The Media Industry

I guess the media will be dropping this story now

They seriously did drop it unusually fast. I was wondering what happened. Now I know.

It's only 10 and 1/2 minutes. Why not watch it?

Honestly? Because I almost never watch linked videos that contain information I could have read in 1/5th of the time.
Here was the Never-Trumpers at the Weekly Standard in 2018

Editor Stephen Hayes ran a cover story from a Democrat staffer attacking Devin Nunes for a "crazy conspiracy theory" that DOJ lied to the FISA court and peddled fake evidence against Carter Page in order to spy on him.


Think they will apologize for getting it so wrong?

Me meither

The Truth About Carter Page, the FBI, and Devin Nunes’ Conspiracy Theory
Interesting that the MSM largely ignored the New Jersey hate crime shooting by the Black Hebrew Israelites. Could it be because the perpetrators aren't white?

The MSM is conditioning the public to think "non-whites good, white people bad". Ann Coulter (I know. Lots of you have a low opinion of Ann, but she says what no one else has the guts to say.) has an interesting piece on this titled: "WHO'S DOING THE RAPING? DON'T ASK 'LAW & ORDER SVU' ".

Interesting that the MSM largely ignored the New Jersey hate crime shooting by the Black Hebrew Israelites. Could it be because the perpetrators aren't white?

"This is heartbreaking. White supremacy kills..."
~Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) on the Jersey shooters.

The View also discussed them as if they were white nationalists.
I pretty assume that any Democrat or media figure commenting or "reporting" on a race-oriented crime is being deceptive or flat-out lying.
Yes, they were, but the nerdy Catholic boy was deemed the villain.

I remember. It's pretty sickening to see how all of this is covered.

Isn't it amazing how Greta thinks she is the one who is galvanizing the climate change activists? Her ego is massive. But I believe she is being used because the wealth transferring organizational force know very well that attacking a child is political peril. She literally thinks she is smarter than everyone. It's actually quite sad.
"This is heartbreaking. White supremacy kills..."
~Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) on the Jersey shooters.

The View also discussed them as if they were white nationalists.

Talk about a complete lack of responsibility, accountability or journalistic integrity.

Have any of them apologized yet?
This is from July 2018

We now know for certain, as we expected at the time, that the Nunes Memo nailed it all

Anyone think Tapper or any of the rest of these good folks will admit being wrong, admit Nunes was correct and apologize?

Another good montage -- a parade of liars

Much like the handful of posters in here, they were so f'n smug in they way they made their statements and conclusions -- assuring each other and the entire country that the Steele Dossier was rock solid

They were 100% confident that were right, refusing to consider for one second the possibility their version, "their reality" was wrong

But they were wrong

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Here was Obama person Evelyn Farkas (great name if you think about it, as it is exactly what they tried to do to us) letting the cat out of the bag all the way back in March 2017. I posted this in here at the time too but it didnt get much traction. Still fun to reflect back on now that proof of their improper/illegal FISA spying is on the table for everyone to see. But there is still another shoe to drop, which is how high up the food chain this conspiracy went. And I think we all know where it ends, whether you want it to be true or not. The only question now is whether these good people will tell the truth, or fall on their swords to protect their guy.

Good grief. Can you believe people get paid to write such nonsense?

Yep. They like to come up with these "if my grandmother had balls she'd be my grandfather" hypotheticals in order to delegitimize a political outcome they don't like.

The reality is that if the UK had Germany's system, Boris almost surely still would have won. Candidates tailor their campaigns to fit the system and rules that apply. That would have been true for all of the parties. Furthermore, even under a system like Germany's, the Chancellor is almost always from the party that gets the most votes. It doesn't have to work that way, but exceptions are pretty rare.
Chris Wallace skewered Comey this morning. He is one of the few remaining journalists left in a crowd of propagandists. He is not liked by either side which is just further endorsement of his professionalism.
Chris Wallace skewered Comey this morning. He is one of the few remaining journalists left in a crowd of propagandists. He is not liked by either side which is just further endorsement of his professionalism.
I don't watch him as my feeling is he has a very anti-Trump bias and is unable to hide it. I am not going to look for the video, but during the hearings 2 or 3 weeks ago he was saying the Dems had made compelling arguments for impeachment. I agree with you 99% of the time, but I think he's become a TDS hack.
The reality is that if the UK had Germany's system, Boris almost surely still would have won. Candidates tailor their campaigns to fit the system and rules that apply.

It would be like losing a football game 17-16 and then saying "if FGs were 4 points each than we'd have won the game" ignoring that this would have likely changed both team's decisions at many points in the game.
Another good montage -- a parade of liars

Much like the handful of posters in here, they were so f'n smug in they way they made their statements and conclusions -- assuring each other and the entire country that the Steele Dossier was rock solid

They were 100% confident that were right, refusing to consider for one second the possibility their version, "their reality" was wrong

But they were wrong

Clapper was obviously lying. He qualified every answer. I will not be happy until he gets a cell with Comey and Brennan.

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