Trump Administration Accomplishments

Cruz has long called out for border fence increased security and support for ICE and BP
He is not only one. Heck even the Dem rep on the border sounded the alarm long ago

Several conservative sites have also called for closing the border
Breitbart for one

But Legacy media over rode those sites until recently
And you see the push right now by Dem pols Legacy media and Hollywood to characterize ICE/Trump as inhumane
People are waking up as it affects so many
It didn't before
Children of undocumented aliens not going to school because parents fear they will be tracked through tje school.
The parents are at fault. With such a huge debt we simply can’t afford to educate this many illegal children. Nor can we afford free healthcare because too many came illegally and suddenly.

There’s simply no money. Unless we borrow and pay interest for generations.
Many would call you all kinds of vile names as they protest all humans are legal
How these same whiners can deny We have a right to protect our borders and put our citizens first is puzzling
IF it affected their children directly how would they feel

How much money do we alteady give to the countries sending illegals in?
We MUST put U S Citizens first
Many would call you all kinds of vile names as they protest all humans are legal
How these same whiners can deny We have a right to protect our borders and put our citizens first is puzzling
IF it affected their children directly how would they feel

How much money do we alteady give to the countries sending illegals in?
We MUST put U S Citizens first
And yet they are burning American Flags in Los Angeles while we go broke now and in the future supporting them
What about the Dreamers? The parents should have been sent back before they became a problem. However, let them finish their education, send them back, and put the Dreamers, not the parents, back in line to come across the right way.
What about the Dreamers? The parents should have been sent back before they became a problem. However, let them finish their education, send them back, and put the Dreamers, not the parents, back in line to come across the right way.
They are designating younger illegals who crossed the border as a dreamer even if they came without their parents. I know one personally who came over at 14.

His parents were never here. They do not verify that. All the Dreamers have to say is that they did.
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I've seen reports that Trump Admin kicked the Coast Guard General out of her house with 3 hours notice, If that is accurate, that is a **** move and shows a stupid and petty side.
Wasn't she relieved of duty 3 weeks ago? If she was in gov't housing being relieved of duty is also notice of loss of housing .
Wasn't she relieved of duty 3 weeks ago? If she was in gov't housing being relieved of duty is also notice of loss of housing .
I don't give 2 shits. This is not how you treat service members even if you disagree with their politics. EVER!!! F- the trump team if they did this.

I was in the military even way back in the late '80's. Many people hated Clinton and his policies. Many people hated Obama and his policies, but NEVER did either one of those guys take such pleasure in steam rolling a senior military member publicly. It is easy to freeze people out. What they have done to Milley and Fagan is *********.
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I don't give 2 shits. This is not how you treat service members even if you disagree with their politics. EVER!!! F- the trump team if they did this.

I was in the military even way back in the late '80's. Many people hated Clinton and his policies. Many people hated Obama and his policies, but NEVER did either one of those guys take such pleasure in steam rolling a senior military member publicly. It is easy to freeze people out. What they have done to Milley and Fagan is *********.
You said you have seen reports. What sources?
I don't give 2 shits. This is not how you treat service members even if you disagree with their politics. EVER!!! F- the trump team if they did this.

I was in the military even way back in the late '80's. Many people hated Clinton and his policies. Many people hated Obama and his policies, but NEVER did either one of those guys take such pleasure in steam rolling a senior military member publicly. It is easy to freeze people out. What they have done to Milley and Fagan is *********.
Milley is guilty as hell as evidenced by accepting a pardon.
Milley is guilty as hell as evidenced by accepting a pardon.
that is horsecrap. accepting a pardon, given Trumps obvious penchant for political retribution, is not proof of guilt. I don't like Milley, I think it is correct to get rid of him and even revoke his clearance so he can't be in the loop. I don't think it was right to take away his protection detail, or clown him as a political stunt on the way out.

protection details are as much about protecting what he knows as they are about protecting him as a person. Foolish DJT ******** that only reinforces the idea that he focuses on political retribution as much or more than righting the ship.
You realize She knew she had to evacuate her quarters when she was terminated on Jan21? Funny NBC doesn't name the "Trump Offcial" who gave her 3 hours AFTER she already knew she had to leave weeks ago.
Maybe you and others need to ask WHY she hadn't made any preparations to leave.
OR maybe we can wait for actual facts to come out.
This from NBC link raises some questions.
"She was given a different place to stay," the DHS official said. "We’re still providing her housing."

The official was not able to say what form of housing, and the Fagan ally said that an alternative was not offered to her as part of the discussion of her vacating the premises."

So she is fired and knows she has to vacate but it looks like she is trying to say the CG didn't inform her of where the new housing was?? And she didn't ask?? OR make an issue of it?? Weeks ago seems like a perfect time to blast Trump. Throwing her out with no place to go, Legacy media would have loved it

Will wait for more facts with names. Sure it could be somewhat true but that isn't typically the way the military acts

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