Tom Herman is Mack Brown on steroids.


Your words and enthusiasm, and even your predictions for success, the record, the greatness around the corner; was almost repeats of the posts we got all spring and summer about what this 2017 season would bring.

I love the love your giving TH and the prospects for next year. Hope you're right. We shall see.
I made no such predictions for 2017. I am not sure why anyone would have made those predictions? Especially after a 6-7, 5-7, and a 5-7 year. What I would have predicted was an attitude change. I would have said we will look much better on the field and played with more passion. We are 6-6 because that is what this group is and has been due to poor recruiting and lack of discipline. Future is very bright.
I made no such predictions for 2017. I am not sure why anyone would have made those predictions? Especially after a 6-7, 5-7, and a 5-7 year. What I would have predicted was an attitude change. I would have said we will look much better on the field and played with more passion. We are 6-6 because that is what this group is and has been due to poor recruiting and lack of discipline. Future is very bright.
Culture changes take time. We are only a year in now and there is a huge difference already. Very young team had to grow up a lot this year.
Again, tom will develop the lesser talent Charlie left here. Tom has been doing that for one full year now. Plus, tom can recruit!!!!
I disagree with you Charlie did have some good recruiting classes. The records don't reflect it. Maybe a lack of good coaching. Tom cost us 2 maybe 3 games this season with his in-game decisions. I think Duvernay and Foreman could be stars if we would use them and perhaps CJ. We need a coach that can teach QBs on the art of timing throws and schemes. Tom has not impressed me at all except recruiting.
44 o line combos. A freshman qb with two freshman rb and wr/punt returner. Reality not excuses. Go bulls! Wrong board bro. Usf and chucks page in on another site.
those are excuses I’m dropping facts and you are deflecting with all the go bulls stuff what’s wrong you running out of Herman love to spew. LSU has 2 freshman on the line, Iowa State has a young line, Bama was in the championship last year with a true freshman qb
those are excuses I’m dropping facts and you are deflecting with all the go bulls stuff what’s wrong you running out of Herman love to spew. LSU has 2 freshman on the line, Iowa State has a young line, Bama was in the championship last year with a true freshman qb
All true. Valid point. Georgia was 8-5 last year. Smarts 1st year. Nick was 7-6 in his first year at bama. Tom is 6-6 now. See what happens? keep on being a chuck strong fan. He is a great man though. You do have that going for you. His team was favored in all 12 games this year by Vegas based on ALL of the returning starters. He lost two. Oh wait......he did day anyone would win 10 games here though regardless of who the new coach was. Hard to win 6 games with these players. I'm sure you would have went 12-0 here this year though chuck?
Dude you do know that Herman coached in the same conference charlie is in now right so Again you can’t give discredit One without doing the other he got the job at Texas based on what he did in Houston lmao. You can keep trying to twist it all you want as if I’m on Charlie’s side all you want to to avoid the fact that You are wron but I’m not I’m an equal opportunity critic. I have had 4 seats since Mack was here and I will have them even after Herman is gone I’m on the side of winning no matter who the coach is. Like I said earlier i want beck and warehime gone and we will see plenty of improvement
Just responding to comments. Let me guess.....? Band geek? Never actually played huh? Obviously you know NOTHING about coaching/vision or recruiting. A class on paper means NOTHING!!!! Did they stay? Pass? Play? Suspended/problem child? Grauduate? Classes can't be judged until they graduate dumbass! Records and achievements are available at that time in order to evaluate.
Actually, I’m only here to —> :hammertime:
Dude you do know that Herman coached in the same conference charlie is in now right so Again you can’t give discredit One without doing the other he got the job at Texas based on what he did in Houston lmao. You can keep trying to twist it all you want as if I’m on Charlie’s side all you want to to avoid the fact that You are wron but I’m not I’m an equal opportunity critic. I have had 4 seats since Mack was here and I will have them even after Herman is gone I’m on the side of winning no matter who the coach is. Like I said earlier i want beck and warehime gone and we will see plenty of improvement
Absolutely. Change assistant coaches. Give the players continued chaos. Unstable is awesome. Ps....tom won that conference and beat Florida state. The reason we suck is the same reasons you are suggesting we do. Change assistant coaches. Nashon Hughes has seen 33 different coaches here in his 5 years. Its not excuses DUDE its fact. Tom has won as an OC/head coach literally everywhere he has been. You keep your seats. I went to the north Texas game Charlie's first game and left at halftime. Knew exactly where that was headed. Again, slow your roll and watch. 9-3 at WORST next year. Fact!!!!!
All true. Valid point. Georgia was 8-5 last year. Smarts 1st year. Nick was 7-6 in his first year at bama. Tom is 6-6 now. See what happens?
So what that means nothing that’s no indication of the future didn’t chizik Win a natty at Auburn 2 years later gone. We played in One went 5-7 the following season. harbuagh went 10-3 first year at Michigan and they were awful the year before again it all comes down to coaching you keep proving my point.
So what that means nothing that’s no indication of the future didn’t chizik Win a natty at Auburn 2 years later gone. We played in One went 5-7 the following season. harbuagh went 10-3 first year at Michigan and they were awful the year before again it all comes down to coaching you keep proving my point.
Yes.........year two has been HUGE improvements for great 2nd year coaches. Tom is in his first. Wait until this time next year to probe me wrong. You can't do it tonight. Clueless DUDE!!!!
Absolutely. Change assistant coaches. Give the players continued chaos. Unstable is awesome. Ps....tom won that conference and beat Florida state. The reason we suck is the same reasons you are suggesting we do. Change assistant coaches. Nashon Hughes has seen 33 different coaches here in his 5 years. Its not excuses DUDE its fact. Tom has won as an OC/head coach literally everywhere he has been. You keep your seats. I went to the north Texas game Charlie's first game and left at halftime. Knew exactly where that was headed. Again, slow your roll and watch. 9-3 at WORST next year. Fact!!!!!
Keep quoting your coach but don’t forgot what he said insanity was you remember that right well he is one insane sob then and dude they destroyed unt next day ash went down with concussion and was done along with the center if you saw that coming please tell me the lotto numbers. And they still should have won like 8 games that year but Charlie couldn’t coach himself out of a bag just like Herman couldn’t this year
Yes.........year two has been HUGE improvements for great 2nd year coaches. Tom is in his first. Wait until this time next year to probe me wrong. You can't do it tonight. Clueless DUDE!!!!
Kirby smart is playing in the SEC championship game in his 2nd year. Nick went from 7-6 his first year at bama to 12-0. Mark in now his 2nd year at Miami is playing in the acc championship game at 11-1. 2nd year DUDE!!!!!
Keep quoting your coach but don’t forgot what he said insanity was you remember that right well he is one insane sob then and dude they destroyed unt next day ash went down with concussion and was done along with the center if you saw that coming please tell me the lotto numbers. And they still should have won like 8 games that year but Charlie couldn’t coach himself out of a bag just like Herman couldn’t this year
Lol. David is my cousin DUDE. Yes Dom/center also got hurt.
but what about the regression year 2 in Houston
Charlie went from 6-7 to 5-7 then another 5-7. Again, tom is 6-6 as we speak. At this time next year be sure to message me back.
Ahhh so no answer for that year 2 downfall in Houston huh since year 2 is ALWAYS the year right I guess I’ll take that as your surrender mic drop and easy is out for the night folks
Ahhh so no answer for that year 2 downfall in Houston huh since year 2 is ALWAYS the year right I guess I’ll take that as your surrender mic drop and easy is out for the night folks
Yes year two for tom at Houston was much more successful than year two for Charlie at Texas. Night dumb ****!!!!
I made no such predictions for 2017. I am not sure why anyone would have made those predictions? Especially after a 6-7, 5-7, and a 5-7 year.
I wasn't referring to you specifically. Rather other posters who were extremely optimistic, giddy really, about the TH coming in and what he would bring, and all the wins he'd get in year one. Go back to the prediction thread started here in late August. Very few, if anyone, predicted 6-6. More like 10-2, some 9-3, some 8-4 (me), and very few 7-5.
For the last can't prove me wrong until this time next year. Stop trying. You are grasping for straws and Definetly are not a Texas fan.
If ehlenger steps up in year 2 along with some OL, you may be right.
I wasn't referring to you specifically. Rather other posters who were extremely optimistic, giddy really, about the TH coming in and what he would bring, and all the wins he'd get in year one. Go back to the prediction thread started here in late August. Very few, if anyone, predicted 6-6. More like 10-2, some 9-3, some 8-4 (me), and very few 7-5.
Well if we win the bowl game 7-6 is pretty close to 7-5. Oklahoma, Oklahoma state, and USC could have went our way we are talking 10-2. Again, my whole reason for my post was to say I see it. Even with a first year staff, freshman qb, rb's, and injuries we were not far off from a 10 win season. I will be totally disappointed in anything less than 9 wins next year. I see 10-11 wins next year for sure......Imop.