Trump's Team

Puzder has withdrawn his name from consideration.

He was a weak nominee - too much controversy and for a president who prides himself on his blue collar support, too anti-labor. Frankly, Trump should have sought out someone who is moderately pro-labor and even pro-union. I wouldn't have gotten a full-blown union thug, but I would have gotten someone with friendlier relations with labor than Republicans usually get.
2 votes this morning

Mulvaney confirmation
Pruitt cloture
The Mulvaney vote expected to be close. McCain is a no. Cochran is leaning no. Mulvaney is close to Ryan. A no would actually delay the budget which would allow Trump to use more discretionary spending. Sometimes a no is a yes.

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Mulvaney confirmed 51-49

Pruitt Cloture Vote going now
edit Pruitt Cloture passed 54-46 -- Pruitt at helm of EPA is about jobs, jobs and jobs. He is an essential piece

.....The Mulvaney vote expected to be close. McCain is a no. Cochran is leaning no. Mulvaney is close to Ryan. A no would actually delay the budget which would allow Trump to use more discretionary spending. Sometimes a no is a yes......
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What remains to be seen today is what, if anything, will be done about Ross, Zinke, Carson and Perry.
Carson and Ross both passed committee back on Jan 24

Today, the obstructionistas, errrrrr, the Dems introduced a motion to delay the Scott Pruitt confirmation vote by 10 days

There will be a vote on that at 11:30

Also today. the Ross cloture vote

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Scott Pruitt EPA Administrator Confirmed
This is a key hire. undoing all the bad Obama era regs may take the full term

IMO, he will work together well with Ross, Zinke and Perry and give us an energy and natural resource boom. This state should benefit in particular.

Onto the Ross cloture
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So Tillerson is cleaning out the riff raff. Isn't that standard practice after a regime change?

It should be, but Rs dont always
Libs usually do though

One of the worst examples I can remember was Clinton dropping in a new IG at DOJ (Fine) just before W took office. Bush could have replaced him but, in a post-Florida show of bi-partisianship, kept him. There was also the backdrop of Reagan taking alot of media heat for replacing a bunch of IGs at once. Big mistake. Dude was an idealogue who harassed Bush's people for 8 years
Rex Tillerson is super-honest. Anybody that just says the word "shady" might get the boot. He will not tolerate any dishonesty. What a great pick for State Dept.
It should be, but Rs dont always
Libs usually do though

You give two examples of when Republican presidents retained IGs appointed by Democratic presidents, then said that liberals don't usually do that. I know better than to take your word for things, so I looked up whether Obama kept any of Bush's IGs. Turns out, he kept almost all of them.

Here's what I was able to find for the major IG positions:
  • Agriculture --Obama kept Bush's IG, Phyllis Fong, who is still in the position Link
  • Commerce -- can't find anything
  • Defense -- the position was vacant when Obama took office, but he appointed Bush's interim IG, Gordon Heddell, to the permanent position Link
  • Education -- can't find anything
  • HHS -- Obama kept Bush's IG, Daniel Levinson, who is still in the position Link
  • Justice -- can't find anything
  • Office of Personnel Management -- Obama kept Bush's IG, Norbert Vint, who kept the position until he retired in February 2016 Link (still showing him as active but I saw elsewhere that he isn't)
  • State -- the position was vacant for over a year when Obama took office and he didn't fill it until a year into his second term -- I can't find who served as interim during this period
  • Transportation -- Obama kept Bush's IG, Calvin L. Scovel, who is still in the position Link
  • Treasury -- Obama kept Bush's IG, Eric Thorson, who is still in the position Link
  • Treasury / Tax Administration -- Obama kept Bush's IG, Russell George, who is still in the position Link
Note that Bush's IGs for the army, navy, air force, and marines also stayed on under Obama, but those aren't presidential appointments so I didn't include them on the list.
You give two examples of when Republican presidents retained IGs appointed by Democratic presidents, then said that liberals don't usually do that. I know better than to take your word for things, so I looked up whether Obama kept any of Bush's IGs. Turns out, he kept almost all of them......

We were talking about holdovers in general, as should have been clear from the text, if not State itself. But Fine popped into my head at that moment because he has always bugged me. Sorry you got confused there.
I heard Rush say today (was killing time on a 6 hour drive) that Clinton canned all 93 U.S. Attorneys when he took office.

Quick research backs that up, but not sure how abnormal that was. The topic was presidents cleaning house and how Libs typically do so much sterner.
We were talking about holdovers in general, as should have been clear from the text, if not State itself. But Fine popped into my head at that moment because he has always bugged me. Sorry you got confused there.

Right. I gave about a dozen examples of Obama doing something that you said liberals don't do, and you respond that I should have known you were talking about something unrelated to the two examples you yourself gave.

Can't you ever just admit that you got something wrong, or that liberals -- even Obama!!! -- sometimes do the right thing?

TBH, I'm not surprised you can't give Obama credit where credit is due. But I am surprised that none of the open-minded conservatives on the board have commented on how Obama let Bush's watchdogs stay in place.
And btw, I have nothing against Trump cleaning house at Foggy Bottom. Any policy-level position is fair game, and keeping people on from the other party is and should be rare.

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