
It's like you're trying to get tickets to a Justin Bieber concert but with rednecks instead of with 14 year old girls.
Well, in The Woodlands you couldn't be more wrong. LOTS of young people and a surprising number of LGBT for Trump supporters.
I have to say the LGBT community were out in force and loud and proud when Trump mentioned ISIS and Orlando.
There were a number of Hispanics, Asians, some blacks. It was fairly representative of Montgomery county which is mostly white.
Trump's plane turned a lot of heads at San Antonio International yesterday. A 757!

I heard two secret service helicopters circled it the whole time.
Latest Rasumssen -- Trump 43%, Clinton 39%

Thursday, June 30, 2016

The tables have turned in this week’s White House Watch. After trailing Hillary Clinton by five points for the prior two weeks, Donald Trump has now taken a four-point lead.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Trump with 43% of the vote, while Clinton earns 39%. Twelve percent (12%) still like another candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided.
To be fair, Rasmussen was the "most wrong" polling data in the 2012 election as well. RCP tracks the "big 9" for their average, and even Fox News had Clinton up 6 from 6/26 thru 6/28.
To be fair, Rasmussen was the "most wrong" polling data in the 2012 election as well. RCP tracks the "big 9" for their average, and even Fox News had Clinton up 6 from 6/26 thru 6/28.
I don't think anyone is claiming that Trump is favored at this point, but instead that Trump isn't a disaster as the trump haters claim (i.e., the sore losers who made Trump sign the pledge but they themselves backed out of).
Denver protestors


I prefer the America is STILL great. Heck, I'd accept a campaign slogan of Make America Greater. Make America Great Again is not remotely backed up by any semblance of policy thus is more vapid slogan that "Change we can believe it". At least Obama had limited depth in his policy ideas. Trump can't seem to get past the slogan stage. His ideas? "Lying Hillary..."
You guys are somewhat arguing over something immaterial. Obama did run on ideas more than Trump is. However, that doesn't mean people voted for him for that reason. There are smart people out there on both sides, but for the most part we're not very bright or very deep as a people. Most people who voted for Obama did so for stupid reasons (his "cool" persona, the media orgasm over him, his race, being on the "right side of history," etc.), and most people who will vote for Trump will do so for stupid reasons (his smack talk, being pissed off at Mexicans and Muslims, etc.).
and most people who will vote for Trump will do so for stupid reasons (his smack talk, being pissed off at Mexicans and Muslims, etc.).

I think it's more than that with Trump. He's a very smart businessman that's very successful. We have more hope that it will translate into good common sense decisions to turn things around for the economy. You gauge everything he is saying now for what results he will get. But what made Bill Clinton and Obama different is that Bill had an idea, but had enough sense to change courses when he seen it wasn't working. Obama after 7 1/2 years still doesn't have a clue. I'm guessing Trump has had to change courses many times going from a net worth estimated at $40 million to a net worth of $4.5 Billion. If anything, people are not voting for him because he doesn't look or sound like a President instead of what the results could possibly be. So maybe the reasons to not vote for him are the stupid reasons. We know we're getting a third term of Obama with even more corruption with Hillary. Obama didn't even understand the basics of economics and neither will she. She has nothing to run on.
He's a very smart businessman that's very successful. We have more hope that it will translate into good common sense decisions to turn things around for the economy.

His intelligence as a businessman is limited to using his brand in order to diversify and advance his own coffers. That translates to zilch on a macroeconomic scale. I'm not sure why him having billions of dollars of personal wealth matters, but the fact is that he didn't make that money on the backs of the American labor force. He made it by bilking people out of real estate deals and then finding foreign products that he can slap his name on. His "common sense" decisions about his own economics are the same decisions that the middle class hates: outsourcing, labor minimization, bottom line costs, etc. Why should any middle class person want to invite those kinds of decisions into their lives? If Hillary truly has "nothing to run on," then that's preferable to the economics that Trump would have everyone buy in to.

He doesn't even know or understand what it means for the Yuan to be devalued. He's so afraid of China and tries to link them to the TPP every chance he gets, despite the obvious fact that the TPP was created in order to make competition with China more accessible. These are the kinds of economics the President needs to work with Congress to create common-sense solutions. Not "my companies are huge, and so luxurious, and anyone who doesn't think so is an idiot." Mitt Romney could run circles around Trump in big-picture theory, and people dismissed him as a hatchet man.
His intelligence as a businessman is limited to using his brand in order to diversify and advance his own coffers. That translates to zilch on a macroeconomic scale. I'm not sure why him having billions of dollars of personal wealth matters, but the fact is that he didn't make that money on the backs of the American labor force. He made it by bilking people out of real estate deals and then finding foreign products that he can slap his name on. His "common sense" decisions about his own economics are the same decisions that the middle class hates: outsourcing, labor minimization, bottom line costs, etc. Why should any middle class person want to invite those kinds of decisions into their lives? If Hillary truly has "nothing to run on," then that's preferable to the economics that Trump would have everyone buy in to.

He doesn't even know or understand what it means for the Yuan to be devalued. He's so afraid of China and tries to link them to the TPP every chance he gets, despite the obvious fact that the TPP was created in order to make competition with China more accessible. These are the kinds of economics the President needs to work with Congress to create common-sense solutions. Not "my companies are huge, and so luxurious, and anyone who doesn't think so is an idiot." Mitt Romney could run circles around Trump in big-picture theory, and people dismissed him as a hatchet man.

What a clueless post concerning business.
I think it's more than that with Trump. He's a very smart businessman that's very successful. We have more hope that it will translate into good common sense decisions to turn things around for the economy. You gauge everything he is saying now for what results he will get. But what made Bill Clinton and Obama different is that Bill had an idea, but had enough sense to change courses when he seen it wasn't working. Obama after 7 1/2 years still doesn't have a clue. I'm guessing Trump has had to change courses many times going from a net worth estimated at $40 million to a net worth of $4.5 Billion. If anything, people are not voting for him because he doesn't look or sound like a President instead of what the results could possibly be. So maybe the reasons to not vote for him are the stupid reasons. We know we're getting a third term of Obama with even more corruption with Hillary. Obama didn't even understand the basics of economics and neither will she. She has nothing to run on.

Dude, you are supporting him for his perceived cock size and nothing else. In another thread, you're ripping the GOP Congress for not making big cuts in spending (calling for a "U-turn"), but you're putting your trust in a guy who openly opposes entitlement reform, which is a core position of Democrats and says he wants to make large increases in infrastructure spending and defense. Take those things off the table, and there's virtually nothing of significance to cut. If balancing the budget is "common sense," then nobody is less likely to get you there than Trump.

But his "hands" are big, and he talks an even bigger game.
What a clueless post concerning business.

OK then, fill in the blank for everyone.

Because Trump has made business decisions, he will sign economic legislation that _________.

Most (if not all) of his business decisions for his own corporations fly right in the face of what the average American needs for his/her own family. Trump is an expert at bait-and-switch, outsourcing, and following real estate trends. How do those possibly translate into something that Joe the plumber can get on board with?

Business Week even showed how if he took his $100 million of personal wealth (half of it from his inheritance from his father's death), invested it in an S&P indexed fund in 1978, then it would be worth about $6 billion today. Since he's worth less than that by most estimates, are his business decisions just poor forays into areas which he shouldn't be attempting to do business? Is he a job creator or a guy who just causes people to lose their jobs? He's a typical sports franchise owner: a playboy who is ok with losing money in order to show that he's a badass.

The link of Trump being a good businessman to good commander-in-chief is a shaky one, at best. Trump should be sticking with what worked during the primaries: talking about how awesome he is and making fun of Hillary Clinton, because it works. As soon as people start asking questions about his business acumen, it's not going to go well for him, just like it didn't go well for Romney.
Except for your first sentence, everything you wrote has no factual basis, is filled with assumptions, "conclusory", an ad hominem attack, and just outright b.s.

You may be 100% right about Trump, but you offer no evidence (based in fact) supporting your argument.

For example:
Most (if not all) of his business decisions for his own corporations fly right in the face of what the average American needs for his/her own family.

-List all of his business decisions
-Explain what the average American needs for his/her family
-Explain why Trump's business decisions should ever be dependent on what the Average American needs

Trump is an expert at bait-and-switch, outsourcing, and following real estate trends.

-Detail his expertise at each

How do those possibly translate into something that Joe the plumber can get on board with?

-Explain why Trump's business decisions should ever be dependent on what Joe the Plumber should get on board with

Business Week even showed how if he took his $100 million of personal wealth (half of it from his inheritance from his father's death), invested it in an S&P indexed fund in 1978, then it would be worth about $6 billion today.

-Provide a link
-Is the $6 billion before or after tax?
-Did BusinessWeek use the best returning index fund? Are they saying Trump should have known in 1978 what the fund would return over a 38 year period? If BusinessWeek had picked a fund that no longer existed, and Trump would have lost half of his money before selling his position in that fund, would they now be arguing that Trump is a genius?

Since he's worth less than that by most estimates, are his business decisions just poor forays into areas which he shouldn't be attempting to do business?

-Please provide a list of "most estimates", and let us check their sources for Trump's worth
-Are their estimates based on cost, or market value? Did they have his real estate appraised? Are they basing worth on what he could sell his companies for? What EBITDA and multiple did they use? Are they using book value or ongoing concern/DCF value? What CAP rate are they using?

Is he a job creator or a guy who just causes people to lose their jobs?

-Go research it. How many people do the Trump companies employ?
-How would he "cause" people to lose their jobs? What are the reasons? Provide examples.

He's a typical sports franchise owner: a playboy who is ok with losing money in order to show that he's a badass.

Ad hominem attack. No facts or logic to support the argument.

The link of Trump being a good businessman to good commander-in-chief is a shaky one, at best. Trump should be sticking with what worked during the primaries: talking about how awesome he is and making fun of Hillary Clinton, because it works.

Mostly conclusory or baseless criticism, but there actually is a hint of truth about "what worked" given the recent polls

As soon as people start asking questions about his business acumen, it's not going to go well for him, just like it didn't go well for Romney.

Baseless, political attacks on Romney's business acumen is the same as asking questions about his business acumen?

Trump and Romney are the same people with the same experiences and same policies? I wonder why they dislike each other so much?

Why is it not going to go well for him?
Do you think anyone been asking about his business acumen over the past 12 months (or 40 years), or are we all patiently waiting for those questions to come out in the next four months?

I'm not even a Trump fan, but your posts are so weak it is impossible to take them seriously.

Another example of why you are wrong:
Last edited:
but you're putting your trust in a guy who openly opposes entitlement reform, which is a core position of Democrats and says he wants to make large increases in infrastructure spending and defense.

Actually Deez the only thing I trust or believe is that he truly does love this country first. He wasn't my first through 4th choices in the GOP Primary. I don't agree with everything he says. But I do believe that what he says now will always change if it's better for our country. He knows numbers and no one can deny that. If entitlement spending is not adding up, I believe he will then look at entitlement reform. I think he believes he can make the economy come back and will be able to afford building the military and other costly issues. I also believe he will change courses on things that has to be done with spending if they don't add up. Besides, what are you going to do? Vote a 3rd term of Obama? You're logic with Trump vs Hillary makes zero sense.

Horn11, If it was that simple in what Trump did then there would be a lot more Millionaires that are now Billionaires. There are only about 1800 billionaires in the whole world. I wonder what the percentages are of 1800 vs the world population? So much more to it than you state.
Actually Deez the only thing I trust or believe is that he truly does love this country first. He wasn't my first through 4th choices in the GOP Primary. I don't agree with everything he says. But I do believe that what he says now will always change if it's better for our country. He knows numbers and no one can deny that. If entitlement spending is not adding up, I believe he will then look at entitlement reform. I think he believes he can make the economy come back and will be able to afford building the military and other costly issues. I also believe he will change courses on things that has to be done with spending if they don't add up. Besides, what are you going to do? Vote a 3rd term of Obama? You're logic with Trump vs Hillary makes zero sense.

Think about what you're saying. You're saying effectively that you don't care what Trump says, because you have so much faith in his virtue and integrity (as well as his intelligence). Without going on Hillary/Obama bashing session (because that isn't relevant to this issue), why do you have so much faith in Trump's character?

And this isn't about choosing Hillary. Most of us who don't like Trump also don't like Hillary and won't vote for her.
Except for your first sentence, everything you wrote has no factual basis, is filled with assumptions, "conclusory", an ad hominem attack, and just outright b.s.

You may be 100% right about Trump, but you offer no evidence (based in fact) supporting your argument.

For example:

-List all of his business decisions
-Explain what the average American needs for his/her family
-Explain why Trump's business decisions should ever be dependent on what the Average American needs

-Detail his expertise at each

-Explain why Trump's business decisions should ever be dependent on what Joe the Plumber should get on board with

-Provide a link
-Is the $6 billion before or after tax?
-Did BusinessWeek use the best returning index fund? Are they saying Trump should have known in 1978 what the fund would return over a 38 year period? If BusinessWeek had picked a fund that no longer existed, and Trump would have lost half of his money before selling his position in that fund, would they now be arguing that Trump is a genius?

-Please provide a list of "most estimates", and let us check their sources for Trump's worth
-Are their estimates based on cost, or market value? Did they have his real estate appraised? Are they basing worth on what he could sell his companies for? What EBITDA and multiple did they use? Are they using book value or ongoing concern/DCF value? What CAP rate are they using?

-Go research it. How many people do the Trump companies employ?
-How would he "cause" people to lose their jobs? What are the reasons? Provide examples.

Ad hominem attack. No facts or logic to support the argument.

Mostly conclusory or baseless criticism, but there actually is a hint of truth about "what worked" given the recent polls

Baseless, political attacks on Romney's business acumen is the same as asking questions about his business acumen?

Trump and Romney are the same people with the same experiences and same policies? I wonder why they dislike each other so much?

Why is it not going to go well for him?
Do you think anyone been asking about his business acumen over the past 12 months (or 40 years), or are we all patiently waiting for those questions to come out in the next four months?

I'm not even a Trump fan, but your posts are so weak it is impossible to take them seriously.

Another example of why you are wrong:

The TrumpHaters are just upset that Clinton is only up by 2-4 points, which in reality means Trump is likely tied.
Think about what you're saying. You're saying effectively that you don't care what Trump says, because you have so much faith in his virtue and integrity (as well as his intelligence). Without going on Hillary/Obama bashing session (because that isn't relevant to this issue), why do you have so much faith in Trump's character?

And this isn't about choosing Hillary. Most of us who don't like Trump also don't like Hillary and won't vote for her.

Deez, this might be hard for you to understand, but I will take their actions before their political talk to get elected any day. You act like none of them do this. They all do it. But what separates them from each other is how they make decisions when they are President or hold a public office. Again, bashing Trump has everything to do with Hillary and does make her relevant when trying to make a decision on who to vote for. Every single statement you make about Trump is processed and immediately compared to how that compares to Hillary. It's really laughable that you question why I have faith in Trump's character vs how corrupt Hillary is with no character.

Let me put it in this way Deez, we have only three choices. 1) Don't vote. When you choose that option then that means you have 100% certainty that both candidates are 100% equal. How someone can come to that conclusion has to be brain dead. Seriously I'd vote for any candidate in either party or your ordinary Joe walking down the street before I'd consider the most corrupt person I've ever known. She's done much worse than Nixon ever did and he would have been impeached had he not step down. 2) Vote Hillary. Doing that you do know exactly what your getting. :brickwall: 3) Vote Trump, he could be as corrupt as Hillary or he might be as good as Ronald Reagan as far as getting our country back on the right track. I really don't know and neither do you, but I'm willing to take the chance on him. That's like being chased by a bear and you know if you turn to the left you know it leads to a cliff with a 100 foot drop. You've never explored the right turn. When you get the that V in the road do you take the left or the right? I'm taking my chance to the right because I know where the left takes me. Again, I was a 1) Kasich 2) Rubio 3) Cruz 4) Walker 5) Fiorina and a few more before I got to Trump. He only got to 5th when there was 5, 4th when there was 4 and on and on. But I would have voted for the #17th candidates with no hesitation before I'd vote Hillary. The only way I'd vote for Hillary is if I died before the general election. I'm pretty sure the Dems would use my name to vote for her. :whiteflag:

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