Forgive the new and probably redundant thread but I couldn’t help myself.
Like all of us I have been processing since yesterday, trying to make sense of the inexplicable. For me, everything comes back to Tom Herman, his judgment and his arrogance. With a record of 7-7 through 14 games there are no excuses available that work for me. It’s a coaching issue.
Sam melted down repeatedly last year. Yes, he had flashes of greatness but they were overshadowed by his failures. While I don’t question Herman’s decision to go with SE, I will question it going forward. On another thread one poster mentioned the courage DKR exhibited by benching his prized recruit, Bill Bradley, because he wasn’t getting the job done. Let’s see if TH is capable of doing the same. I’ll believe it when I see it.
(My take on Sam is that he lacks the judgment to consistently perform at a high level. He isn’t a skilled passer, and he doesn’t understand his limitations. Unless or until he improves his passing and develops better judgment, he will never reach greatness or even high proficiency.)
The offense seems not to have progressed one iota, which is unfathomable. But we all saw it yesterday. With a better and deeper OL, a good stable of RBs and an outstanding receiving corps, no improvement? This is on Herman, 100%. If Beck can’t get it done, demote or fire him. But stubborn and arrogant Tom seems incapable of addressing an issue that even the least sophisticated fans can see.
The issue is talent? Please. And even if talent were the issue — which it is not — great coaches win with mediocre talent. Our talent is not mediocre.
Herman’s comment that this loss is very different than the game last year is all the evidence we need to comfirm the contention of this post: Tommy Boy is in denial.
Can and will this team do better. I “think” so. But with Herman’s apparent and perhaps fatal character flaw, I have to wonder.
Like all of us I have been processing since yesterday, trying to make sense of the inexplicable. For me, everything comes back to Tom Herman, his judgment and his arrogance. With a record of 7-7 through 14 games there are no excuses available that work for me. It’s a coaching issue.
Sam melted down repeatedly last year. Yes, he had flashes of greatness but they were overshadowed by his failures. While I don’t question Herman’s decision to go with SE, I will question it going forward. On another thread one poster mentioned the courage DKR exhibited by benching his prized recruit, Bill Bradley, because he wasn’t getting the job done. Let’s see if TH is capable of doing the same. I’ll believe it when I see it.
(My take on Sam is that he lacks the judgment to consistently perform at a high level. He isn’t a skilled passer, and he doesn’t understand his limitations. Unless or until he improves his passing and develops better judgment, he will never reach greatness or even high proficiency.)
The offense seems not to have progressed one iota, which is unfathomable. But we all saw it yesterday. With a better and deeper OL, a good stable of RBs and an outstanding receiving corps, no improvement? This is on Herman, 100%. If Beck can’t get it done, demote or fire him. But stubborn and arrogant Tom seems incapable of addressing an issue that even the least sophisticated fans can see.
The issue is talent? Please. And even if talent were the issue — which it is not — great coaches win with mediocre talent. Our talent is not mediocre.
Herman’s comment that this loss is very different than the game last year is all the evidence we need to comfirm the contention of this post: Tommy Boy is in denial.
Can and will this team do better. I “think” so. But with Herman’s apparent and perhaps fatal character flaw, I have to wonder.