i DO see smoke. it is the smoke rising from keyboards across texas as fans bash, defame, and rumormonger. i am sure that when all the smoke clears, we can all sit back and have a good laugh about it. i am that confident that hawkins and his assistants are straight as an arrow. this is not the first big-time recruit that he turned on to colorado. he simply has a way of motivating people to follow him, and is a VERY energetic guy.
Holy **** there are a lot of buff fans on here right now.

Jeez...did hornfans take out ads on y'alls site?

Although we've got a lot of great discussions on a number of interesting topics on this board, one thing remains -- THIS IS AN INTERNET CHAT BOARD. Who gives a **** what texas fans say about CU and cheating. Does it really affect any of you?

I'm not trying to be rude..honestly...but sometimes people just want to ***** about stuff and that's all that is going on here. I doubt many of us believe much will come from this, but there sure are a lot of people throwing stories around...so guess what, we're going to chat about it.

I had a coach in high school who said something that has always stuck with me "when you throw a rock into a group of dogs, the one that yelps is the one that got hit." Yes, very confusing coach speak. But basically, for a bunch of people who are positive CU is on the "up and up" you guys are sure here in force.

If I took the time to go defend my school's honor against every accusation made on every other school's football forum...well, that's impossible.

My advice: don't let it bother you. Move on, no need to post or troll. Luckily, we get play each other over the next two years so there will be plenty of time to vent the bad blood. Luckily for you guys, we're coming in awfully young this year so it might not be another 70-3.
perhaps those people are interested in chatting about it, and jawing about it with the same commitment level as you, bevo.

i have no idea why your coach would talk about throwing rocks at dogs. was he the one, by chance, that ate rusty?

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