Trump's Team

But I am surprised that none of the open-minded conservatives on the board have commented on how Obama let Bush's watchdogs stay in place.

Gotta add this comment as well. When you call me out (at least I assume you're calling me out or maybe Hollandtx or texas_ex2000), I sorta feel like I'm in church and the preacher calls out, "can I get an 'amen'?" You're sorta scolding me for my silence and inattention. Lol.
,,,,, and you respond that I should have known you were talking about something unrelated to the two examples you yourself gave.,,,,.

What I said was that if you are going to jump in the middle of a conversation that two other people are having, the burden falls upon you to first grasp what the conversation is about. This is common courtesy, which you failed at.
....TBH, I'm not surprised you can't give Obama credit where credit is due.....

I have many times over. I regularly give Obama credit for getting away with things no Republican ever could.

And he is extremely good at reading from a teleprompter. He is the Sidney Portier of teleprompter reading Presidents. He was able to ride this all the way to two national elections. So, credit to him. (off the teleprompter, not so hot tough)
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Gotta add this comment as well. When you call me out (at least I assume you're calling me out or maybe Hollandtx or texas_ex2000), I sorta feel like I'm in church and the preacher calls out, "can I get an 'amen'?" You're sorta scolding me for my silence and inattention. Lol.

Obama kept Fine. He was not a Bush holdover. He was a holdover all the way back to Clinton. I already laid this out above
I have many times over. I regularly give Obama credit for getting away with things no Republican ever could.

And he is extremely good at reading from a teleprompter. He is the Sidney Portier of teleprompter reading Presidents. He was able to ride this all the way to two national elections. So, credit to him. (off the teleprompter, not so hot tough)
Plus he created more straw men than any person in history.

McCain has claimed that guy is not Baghdadi, but .....
Confirmed. Scott Pruitt was an Energy industry stooge.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell slammed efforts to postpone the vote as another delay tactic by Democrats that was “unprecedented, harmful and pointless.”

It was "pointless" to wait for confirmation that Pruitt was nothing more than an energy industry lobbyist masquerading as Oklahoma AG? According to the article, Devon energy wrote many letters for Pruitt to the EPA and did much of his research. Drain the swamp, right?

The CNN article had this at the bottom of the article:

Some conservative groups are defending Pruitt's close relationship with the industry. "Despite hyperventilating from fringe groups on the left, these emails show that Scott Pruitt was a dutiful and responsible Attorney General who fought daily on behalf of the people that elected him," Jeremy Adler of America Rising Squared told CNN. "There was no new information in these emails to support the left's anti-Pruitt fever dreams, instead they showed that he behaved like any accomplished public servant, working with key industries in his state to help his constituents."

Adler did get one thing right. Devon Energy was Pruitt's #1 campaign donor so when he said Pruitt "fought daily on behalf of the people that elected him", that statement was more accurate than he realizes. "Working with key help his constituents" needs to become a euphamism for government office holder lobbyist.

Oh, in 7400 email that were released Pruitt never mentions the spate of mini-earthquakes Oklahoma has been enduring.
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Confirmed. Scott Pruitt was an Energy industry stooge.

It was "pointless" to wait for confirmation that Pruitt was nothing more than an energy industry lobbyist masquerading as Oklahoma AG? According to the article, Devon energy wrote many letters for Pruitt to the EPA and did much of his research. Drain the swamp, right?

The CNN article had this at the bottom of the article:

Adler did get one thing right. Devon Energy was Pruitt's #1 campaign donor so when he said Pruitt "fought daily on behalf of the people that elected him", that statement was more accurate than he realizes. "Working with key help his constituents" needs to become a euphamism for government office holder lobbyist.

Oh, in 7400 email that were released Pruitt never mentions the spate of mini-earthquakes Oklahoma has been enduring.
Where are all the emails that Lisa Jackson had on a private email account? Probably shows collusion with NGO's to further the gravy train.
Where are all the emails that Lisa Jackson had on a private email account? Probably shows collusion with NGO's to further the gravy train.

If a legal request for Lisa Jackson's email demonstrated that she was representing NGO's exclusively I'd have the same impression of her that I do Pruitt.
Here is a 2011 speech by Steve Bannon which gives some insight into what motivates him. It's ~24m long. It's interesting if you have the time.

Ross, Zinke, Carson, and Perry will all be coming through this coming week

By refusing to give consent, Senate Dems have forced 7 clotures to date. Each cloture locks down the Senate for 30 hours to debate only the nominee. Forcing clotures on the nominees have delayed legislation coming from the House by 210 floor hours.

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The NY Times said that the Dems had declared "all out war" on the Trump Administration. They never learn that these things will come back to bite them in the butt, like Harry Reid's nuclear option.
The NY Times said that the Dems had declared "all out war" on the Trump Administration.

Hahaha. So now it's super duper, ultra, "we really mean business this time" war? They declared all out war on Trump many months ago. Only difference now is they are openly saying it with more verbal spunk. :rolleyes1:
Senate confirmed Wilbur Ross as commerce secretary

Sounds like Zinke (his cloture already passed 67-37), Carson, and Perry in that order Wed,Thurs and Fri.

Chatter that the source of National Security breach is Obama holdover David Laufman of DOJ, Chief of Counterintelligence. As Chief of Counterintelligence, Laufman has the power to kill any investigations into leaks, a power he has purportedly been exercising.

Laufman was a donor to Obama’s presidential campaign yet somehow was also the DOJ official who investigated Hillary Clinton in what we were promised would be an independent investigation. Our rotten media, of course, never questioned how an Obama donor was chosen to be the person to investigate Obama’s heir apparent
If the NYT were honest, their headline would read something like -- "FBI Told Obama Officials There Was No Quid Pro Quo Between Flynn and Russia on the December '16 Call; Flynn Made No Deal on Sanctions."
But they aren't, and so it didn't
Readers had to go deep into their article to find the truth

ZINKE was confirmed 68-31 (Interior)
CARSON has advanced 62-37 (confirm vote 3/2)
VERMA committee vote passed 15-11 (unofficial)

But the Dems by forced cloture again for Carson. This locks down Senate for 30 hours to "debate" Carson. He will make it through tomorrow (~4pm)
Why do this? The Dems to this to avoid the House Legislation that is coming through. For example, the House is voting today on HJRes83, which will repeal another Obama Dept. of Labor Reg. Several House Bills like this one are just sitting there stalled because the Senate cannot act on them due to Dem obstruction

Updated spreadsheet -- 16 Trump nominees now confirmed
3 nominees at Senate now
7 nominees slogging through Committee swamp


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...But the Dems by forced cloture again for Carson. This locks down Senate for 30 hours to "debate" Carson. He will make it through tomorrow (~4pm)..........

The Senate is now 4+ hours in on the Carson nomination "debate"
And there has not been a peep from Dems about Carson.
I guess they scared
...But the Dems by forced cloture again for Carson. This locks down Senate for 30 hours to "debate" Carson. He will make it through tomorrow (~4pm) ....

Now looks like Carson will come thru around 10am
For comparison's sake --
Bush's HUD Sec was confirmed 1/24/01
While Obama's HUD Sec was confirmed 1/27/09

The PERRY cloture vote should be around then as well
As will the VERMA committee re-vote

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....And he is extremely good at reading from a teleprompter. He is the Sidney Portier of teleprompter reading Presidents. He was able to ride this all the way to two national elections. So, credit to him. (off the teleprompter, not so hot tough)


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