In response to texasangel03:
I believe Coach Brown made changes not because of inappropriate behavior of the group, but rather because of perception. Perception is reality and since the organization in Colorado was...not formed with the best of could be assumed (and was, according to a few of the posts here) that all groups were the same. They were not, are not, and those that ARE there for the right reasons have to deal with the stigma.
congratulations to you, angel, for participating in something you found to be meaningful to you. as a buff fan, i am going to point out an assumption gone seriously awry in your post. what happened at colorado had NOTHING to do with an organized group. i would guess that quite a few details about what did or did not happen could stun a number of posters here, judging from the comments of a few.
i am not here to sling mud. instead i am taking a spectators seat and watching the trainwreck that the scott threads have become. for all of the noise bantered here, what we have come to find is thus:
* no one has contacted the big 12
* perhaps your president misplaced hank brown's number, because he did not get to answer the promised phone call.
* your radio show was a bust
* scott's mom called a meeting with his high school recruiting coordinator and other persons, and appears set to call out a very boneheaded comment.
for what it is worth, i DO see smoke. it is the smoke rising from keyboards across texas as fans bash, defame, and rumormonger. i am sure that when all the smoke clears, we can all sit back and have a good laugh about it. i am that confident that hawkins and his assistants are straight as an arrow. this is not the first big-time recruit that he turned on to colorado. he simply has a way of motivating people to follow him, and is a VERY energetic guy.