Trouble in Paradise?

Schlossnaggy got more incompetence than he bargained for.
Schools with winning traditions will win games they should win and some they shouldn’t win. Schools without winning traditions lose some games they should win and all games they should not win. Losing is the only Aggie tradition they do not talk about. Yet, it is their biggest tradition. Poor Aggies!
One of the Nazi Youth is upset about Del Conte being at the secsecsec meetings last week. He took a break from his chronic masturbation long enough to pen this diatribe.

Welcome to college. No one cares what you did in HS. This is ESPNU for you and you will never graduate. By the close of SEC meetings it should be clear to the rest of the SEC what A&M could have told them; Whorn entitlement knows no end even vs Bama, despite the underperformance. You are out of the kiddie pool. Austin is a cesspool of woke madness and culturally you just don't fit. By the time the meetings done and Del Contes finished bloviating the rest of the conference will hate you. And over time the hatred will grow as your entitlement runs amuck. It will be 15-1 on the votes. Sark ain't Saban. No one cares you were BMOC in HS. Enjoy mediocrity in SEC I would welcome Bama, LSU and A&M as your permanent rivals and by the end of the meeting so will the other 15 members. And Ou your prize is Georgia, Bama and Florida. Don't like it? too bad you think A&M picked SC or multiple games vs Missouri to start. You will play A&M in CStat for 5 years straight Whorn for talking to much as a nonvoting member and like it. Check your entitlement and report back to us how you are going to keep the rainbow and dildo protests off ESPN.
One of the Nazi Youth is upset about Del Conte being at the secsecsec meetings last week. He took a break from his chronic masturbation long enough to pen this diatribe.
Aggy knows about mediocrity...they have practiced it for years?!?! decades!?!? Well, they have practiced it a long time so we should respect their mediocre wisdom.

All hail aggy...supremacy of mediocrity. And Baaa STILL means "NO!".

And all bow down to the almighty BOMC & know: BOMC=BMOC. So suck it, aggy. Your masters are returning & there isn't a damned thing you can do about it.
I’m also waiting on players who have gone bankrupt after their NIL didn’t translate to pro success. That idiot speeding through parking lots and smoking weed in Jimbo’s locker room comes to mind immediately.