Trump Administration Accomplishments

It's good to see these slimy arrangements being exposed, but it bugs me that nobody cared about it until Musk started caring. They should have been a story long ago.
Yeah LC that was a huge expose.

Also the Budde lady who berated Trump in the church receives millions like that too for bringing in immigrants. These are all crooks.
Huh! A preacher making millions? I need a source. Trump won't melt being asked to care about human beings hurt by his policies. Every president receives too much validation from those in his inner circle. Look what happened with Biden.
It's good to see these slimy arrangements being exposed, but it bugs me that nobody cared about it until Musk started caring. They should have been a story long ago.
Here's my question, because I know people cared about this stuff.

How is Joe Citizen supposed to be able to:
1) unravel the multiple layers of the bureaucracy to expose the money river;
2) put their findings on a platform where it would get noticed;
3) get the exposure amplified enough to force changes
when the bureaucracy, the executive branch, and the once-dominant media would all circle the wagons to undermine Joe Citizen's effort and marginalize him as a kooky conspiracy theorist? Additionally, as they have shown, should Joe Citizen have persisted in his efforts and been too big a pain in their collective asses, they would have found a way to criminalize him.

Don't say nobody cared. Millions of citizens cared, but had no resources to effectively wrap their arms around the problem, let alone expose it. It takes the type of effort we are now seeing from within the government itself, which never would have happened without an outsider like Trump leading the charge from the Oval Office itself.
No link, but the Mexican president seems to be backing down a bit. No retaliatory tariffs yet, sending troops to the border to stop illegal immigration and drug smuggling. Says she will work with Trump.
Which human beings are being hurt by which Trump policies?
I know you didn’t ask me, but I have some theories about the suffering some people could experience. It’s possible the grifters won’t be able to divert $ to their Swiss bank accounts anymore. Maybe the embezzlement, bribes and $ laundering schemes the MSM has ignored for many years could get exposed. Some could face criminal charges.

Some of the money intended to help out hungry people could actually go to the people that really need it. Some people could face having to lay off their servants at their 3rd vacation home.

Some may even have to get an honest job to earn an honest day’s work. Worst of all, Kamala may have to go back to giving *&’s. It’s going to be horrible.
I know you didn’t ask me, but I have some theories about the suffering some people could experience. It’s possible the grifters won’t be able to divert $ to their Swiss bank accounts anymore. Maybe the embezzlement, bribes and $ laundering schemes the MSM has ignored for many years could get exposed. Some could face criminal charges.

Some of the money intended to help out hungry people could actually go to the people that really need it. Some people could face having to lay off their servants at their 3rd vacation home.

Some may even have to get an honest job to earn an honest day’s work. Worst of all, Kamala may have to go back to giving *&’s. It’s going to be horrible.
There will be collateral damage. I would imagine most of these programs have some legitimate benefits to their purported audiences but I also know than many are just window dressing so they can write themselves big checks for managing the NGO/non-prof. I think EVERY damn program and grant we have should be put on a defined sunset program. Every tax incentive, every program, everything. Everything gets a limited time to live and then that program, grant, bill, incentive must come before congress again for renewal. At renewal time it must get an even higher share of votes than before in order to be renewed. If it can't prove it was effective and efficient it gets axed. If the clock runs out, it gets axed. If there aren't enough votes because the sponosring party is out of favor it gets axed. Most of these programs likely started as smaller grants. The inertia of government and the sheer volume of programs lets them fly under the radar and obtain ever increasing funding. The bloat is what allows the folks to get away with it.

It is regrettable that there will be people with real needs caught up in the process, but i don't see any other way to clean it up. trying to nip at the edges has always yielded the same result....circular infighting that insures nothing really ever changes.
That is just plain wrong. Yes illegals can no longer be harbored in churches hospitals or schools
But unless there is a convicted criminal in a school ICE is not going into schools.
Why wouldn't you want illegal murders rapists sex trafficers drug dealers deported?
That is just plain wrong. Yes illegals can no longer be harbored in churches hospitals or schools
But unless there is a convicted criminal in a school ICE is not going into schools.
Why wouldn't you want illegal murders rapists sex trafficers drug dealers deported?
Kids and parents are scared...educators have told me.
@Crockett is saying parents and families are scared.
@Horn6721 is saying ICE isn't after them.

Both of these things are probably true. The media keeps running stories that scare people (even though those stories are full of half-truths at best), and ICE keeps saying they are only targeting aliens with a criminal record, but if Joe Illegal happens to be there when they arrest the criminal, well, Joe Illegal is getting arrested too.
How about the Educators who claim to care about the kids SO much educate themselves ands then educate the parents instead of fear mongering??Maybe show those scared parents vids of the parents whose children have been raped killed or overdosed on fentanyl.
surely those educators care about all the females raped trafficked drugged or murdered.
It is possible as Sangre points out that in rounding up convicted ilegals an 'ordinary illegal " who broke our laws get swept up
BUT this is not happening in schools.

Croc You never answered. Don't you want the illegal convicted (here or their own country) deported???
The kids are leery of educators. You and may see the as caring and friendly. The parents see them as an arm of the state. I'm all for deporting felons as well as perps of seious misdemeanors like DUI.
I'm all for deporting felons as well as perps of serious misdemeanors like DUI.
Crockett, I can go along with that. It's a very reasonable start. And it puts the focus in the right area - I don't think anyone should object to deporting felons (and serious misdemeanors, like DUI),
You have the right idea
Getting rid of the dangerous ones
How should our government find and deport the illegal convicted criminals? When legacy media and Dem.pols are shouting how cruel that is and radio stations are broadcasting info about Border Patrol cars where abouts and agent information putting agents and innocent lives in danger
The idiot guv of NJ bragged he is harboring an illegal and daring ICE to come get her.
How about we let ICE do its job?
Here's my question, because I know people cared about this stuff.

How is Joe Citizen supposed to be able to:
1) unravel the multiple layers of the bureaucracy to expose the money river;
2) put their findings on a platform where it would get noticed;
3) get the exposure amplified enough to force changes
when the bureaucracy, the executive branch, and the once-dominant media would all circle the wagons to undermine Joe Citizen's effort and marginalize him as a kooky conspiracy theorist? Additionally, as they have shown, should Joe Citizen have persisted in his efforts and been too big a pain in their collective asses, they would have found a way to criminalize him.

Don't say nobody cared. Millions of citizens cared, but had no resources to effectively wrap their arms around the problem, let alone expose it. It takes the type of effort we are now seeing from within the government itself, which never would have happened without an outsider like Trump leading the charge from the Oval Office itself.

I didn't mean Joe Citizen. I meant conservative policymakers and media outlets. They should have been on this.

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