Trouble in Paradise?

Ok. Sorry if I misunderstood. I took your post to suggest that they were diluting their admissions in an effort to become the largest university.

Also, I must be in an overreactive mood, because when you say, “ the kids who can’t get into UT,”—…kids who can’t get into UT includes thousands and thousands of applicants who would easily be valedictorians if they went to other high schools. I guess my personal experience is affecting my perceptions.
My apology. Not trying to throw eggs at anybody, especially anyone who is a fan of VY.

There was a guy named Frank Denius, aka, the "Hero of Hill 314", sometimes called the "Alamo of WWII". FWIW, he held TWO degrees from The University of Texas

Sorry, Sabre. I saw your post after I texted about Frank Denius. We were on the same page thinking of him.
Take UT out of the question for a minute (and Rice, because it’s a completely different animal)—where within 800 miles of here has a better academic reputation than A&M? Then factor in that any place that even crossed your mind costs multiple times as much.

What's with all the smarts and learnin' talk doin' in a, well, not football, because they don't play that very well, but you know what I mean....thread?
Should have posted this earlier in the week.....

Whether jimbo knows this or not, ags have to beat Miami tomorrow. If they lose, he's not seen chaos coupled with a true shitstorm like what will happen with another loss at home. Carry that bad MOJO into the sec schedule and things get ugly internally.
re the tsip discussion earlier, the Ags make a big deal out of their military contributions during WW II but a lot of that is sort of misleading. For example, many of the Ag officers were manufactured after the school was virtually converted to an Officer Candidate School to pop out second lieutenants. I had two cousins in WW II who went there for a few months, became officers and went off to war, where they served with honor. One later went back to A&M and got a petroleum engineering degree and the other finished at Texas A&I. The Ag got called up again for Korea.

But at the same time, UT was converted into a naval ROTC factory. I used to have a Cactus for one of the war years and every male in it was wearing navy whites except for the foreign students and a few others. It is not exactly like UT students were sitting around smoking pot and playing guitar during WW II
It is easier to get admitted if one applies for the spring semester. A fair number of the fall admits have left for one reason or another and the buildings and faculty are still there. Right?
I heard an interesting stat last night from one of the Deans (spoke at Point Texas Club before the Volleyball match) about UT Austin...The retention rate for Freshmen after year one is 92% right now. There's probably some wiggle room in the spring but not much.