If Republican's would ease up on the social issues then they'd win in a landslide. It's my feeling the vast majority of this country is not Liberal. The true rabid feminist (see Elizabeth Warren) is too hateful for the huge swath of normalcy that actually exists out there. Yet somehow they get away with their big mouths and arrogant personalities
Do not try to ban abortion. Don't be so aggressive on the six weeks (talking to my own state Texas). Don't be so aggressive against gay marriage. If it's a sin to you, then don't do it. Fighting these things to the bitter end is a sinking ship. Find more people of color who think the way I described.
And find someone who can lead without acting like Trump. Most of his policies were arguably within reason, but his delivery was was not. Just continue on the course of Conservative governance with a freakin' smile. Be rational. Be thoughtful. Don't mock others. Be deliberate in explaining your policy.
If not, then extremists from the Left will continue to advance their agenda.