Trouble in Paradise?

Serious Q re aggy: how do you create a culture of stupid?

To start the list:
1. Decades of deliberate effort.
2. Hundreds of millions of dollars.
3. Hundreds of goofy traditions and trademarks.
4. Male cheerleaders in tight milk man outfits
5. List Eater
6. Nut squeezing
7. …

what else?
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Yeah I suppose they have to come up with fresh ideas to embarrass themselves - there's not many of us left who remember this anymore:


Oh yeah - Defending Gomer Pyle field honor against the unarmed, but very dangerous, SMU cheerleader heathens.
The only "lightning" was being consumed by Aggie BMDs trying to drown their misery.

As with all other schools, the aggy BMDs have ruined / are continuity to ruin it all due to narcissistic, jealous greed and envy. They want a championship so bad that they will do just about anything to get it.

Listen to the aggy recording it - laughing and saying how awesome that was. They should be horrified. Even if the warning was given, any range safety officer or weapons enthusiast knows that down range needs to be clear before pulling the trigger - otherwise it’s negligent. They’re fortunate those two players weren’t injured in that reckless and unprofessional display of school tradition.
Listen to the aggy recording it - laughing and saying how awesome that was. They should be horrified. Even if the warning was given, any range safety officer or weapons enthusiast knows that down range needs to be clear before pulling the trigger - otherwise it’s negligent. They’re fortunate those two players weren’t injured in that reckless and unprofessional display of school tradition.
The actions of the moronic cannoeers was only surpassed by the idiot Ag saying “awesome”
I can’t stand these idiots.
"Listeater". Don't ever bring that up again. Or holding the MOB ransome for their tribute to Reville. This week's tribute to Russian 90k enlistments with passing of the t shirt to fans that protec
To start the list:
1. Decades of deliberate effort.
2. Hundreds of millions of dollars.
3. Hundreds of goofy traditions and trademarks.
4. Male cheerleaders in tight milk man outfits
5. List Eater
6. Nut squeezing
7. …

what else?
Two words, Jizz Jar. How that translates to Longhorn hate is a secret. A secret that no one wants to know.

Surrounding the MOB (Marching Owl Band) in the locker room after a touching tribute to Reville.

Recording National Championships, a century after the games were played.

Signing an unusual, guaranteed contract w Jimbo, not once, but twice.

Reenacting the conscription and half-time deployment of 90 thousand Russian Conscripts at last night's game.

Shooting two opposing players with a cannon, for praying in the end zone.

In the fourth quarter highlighting the four 4 remaining recruits by awarding them an entire section of Kyle field each, and complimentary blue jeans and one shirt to share.

The humanity.

And don't say "List Eater" ever again. Last night ended any need for a list, well except this one
They’re fortunate those two players weren’t injured in that reckless and unprofessional display of school tradition.
I'm not so sure. Have they had an audiological exam since that act of wanton stupidity. That stupid s**t can cause permanent hearing loss. As a person with 65% high frequency hearing loss due to environmental noise I can personally attest. (I would call it jack-assery, but I see no reason to disparage jack-asses by comparing them to aggy.)
A&M Commandant said:
Two opposing team members unfortunately opted not to move from the end zone after being warned that the cannon was about to be fired.
Texadelphia said:
Even if the warning was given, any range safety officer or weapons enthusiast knows that down range needs to be clear before pulling the trigger - otherwise it’s negligent.

Right. The way it works is not "give one warning and if people don't clear out, teach them a lesson by firing anyway". A&M still trying to claim the high ground here is ridiculous.
Right. The way it works is not "give one warning and if people don't clear out, teach them a lesson by firing anyway". A&M still trying to claim the high ground here is ridiculous.
on the texags thread concerning this incident, one redass Good Ag posted that there is no god and prayer does no good anyway. High ground, indeed. But keep on telling us that cesspool is the moral compass of American universities.
Sacred grass
Dead dog cemetery
Scoreboard placed so the dead dogs can see it
I forgot about the dog cemetery scoreboard. It was even funnier when they had a corps turd stationed in the graveyard with a chalk board before they got the electronic version.

And "Highway Six goes both ways". What the heck is so revolutionary? One way goes to Waco, the other way goes to Bayou Vista!
Ok Ok shooting two players praying is almost the aggiest thing ever because it something Tech would also do and agie would punish them on 12th fan left board. And Im pretty sure the t shirt race is now posted on an "alternative" porn site that stole my credit card.
Serious question. Why did all the fans leave at half?
Or is it photoshopped?
I haven't been paying attention
First, the stadium was only 20% full at start of game if you exclude the Corp and student sections. By start of 2nd half, the stadium was about 5% full. It was 42 F and raining.