Trouble in Paradise?


Probably made bail with his aggy buyout money.
hell yes! They need someone who can channel a new Jackie Sherrill.


Damn, Harbaugh ain't dead yet and aggy vultures are already licking their chops he is the next possible tainted savior for the moribund aggy football program!

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Can you imagine the fun we could all have if aggie stole the wrong sign and lined up on the wrong side of the ball or lined up for a punt on first down? Glorious.

Damn, Harbaugh ain't dead yet and aggy vultures are already licking their chops he is the possible next tainted savior for the moribund aggy football program!


Those dorks truely believe that he would come down there. When all is said and done, he is bolting to the nfl. And leaving Michigan a bag of..well you know.
What they fail to understand is that they could somehow get Harbaugh, by accepting the job he’d become aggy. Something about the mindset of that place just makes for mediocrity.
Game Day sign says it all: “Fund Jimbo’s Buyout!” w/Venmo QR code. That thing is prolly rolling like the national debt calculator right now. All by aggy’s around the world.