The Media Industry

The lifestyle here is different, the cuisine available after long 10+ hr workdays is different than what was available in Paris ,and the Pau area.

It's very different. First, in Paris and in most major European cities, most people aren't driving to work. The infrastructure isn't there to accommodate that. The freeways aren't big enough, and there isn't enough parking. And of course, gas costs a fortune because of the taxes. Accordingly, they take public transportation, which almost always means significant walking.

Second, lunch breaks in Europe are usually longer. That means that people over here aren't driving to a greasy fast food place, wolfing down lunch in their cars, and then rushing back to the office. They have time to get real food. (That also means that Europeans have much cleaner cars.) And when they get fast food, it is usually much lighter than the Big Mac, fries, and big soda. It's a sandwich or bratwurst in a fresh roll.

Third, dinner isn't as big of a meal here. For example, Germans usually have abendbrot (evening bread). It's usually sliced bread, some sliced meat and cheese, and maybe some soup or salad. It's much lighter than an American dinner. They do make an exception at restaurants, but that is the exception, not the rule.

Fourth, Europeans keep a garden. In the US, most Americans hand a crew of Mexican dudes some cash and let them work on their yards while the American sits in his air conditioned house. Europeans don't do that. They'll put almost daily work into their garden and yard. They will pay someone to set it up, but they maintain it. I used to live next door to a very wealthy German guy who was probably in his mid 70s. He had a big fancy house and cars, but almost every day, he and his wife would go out to the garden and work. She'd be bending over and planting flowers, and he'd be climbing under bushes pulling weeds. They could easily afford to pay someone to do this, but that just isn't what Europeans do. It's a matter of personal pride, so they do it themselves. Well, that burns calories.
It's very different. First, in Paris and in most major European cities, most people aren't driving to work. The infrastructure isn't there to accommodate that. The freeways aren't big enough, and there isn't enough parking. And of course, gas costs a fortune because of the taxes. Accordingly, they take public transportation, which almost always means significant walking.

Second, lunch breaks in Europe are usually longer. That means that people over here aren't driving to a greasy fast food place, wolfing down lunch in their cars, and then rushing back to the office. They have time to get real food. (That also means that Europeans have much cleaner cars.) And when they get fast food, it is usually much lighter than the Big Mac, fries, and big soda. It's a sandwich or bratwurst in a fresh roll.

Third, dinner isn't as big of a meal here. For example, Germans usually have abendbrot (evening bread). It's usually sliced bread, some sliced meat and cheese, and maybe some soup or salad. It's much lighter than an American dinner. They do make an exception at restaurants, but that is the exception, not the rule.

Fourth, Europeans keep a garden. In the US, most Americans hand a crew of Mexican dudes some cash and let them work on their yards while the American sits in his air conditioned house. Europeans don't do that. They'll put almost daily work into their garden and yard. They will pay someone to set it up, but they maintain it. I used to live next door to a very wealthy German guy who was probably in his mid 70s. He had a big fancy house and cars, but almost every day, he and his wife would go out to the garden and work. She'd be bending over and planting flowers, and he'd be climbing under bushes pulling weeds. They could easily afford to pay someone to do this, but that just isn't what Europeans do. It's a matter of personal pride, so they do it themselves. Well, that burns calories.
You forgot to mention all the screwing.
They are such liars

Another good Tucker Carlson segment
This one about how a hedge fund/vulture capitalist Paul Singer destroyed an entire town
It's 10:45 minutes, but worth the time

My sense is that the direction Carlson has been pointing is the future direction of the Republican Party
Tucker Carlson is for economic fascism regardless of what bad actors have done. I didn't watch the video but I wouldn't be surprised if the bad actor got some kind of government help or enforcement to do the bad deed.

Common good economic policy is what fascists and socialists have pushed for the last 100 years.
Does a causal relationship exist here?
CNN with an 18th place in Prime Time ratings (FNC in 3rd place in Prime Time ratings, up 6%)


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Does a causal relationship exist here?
CNN with an 18th place in Prime Time ratings (FNC in 3rd place in Prime Time ratings, up 6%)



Like CNN, AXIOS is a dumpster fire of wrong. This tweet below is from just 4 months ago
They have been one of the prime media promoters for the last 2 years of the idea that a recession is coming to the US
Another recession indicator is flashing: corporate equity owned by households and non-profits
Economic signs pointing to a recession are mounting
They are like a handful of posters in this forum who are constantly wrong but keep showing back up like nothing happened and no one noticed

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We have allowed Saudis to learn flying etc at our bases since the 70's.
The Saudis vet who they send.
Obviously they missed on this one.
Maybe WE need to be more pro active
We have allowed the Saudis to send whoever they wanted without any push back or further vetting.
For over 50 years it was not a problem.
Today it was
Are you asking me about economic fascism? I am talking about Tucker Carlson not today's economy. Tucker is calling for me government control over the economy. Trump other than the tariffs has reduce government intervention. It proves my point.
Are you asking me about economic fascism? I am talking about Tucker Carlson not today's economy. Tucker is calling for me government control over the economy. Trump other than the tariffs has reduce government intervention. It proves my point.

I watched the Carlson piece. He isnt for government control. Hes for preventing giant hedge funds from ******* over innocent people. There actually is a difference between free market captialism and big bank corporate feudalism.
I watched the Carlson piece. He isnt for government control. Hes for preventing giant hedge funds from ******* over innocent people. There actually is a difference between free market captialism and big bank corporate feudalism.

It's only 10 and 1/2 minutes
Why not watch it? I dont know what folks are afraid of (is it of having to admit you watched some Tucker Carlson? or is it having to face that you actually agree with him?)
It's only 10 and 1/2 minutes
Why not watch it? I dont know what folks are afraid of (is it of having to admit you watched some Tucker Carlson? or is it having to face that you actually agree with him?)

I agree with 90% of him. Hes blunt and not afraid to call out his guests when they say dumb ****. Hes not perfect of course but hes better than any of the diaper wearing schmucks on CNN.
Are you asking me about economic fascism? I am talking about Tucker Carlson not today's economy. Tucker is calling for me government control over the economy. Trump other than the tariffs has reduce government intervention. It proves my point.

The terms doesnt even make any sense. It's redundant. Sounds like something AOC would say
Speaking of AOC -- she is now cheering the addition of 1,500 Amazon jobs in Manhattan, after chasing off 30,000 Amazon jobs in her own district of Queens
"Tone deaf" doesnt quite cover it

I watched the Carlson piece. He isnt for government control. Hes for preventing giant hedge funds from ******* over innocent people. There actually is a difference between free market captialism and big bank corporate feudalism.

I actually agree with you. I just don't think we agree on what Tucker wants.
It's only 10 and 1/2 minutes
Why not watch it? I dont know what folks are afraid of (is it of having to admit you watched some Tucker Carlson? or is it having to face that you actually agree with him?)

I listened to his first rant against markets and have read multiple articles from Rubio and others in their camp. Common good capitalism is exactly what Hitler preached about in the 30s. He didn't trust markets, business owners, and individual choice. Not that Tucker says exactly same thing but he is point us down the same road.
The terms doesnt even make any sense. It's redundant. Sounds like something AOC would say

Okay. Fascism. Government directing economy through corporate influence, strong regulation, and various interventions.

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