
What did Obama block again? Look, any peon would be in Leavenworth had they done what HRC did. There are different rules for the power elite though. Did Patreus do any jail time? Scooter Libby? Oliver North?

You are crazy if you think Obama had nothing to do with that. He directly tells Lynch what to do. She and Comey had a great reputation as being honest and very respected. Amazing how they change once they are with Obama. Oh and Obama took Hillary on a trip to campaign the very day that Comey came out with his findings. Do you really think Obama would be with her if he thought there was a chance that Comey would recommend prosecution? Also Hillary did things 100x's worse that any of the guys you mentioned. They did get off light but Hillary got off completely and is running for the highest office in the world. She ought to be in Prison.
Also Hillary did things 100x's worse that any of the guys you mentioned.

I'm not an HRC fan but you need to step out of that echo chamber for some fresh air if you believe that. You might want to start with the facts we know rather than the conspiracy theory you believe.
I'm not an HRC fan but you need to step out of that echo chamber for some fresh air if you believe that. You might want to start with the facts we know rather than the conspiracy theory you believe.

Seriously SH? Patreus gave info to one woman he was fooling around with. Hillary got hacked (there's no doubt about that) by the whole world. Does it not scare you any at all that if she becomes Presidents that there will be a line of leaders from other countries waiting to black mail her on all the info they gathered? And Hillary of all people will not stand up to black mailers because she is corrupt. She will give them anything they want to protect her secrets. Even at the expense that it will hurt America. Hillary only cares about Hillary and will continue to be corrupt while in the White House to protect herself.
A live look at the Trump Train.
Seriously SH? Patreus gave info to one woman he was fooling around with. Hillary got hacked (there's no doubt about that) by the whole world. Does it not scare you any at all that if she becomes Presidents that there will be a line of leaders from other countries waiting to black mail her on all the info they gathered? And Hillary of all people will not stand up to black mailers because she is corrupt. She will give them anything they want to protect her secrets. Even at the expense that it will hurt America. Hillary only cares about Hillary and will continue to be corrupt while in the White House to protect herself.

I'm not sure how to address that. FBI Director James Comey testified that there is no evidence that HRC's private server was hacked. He says it's possible but they weren't able to find any evidence of that. Everything after that is pure supposition. In the conservative conspiracy theories HRC is powerful enough to twist American justice to her advantage but will cower to the rest of the world. Not sure how that is reconcilable.
Yesterday Trump floated Ivanka's name in a question of what females he might add to his cabinet. She was very impressive in her speech at the RNC. Much more effective than Trump I thought. A speech does not make one qualified to be a Sr. level government administrator. Is it amateur hour?
Yesterday Trump floated Ivanka's name in a question of what females he might add to his cabinet. She was very impressive in her speech at the RNC. Much more effective than Trump I thought. A speech does not make one qualified to be a Sr. level government administrator. Is it amateur hour?
You mean like Obama in 2004?
Yesterday Trump floated Ivanka's name in a question of what females he might add to his cabinet. She was very impressive in her speech at the RNC. Much more effective than Trump I thought. A speech does not make one qualified to be a Sr. level government administrator. Is it amateur hour?

He's also talked about putting Sarah Palin in his cabinet. Ivanka would definitely be an improvement over her.
Huh? You'll need to clarify that comment if you're expecting a response.
A speech does not make one qualified to be a Sr. level governmentadministrator. Is it amateur hour?

A lot of people assumed Obama was qualified to be president in 2008 based on his speech he did at the DNC in 2004. More clear?
Next year will be comical seeing some of the anti Trumps pissing and moaning about Hillary. I know, but I voted for Johnson!
A very good article. One of the biggest reasons why it's hard to get some conservatives to ditch Trump and why it was hard to get them to ditch him in the primary is that the media's critique of him is the same one they give of all Republican nominees.

Of course, this isn't a reason to back Trump. However, when a bunch of biased hacks are bashing him the same way that they blatantly unfairly bashed others in the past, it makes it much harder to convince conservatives that the criticisms are fair in this case.
I am not a fan of Trump. I declared this early in the primaries and it continues today. He is a pompous egotistical man who cannot control his mouth. However, I find little evidence he is corrupt and I think his SC picks and approach to the economy will be far better than HRC.

I think your article is somewhat on target. The more I watch the bias against Trump, I see the DNC tactics employed against Sanders. I do not buy that the election is rigged, but certainly the media is. I am also finding myself more repulsed by the republican party who now would rather see HRC in office because it will allow them to retain their personal power.

How the American public can overlook a politician that has been exposed by the FBI as a liar is amazing to me. I do think Assange will release some bombshells in the next few months to disrupt the elections. Maybe someone else emerges when he does.
How the American public can overlook a politician that has been exposed by the FBI as a liar is amazing to me.

If identity politics and/or social issues are your top priorities, then you'll overlook a lot to deny the White House to Trump. For some people, nothing is more important than denying a racist (or at least perceived racist) the Presidency. In modern society, the racist label is more damaging than a murder conviction.
Racist is the new black. Wait, that doesn't sound right.
When in doubt, throw it out. (not too shabby, huh, Johnny Cochrane?)
Crying racist will usually shut down even the most decent of conversations.
I am not a fan of Trump. I declared this early in the primaries and it continues today. He is a pompous egotistical man who cannot control his mouth. However, I find little evidence he is corrupt and I think his SC picks and approach to the economy will be far better than HRC.
How about Trump University for corruption? He apparently took large amounts of cash from not so poor smucks who expected he would teach them to become real estate investors. TU delivered very little information that is not already available to someone with a computer.
I must have missed James Comey testifying about Trump? I must have also missed the emails where Reince Preibus et al rigged the republican primaries too. I also missed where Melania steered government contracts to the Trump foundation too. Yes, you are right. Hillary is the clean one in this election.
I didn't say Hillary was clean. I just said Trump is not clean either. You didn 't respond to my post on Trump U. Trump U shows Trump is a con man too. Join me in voting for liberty. Johnson-Weld 2016.
Trump U is the subject of civil lawsuits. Civil lawsuits are much different than criminal prosecutions, but keep on reading HuffPo.

I could also write in myself which is the equivalent of voting for Johnson. Unfortunately, it is a binary choice between Trump and HRC.
A very good article. One of the biggest reasons why it's hard to get some conservatives to ditch Trump and why it was hard to get them to ditch him in the primary is that the media's critique of him is the same one they give of all Republican nominees.

Of course, this isn't a reason to back Trump. However, when a bunch of biased hacks are bashing him the same way that they blatantly unfairly bashed others in the past, it makes it much harder to convince conservatives that the criticisms are fair in this case.

Such an important point. The mass media (network news, CNN, most print media) has become such a liberal echo chamber that many conservatives just ignore them for the most part and now retreat to conservative echo chambers (more options now more than ever). Unfortunately very few options for less biased news anymore.
How about Trump University for corruption? He apparently took large amounts of cash from not so poor smucks who expected he would teach them to become real estate investors. TU delivered very little information that is not already available to someone with a computer.


I'm as anti-Trump as it gets, and though I'm in favor of the fraud case going to trial because the plaintiffs have a right to have their day on court, I'm not going to presume his guilt or judge the case until we hear the evidence. I'm also not going to judge the case based on media characterizations. The media is very obviously biased against Trump, and they consistently do a crappy job at characterizing civil lawsuits in general. They don't know anything about civil litigation and don't care to learn, so they frequently highlight evidence that's of little relevance while ignoring smoking guns.

I'm as anti-Trump as it gets, and though I'm in favor of the fraud case going to trial because the plaintiffs have a right to have their day on court, I'm not going to presume his guilt or judge the case until we hear the evidence. I'm also not going to judge the case based on media characterizations. The media is very obviously biased against Trump, and they consistently do a crappy job at characterizing civil lawsuits in general. They don't know anything about civil litigation and don't care to learn, so they frequently highlight evidence that's of little relevance while ignoring smoking guns.
You have a point and I'm sure the media is hyping the plaintiff's case. But there is a lot of smoke there. So I'm betting there is a fire.
I could also write in myself which is the equivalent of voting for Johnson. Unfortunately, it is a binary choice between Trump and HRC.
You are likely correct. The reason you are correct is that the majority of the public thinks like you.

I'm realistic enough to know that Johnson almost certainly won't win outright. But Trump and HRC are both equally unacceptable to me. I think the Libertarian ticket has a real shot at winning several purple states and Utah. I hope it strengthens the party for future elections.
Hillary has never been convicted of a felony either. Yet she is corrupt and Trump is not.
And therein lies the fear I have about a HRC presidency. Although everyone saw the evidence of her guilt and the evidence of her using the DNC to commit election fraud, she is in fact above the law. A POTUS that does not obey the law and knows nobody can do anything about it is a very dangerous person. Throw in slick Willie running the Clinton Foundation in the background and you have a recipe for more world turmoil.

I doubt Trump U was any different to the real estate scams shown on TV every day. Many of his enrollees bragged about how good the courses were. Even the first plaintiff gave it high ratings. The civil courts will play out with a likely undisclosed settlement. I doubt the FBI will be involved.
Hillary has never been convicted of a felony either. Yet she is corrupt and Trump is not.
Additionally, the FBI Director confirmed she committed perjury with the US Congress. Those charges are coming even though I am sure the Obama Justice Department will squelch that too.
Hillary has never been convicted of a felony either.

Here's the distinction. Nobody thinks Trump's case is rigged in his favor. The plaintiffs and their lawyers (who are almost surely on a continent fee) actually want to win and are trying to. While Judge Curiel isn't the monster Trump makes him out to be, he's not Trump's buddy either. It sounds like he's going to let the parties try their case and let the jury render a just verdict, which is fair to both sides. Furthermore, Trump's case will be subject to appellate review by the most partisan judicial circuit in the country. Nobody on the process is going to be doing him any favors.

That isn't the case with Hillary. Political cronies are involved in every facet of the case, and one particular crony (Obama) has absolute power to stop something from happening to her regardless if the evidence, because he can pardon her. There is only one person in the process who isn't a blatantly partisan Democrat, and he knows that if he acts, he'll face spectacular political and media condemnation (as Kenneth Starr did) and that partisan hacks can and will overrule him if necessary to protect Hillary and help her evade justice.

The bottom line is that if Trump is guilty, justice most likely will be done. If Hillary is guilty, nothing is going to happen to her, and that decision wasn't made when Comey didn't recommend indictment. It was made when a special prosecutor wasn't appointed.

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