Trump's Team

OK, but you better be grateful that these SJWs are going with the pins rather than the diapers.

But some of these Democratic Party protestors actually need diapers

Former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers abruptly left President-elect Donald Trump’s transition planning committee at the request of team officials
It seems Laura Ingraham really does want the Press Sect job
I have no idea why
Such a thankless job and mostly out of the loop ....

But maybe she will change the job?
For example, just do away with the WH Press Corp entirely and daily briefings
They (almost) all hate Trump anyway

When president-elect Donald Trump named Steve Bannon, the controversial media figure behind the alt-right website Breitbart News Network, as his “senior strategist” — major Jewish groups raised the alarm.

The Anti-Defamation League condemned the move, saying Bannon’s website was home to racists and fostered hatred against Jews. But to his Jewish defenders — which include Breitbart’s CEO and senior editors for the site — he is an ally and proud Zionist.

“I can say, without hesitation, that Steve is a friend of the Jewish people and a defender of Israel, as well as being a passionate American patriot and a great leader,” Joel Pollak, an Orthodox Jew and a senior editor for Breitbart News, wrote on Monday.

Indeed, Breitbart’s origin story has its roots in Israel, according to Larry Solov, Breitbart’s CEO and president, another close Jewish colleague of Bannon.

In a November 2015 post on Breitbart News, Solov describes the conception of the news site in 2007. It happened, Solov writes, during a trip to Israel with Andrew Breitbart, the Jewish founder and namesake of the website.

The site was born to defend the Jewish state.

“One thing we specifically discussed that night was our desire to start a site that would be unapologetically pro-freedom and pro-Israel,” Solov wrote. “We were sick of the anti-Israel bias of the mainstream media.”

Solov and Breitbart were “blown away by the spirit, tenacity and resourcefulness of the Israeli people on that trip,” Solov wrote.

Breitbart died in 2012 and Bannon became editor of the site.

But even as the site may have appealed to anti-Semites, it retained its Zionist bona fides under Bannon.

In 2015, Bannon launched a Jerusalem branch of Breitbart News, which covers events in Israel. It is edited by Israel-based American reporter Aaron Klein, another Bannon advocate. Klein, a Yeshiva University graduate, is also a columnist for the Jewish Press, a weekly newspaper with a conservative bent.

Klein recently called the anti-Trump protests across the country a product of “professional agitators” who are seeking the “downfall of the U.S. capitalist system.”
it ADL - Anti-Defamation (for) Liberals?

The Jewish Community is not entirely made up of liberals. Perhaps the ADL should note the statistical change.

The recent groundbreaking UJA poll on the Jewish community showed that 74% of all NYC Jewish Children are Orthodox, that there is explosive growth in the Orthodox & hassidic communities, and a dramatic decline in Jewish observance amongst Reform and Conservative Jews.

Undoubtedly, the Jewish community today is much more conservative on issues – and likely to become even more so with the trend of age demographics.

One wonders if the Anti-Defamation League - whose work is so noteworthy - and other Jewish Establishment organizations have read the survey – and will the Jewish establishment recognize this trend and actually serve the “community” they claim to care so much about?

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is a major Jewish human rights organization that has done much good work. But if their purpose is devoted to combating anti-Semitism, they must remember they aren’t the Jewish wing of the Democratic Party.

In the year 2012 alone, the Anti-Defamation :

- Issued a press release defending the decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit declaring Section 3 of the 1996 "Defense of Marriage Act" (DOMA) unconstitutional. What exactly does an organization purportedly dedicated to fighting anti-Semitism have to do with a statement on their website which says “DOMA represents a form of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation that has no place in American society. This unanimous decision makes it clear that all legally married couples must be treated equally by the federal government."


..they [theADL] must remember they aren’t the Jewish wing of the Democratic Party.
Is this a consensus issue in the Jewish community? Or is it a consensus issue solely among Liberals?

- A few days later, a press release “praised President Barack Obama for his administration's decision not to seek deportation for as many as 800,000 young undocumented immigrants, calling the move "a responsible and important step in the right direction" toward comprehensive immigration reform. Naturally, Republicans say President Barack Obama should have waited for Congress to overhaul immigration laws instead of bypassing lawmakers with this directive.

- In January 2012, the head of the ADL, Abraham Foxman said to a Republican candidate that ‘religious appeals to voters are simply unacceptable and un-American’. Says who exactly? I think many modern religious – and certainly hareidim – would certainly disagree.

- An op-ed “Opinion: The Threat of Sharia Law: It’s All a Matter of Myth Making,”by Foxman says that “the threat of the infiltration of Sharia, or Islamic law, into the American court system is one of the more pernicious conspiracy theories to gain traction in our country in recent years.” He is accusing Americans wary of Sharia of bigotry. Liberal values.

One wonders if ADL stands for Anti-Defamation (of) Liberals?

If the ADL and other Jewish communal leaders are aware of the demographic shifts in our community, how can they continue to push such left-liberal divisive viewpoints?

The Jewish community of the past may be focused towards the Democratic Party and liberalism, but today’s Jews are conservative, religious – and if the ADL wants to represent Jewry, they are advised to take serious note of that.

So let us get this straight. The liberals are claiming the following:

Although Breitbart was founded by Jews, and is still owned and run by Jews, because they were concerned over the anti-Israel bias of the liberal main stream media, it is actually an anti-Semitic organization catering to white supremacists.

In addition, Bannon, who is defended by Jews that worked with him at Breitbart, and who started a Breitbart branch in Israel that is run by a Jew, is also a white supremacist and anti-Semitic.

Now I understand. I appreciate the liberals on this board pointing out the anti-Semitic, white supremacist bias of Breitbart, because a normal examination of the facts would show that the liberals are trying to smear a conservative Republican strategist with the hope that the hell he is about to rain down upon the liberal views will somehow be mitigated or avoided. Good luck with that.

Or what about Hillary rhapsodizing about Robert Byrd being her mentor and a man of "unsurpassed eloquence and nobility" and Bill apologizing for Byrd being a Klan leader and recruiter in West Virginia as "he was just a country boy who was trying to get elected."

Just to remind folks, Byrd was a recruiter and a leader of the KKK in West Virginia, who even started his own chapter. He was a segregationist who filibustered the Civil Rights Act and filibustered Thurgood Marshal's nomination. I can go on and on, but this "mentor" and country boy was pretty disgusting.
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Sorry, but where is this? Looks more like Europe than a US city.

Is the sign on the right in English? The defacater is not crapping on a poster of Trump either.

The picture doesn't even look like a protest. Behind the defacater you have a man pushing a stroller and other people milling about.
Is the sign on the right in English? The defacater is not crapping on a poster of Trump either.

The picture doesn't even look like a protest. Behind the defacater you have a man pushing a stroller and other people milling about.
Looks like a Brexit protest. There were photos of protests in Venezuela saying it was Wilshire Blvd in Hollywood.
Reading the tea leaves, Chris Christie appears to be marginalized. Initially leading the transition he's been replaced with Mike Pence. Mike Rogers was a Chris Christie guy and he was just removed from the transition team.

Teehee. No, I don't think Bannon is a white nationalist but his business caters to their ideology. That should disqualify him for the role he's been appointed to in any administration that claims to represent all voters.

To Newt Gingrich who likened a Bannon role in the White House to the publisher of the NYT in a Dem White House, I'd argue that the publisher of the Daily Beast or Mother Jones would be more applicable. How would those on the conservative side accept Obama saying "I want to unify the nation" then making the head of one of those organizations his Chief of Strategy, an equal to the Chief of Staff. You don't think the role would be reversed and wailing from the conservatives would ensue? Of course, Obama didn't make that appointment so the Bannon role stands alone.
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Teehee. No, I don't think Bannon is a white nationalist but his business caters to their ideology. That should disqualify him for the role he's been appointed to in any administration that claims to represent all voters.

To Newt Gingrich who likened a Bannon role in the White House to the publisher of the NYT in a Dem White House, I'd argue that the publisher of the Daily Beast or Mother Jones would be more applicable. How would those on the conservative side accept Obama saying "I want to unify the nation" then making the head of one of those organizations his Chief of Strategy, an equal to the Chief of Staff. You don't think the role would be reversed and whaling from the conservatives would ensue? Of course, Obama didn't make that appointment so the Bannon role stands alone.
Quit eating BBQ.
So Kris Kobach's name being floated for AG -- Kansas SOS
If so, this would send a clear signal on Trump's intentions on enforcing immigration law
Would be a huge reversal of Obama policy (you know, actually enforcing existing law)
Are you really making the same claim folks on your side make against Clarence Thomas? that he is not really black?

No, you posted Carson as an example of inclusion. I pointed out that is no longer the case based on The Hill's reporting. At the very least, Carson seems to have pulled himself out of contention for a role which is disappointing. I couldn't support him for POTUS but Secretary of Health and Human Services might be more appropriate given his background.
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My sources have informed me that all the finalists for Secretary of State will compete against one another in a prime time episode of "Celebrity Apprentice"

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